Commercial Open Source blog is yet another year older, and it is time to zoom back once more and look at things happened during the fourth year of its live.
SOS Open Source has been my primary focus over the last year. I have been using my methodology to help customers, make available reports for vendors and also to qualify and select open source e-commerce applications. Stay tuned for more reports, the very next will be around open source monitoring.
Conferencing. Over the last year I have been keynoting at Novell and Red Hat events, organizing a series of events around open source for IBM (more to come), chairing the Analysts session at OWF, as well as giving speeches and managing round-tables discussions at cloud computing events.
EU-funded open source projects. Having been invited by the EU to bring my perspective around EU-funded open source projects’ sustainability, I started to share tips and hints about online dissemination. Of course I didn’t stop to look at existing projects, and I look forward to share more findings about some of them.
Last but not least I wish to thank my webmaster Matteo Ionescu for his great job.