Open Source Prize: Final month for APC Chris Nicol FOSS Prize 2007

Chris NicolPersons or groups making easy for people to start using free and open source software are urged to apply for the APC Chris Nicol FOSS Prize 2007, a price named in honor of Chris Nicol, a famous FOSS advocate died in 2005. Chris talking about free and open source software said:

What you get from working with other people [on FOSS development] is extremely rewarding. You get a way of collaborating with others, you get a human warmth that doesn’t exist in other areas, a sharing of skills and a lot of help from others.

Also APC believe that computers and the internet should be used for making the world a better place and they are looking for initiatives that:

  • improve the accessibility to, knowledge of and/or usability of FOSS
  • are user-oriented
  • are documented so that others can learn from and replicate the model
  • have demonstrable impact and have increased the number of people using FOSS on a day-to-day basis

I invite interested person or group to fill the application form before the end of March.

Technorati Tags: Chris Nicol, FOSS, APC