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  • Roberto Galoppini 5:36 pm on October 5, 2007 Permalink | Reply  

    Cocoon getTogether 2007 

    Today had been held in Rome the sixth edition of the Cocoon getTogether 2007, an event exclusively dedicated to Apache Cocoon.

    The GetTogether included the all-collaborative hackathon two days long, as well as nice social activities around Rome and surroundings.

    I enjoyed just the very beginning of the programme. I had the chance to listen to the introduction given by my friend Gianugo and Arje Cahn, but also practical case histories thank to Francesco Chicchiriccò.

    My best compliments to Semeru for the organization, and to Gianugo that actually was a great host, over night as well! 😉

    Technorati Tags: Cocoon, Cocoon GetTogether, GianugoRabellino

  • Roberto Galoppini 11:53 am on October 3, 2007 Permalink | Reply  

    Business Barcamp: Venture Camp in Rome 06-10-2007 

    Next saturday in Rome will be held the VentureCamp is a BarCamp dedicated to Venture Capital.

    People from around the world will share experiences and needs, either from VCs or entrepreneurs perspectives. If you want to know more about Venture Capitals and Start-ups, or if you wish to tell your story join us at the John Cabot University, in Via della Lungara 233 in the very center of Rome.

    Richard C. Boly from the U.S. Embassy in Rome – Programme Manager of Partnership for growth – and Jaqueline Maggi from the John Cabot University are among organizers, as Fabio Scriptavolant Masetti who originally asked me to join months ago.

    Among Venture Capitalists, Arturo Artom from Your Truman Show, Luigi Amati from META Group, Giacomo Marini from Noventi.

    Among high tech enterprises, besides the candidates to become “gazelles”, I am happy to see that Fabrizio Capobianco from Funambol will join the event, and also old friends like Marco Rossi from Movenda on behalf of the First Generation Network.

    Media coverage seems also pretty good, Alessio Jacona for Blogs4biz, Amanda Lorenzani for blognation Italy, Livia Iacolare for Intruders TV and Leo Sorge for Più Blog just to name some of them.

    Last but not least, I see also many friends are coming over, among them Andrea Gumina, Nexttlab CEO (Andrea, take a moment to correct your URI), Nicola Mattina, Tara Kelly, Luca Sartoni, Antonio Pavolini, and Roldano De Persio.

    Technorati Tags: Startup, Venture Capital, Barcamp, AmandaLorenzani, NicolaMattina, FabioMasetti, MarcoRossi, FabrizioCapobianco, Movenda, Funambol

  • Roberto Galoppini 4:05 pm on September 27, 2007 Permalink | Reply  

    Open Source VoIP: VON Europe conference 

    VON Europe Autumn – a European event where people from all over the world talked about where IP communications is going in Europe – today guested the “Open Source VoIP” conference.

    The conference “Open Source VoIP, sustainability of OS project in the business sector” was aimed at discovering how open source VoIP applications are doing in the ICT market.
    Jon ‘Maddog’ Hall, President of the Linux International association, opened the conference talking about “Telephone, Free Software and Emerging Economies“, introducing the audience to the Free Software and raising some important questions about emerging economies.

    Jon Hall MaddogJon Hall Maddog by Pizel y Dixel

    Alfonso Fuggetta spoke about Open Source business models. He raised interesting issues related to false myths, like the software commoditization. He eventually ended saying that proprietary and open source firms are offering basically the same services, despite Jon and I were giving him evidence of the opposite.

    Greg VanceDigium Sales Manager – brought the discussion on a practical ground talking about “Asterisk: an OS project that has become mainstream. What’s new“, telling us about the product and the company, included the new CEO and other open positions. I asked him about Digium’s revenue and I learned that 85% of their incomes gets from hardware, than training, services and double-licensing do the rest.

    The co-founder of the OpenSer project Bogdan-Andrei Iancu, who magicly appeared from nowhere when was his turn, talked about “The OpenSer: from Universities to industrial applications”. It amazed me to know how spread is the usage of the OpenSer, especially by universities but not limited to them.

    Diego Gosmar gave a speech entitled “Beyond the Asterisk World..what’s around“, giving a good picture of the Asterisk ecosystem, made by many local small firms delivering basic services (installation, configuration, etc). We agreed that there is a need for a better organized ecosystem, going beyond the Asterisk partnership program, may be through marketplaces or productizing services.

    A Questions&Answers session was held at the very end of the conference, resulting in questions about GPL licensing. As a matter of fact, the public is getting more and more conscious about open source applications and pose practical questions.

    Technorati Tags: Commercial Open Source, Open Source SIP, Open Source PBX, Asterisk, OpenSer , JonHallMaddog, AlfonsoFuggetta, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu, RobertoGaloppini

    • Randy Claines 6:07 pm on July 19, 2008 Permalink

      I use VMukti for my vopi open source needs and has been nominated for the CCA 2008.

      Haven’t used VMukti yet? Well I bet you have a need for it already. VMukti is a Free, innovative, multi-point total communications, collaboration and conferencing engine with built-in support for access to platform features through Personal Customizable Web Interface, Widgets for 3rd party websites, Desktops, and PSTN/ Mobile/ IP Phones. VMukti has been nominated for CCA 2008.

      Help VMukti get the support they need from the user community to continue developing such a great project. You can show your support by recognizing this software in the SourceForge.net 2008 Community Choice Awards. This recognition will help ensure that their software gets the attention it needs to continue to provide a great set of features to the software community.

      You can vote for the software on SourceForge.net by going here:


      Winning this award would mean big things for all the users at VMukti.

  • Roberto Galoppini 3:40 pm on September 26, 2007 Permalink | Reply  

    OpenOffice.org Italian Association: invitation for the third Italian OpenOffice.org conference 

    The OpenOffice.org Italian Native-Lang Project (PLIO) invites you to the third Italian OpenOffice.org conference, that will be held in Florence on the 25th of October, by the QuiFree event.

    Free Software, Open Standards  and case histories
    The conference will cover OpenOffice.org state of the art, reporting feedbacks from the recent OpenOffice.org Conference held in Barcellona (videos available). Case histories will also be presented.

    PLIO volunteers will be happy to introduce you to OpenOffice.org 2.3, and you might get your chance to donate some money to PLIO no profit Association.

    If you want to join us, please fill in the registration module.

    Technorati Tags: OpenOffice, OpenOffice Italian Conference, PLIO, QuiFree

  • Roberto Galoppini 10:28 am on September 25, 2007 Permalink | Reply  

    Open Source myths: Carlo Daffara asks your input on Groklaw 

    Carlo Daffara wrote an article, that is part of the project FLOSSMETRICS, answering the Tim O’Reilly‘s “Ten Myths about Open Source Software“, a keynote speech given in 1999 to an audience of Fortune 500 executives.
    Since those myths are still perceived as true at some extent, Carlo tried to provide some pragmatic answers and asks for your opinions on Groklaw, so far 318 comments are already listed!

    May I request your input? This article is part of our research in the EU project FLOSSMETRICS, where we are preparing a guide for helping small and medium-sized enterprises on the adoption of free/libre/open source software (FLOSS). As the first version of the guide will be ready soon, I would ask my fellow Groklawers for suggestions on what additional aspects you would like to see in the guide, as the results will be freely published under a CC-attribution-share-alike, allowing also for commercial use. We already have planned chapters on software selection, adoption methodologies (especially for the smaller companies), guidelines for contributing code to FLOSS projects, interaction with public administrations, and an initial selection of 50-60 interesting packages for SMEs. I welcome suggestions on additional topics, and of course criticisms and corrections.

    Technorati Tags: groklaw, open source myths, carlodaffara, flossmetrics

  • Roberto Galoppini 7:16 pm on September 21, 2007 Permalink | Reply  

    Open Source e-learning: Italian conference on e-learning and multimedia 

    Today in Agrigento has been held the Italian Conference on e-learning and multimedia, an event aimed at disseminating multimedia and e-learning practices and researches’ results.

    I really enjoyed joining the conference, actually covering few different topics related to applications, infrastructures, but also pedagogic research and teaching and learning strategies.

    Among speakers, professor Gianni Messina – who kindly invited me to give a speech on my professional blogging experience – spoke about tourism applications and media education. He mentioned also a weird and funny medieval help desk!

    Little surprise I had not been the only speaker talking about Open Source at the conference. Professor Giuseppe Adorni talking about the EPICT project mentioned the usage of Joomla!, Plone and Mediawiki.

    Starting from my blog experience I introduced students and researchers to different blogging styles, mentioning possible usage with Libraries, and stressing the importance of RSS (ignoring RSS is also listed within “How NOT to use blogs in education“). I found students interested into blog metrics, so I spent some time talking about page-rank, technorati, blog juice and “how much is your blog worth“.

    Talking about blog platforms I spent few words about WordPress and MovableType, showing a comparative graph reporting WordPress taking over SixApart.

    I ended mentioning new blog trends, going from video-blogging to mobile-blogging (jaiku, twitter & Co.), and eventually enjoing a great dinner with participants and organizers.

    Technorati Tags: e-learning, giannimessina, agrigento, learning systems

  • Roberto Galoppini 6:59 pm on September 18, 2007 Permalink | Reply  

    European Community vs Microsoft: Interoperability wins? 

    The Court of First Instance found Microsoft guilty of preventing rivals in server software and products such as media players. In the next two months Microsoft could appeal at the European Court of Justice.

    PreventPrevent..by jasoneppink

    Neelie Kroes, European Commissioner for Competition Policy, said:

    So what does this judgement mean for the future?

    First, and most importantly, it sends a clear signal that super-dominant companies cannot abuse their position to hurt consumers and dampen innovation by excluding competitors in related markets.

    I asked also my friend Simo Sorce, Samba developer and the Samba Team GPL Compliance Officer his opinion, and he told me:

    This sentence is extremely important, it finally establish as a fact the abuses of Microsoft in the market. I think that this is a remarkable result, and I hope that now Microsoft will provide documentation so that interoperability can be achieved in a more timely and open manner, without blocking development of Free/Open Source Software solutions.

    Carlo Piana, FSFE’s legal counsel, in the same vein:

    FSFE and the Samba Team welcome the decision of the court. This is a milestone for competition. It puts an end to the notion that deliberate obfuscation of standards and designed lock-in is an acceptable business model and forces Microsoft back into competing on the grounds of software technology.

    So apparently it is a great day for Open Source advocates, but I believe FFII is pretty right saying Microsoft might trump EU competition with (European) software patents, as results from Pieter Hintjens statement:

    The decision seems positive but it is five years out of date. During that time, Microsoft has lobbied for software patents in Europe and bought patents on many trivial concepts. It has claimed patent violations against Linux, put patent timebombs into its formats and interfaces, and turned fear of patents into a core part of its business strategy. It will now open its formats, because that lets it extend its software patent franchise even further.

    I would suggest Italian and European IT firms, especially medium to big ones, to invest some money to help natural born lobbyists, or accept software patents will affect their business, either open or proprietary.

    Technorati Tags: Microsoft, FSFE, EU, software patents, FFII, SimoSorce, CarloPiana, NeelieKroes, PieterHintjens

  • Roberto Galoppini 2:04 pm on September 14, 2007 Permalink | Reply  

    File Format War: Microsoft spokesman answers some issues 

    Ten days ago OOXML vote in ISO/IEC JTC1 failed, as results clearly by the official ISO announcement.

    Approval requires at least 2/3 (i.e. 66.66 %) of the votes cast by national bodies participating in ISO/IEC JTC 1 to be positive; and no more than 1/4 (i.e. 25 %) of the total number of national body votes cast negative. Neither of these criteria were achieved, with 53 % of votes cast by national bodies participating in ISO/IEC JTC 1 being positive and 26 % of national votes cast being negative.

    Since this vote is not the end of the process, that will go until February when another JTC-1 meeting in Geneva will take place, I posed some questions to Andrea Valboni, Italian Microsoft’s CTO (read the disclosure).

    Lighting from Bill's fingertipsLighting from fingertips would be a plus, by urbanbohemian

    Despite many O countries voted yes, only half of P members were favorable, why that in your opinion?

    The fast track process for DIS29500 [name for ECMA OpenXML] has catalyzed the interest of many NBs around the world, and this is a counter-proof of the importance that many countries sees in this fact. As a consequence the debate around this technical specification has been very healthy and the numbers of countries participating to the five months discussion has been fairly higher with respect to the approval of ISO26300. As expected, P members has been affected by an intense lobbying activity by both sides and some of them felt that the only way to have their technical comments being considered by ISO was to express a “conditional approval”, which means a disapprove vote that could change to an approve if the issues reported as comments will be addressed.

    Passing from 30 full voting members to 41 in six months could be a sign of democracy in action, but participating ISO processes it is far to be open, since you have to pay about 2000 euros.

    As Kretchmer clearly stated years ago, among the ten requirements that enable Open Standards Open Meeting is the first of the list. But the very first barrier for stakeholders to participation in the standardization process is just the economic one. Paying to become a member IS a barrier.

    About “the right” to stack a committee, while I have not been asked by Microsoft to join the ISO/IEC JTC1, I have been contacted by representatives of the opponent tribe who kindly offered me to pay my fee.

    Despite I am pretty sure that Andy Updegrove is right saying

    That vote was marred by accusations in many countries around the world of overly aggressive conduct upon the part of Microsoft alleges, but has not substantiated, similar charges against opponents of OOXML.

    I believe that sooner or later similar charges against opponents will come out.

    Getting back to OOXML Frederic Couchet, spokesman for APRIL, said that:

    The OOXML format contains significant design flaws [and it will be difficult to correct them] other than by starting again from scratch, or by enriching the already existing standard, Open Document Format.

    Do you think that Microsoft would be able to propose modifications at the next ballot resolution meeting to make national bodies wish to withdraw their negative votes?

    Standards exists in ISO addressing the same topic area, like networking or multimedia representation, all of them come from a different story and user requirements. The same applies to document’s representation, where ISO26300 coexists with ISO19005 (PDF/A) and DIS 29500 is just a different way to represent unstructured information, which reflect a different perspective on how information can be handled. Is it technically better than ISO26300? It is difficult to judge, only time can prove this and ISVs acceptance. We never criticized ISO26300 for technical imperfections; there are, of course, as in any technical specification, but this is not the main point: the two are just different. ECMA TC45 who worked on OOXML contributed significantly in improving the technical specifications, with about additional 2000 pages which added to the original 4000; we think the work of those people, coming from 12 different companies, should be respected and not simply stamp it as “significantly flawed”. The increasing numbers of developers and companies who are building solutions on this technical spec demonstrate that the standard is usable and not that flowed.
    As part of ECMA, Microsoft will provide its support in addressing the technical comments presented by different countries, but is ultimately ECMA job to provide satisfactory proposals to resolve objections. As far as our role in the national organization, UNINFO, we agreed on the proposal presented by Leonardo Chiariglione during the discussion period, to support the development of a reference implementation and testing procedures for DIS29500, to be released according to an open source model, in order to facilitate the adoption of the standard. This proposal is attached as a comment to the Italian voting position and we confirm our commitment in supporting this proposal within the ISO organization.

    I believe that the Association PLIO, who is actively participating the standardization process, would be interested to further investigate such opportunity.

    Thanks for your answers and.. happy hacking! 😉

    Full disclosure.
    In different time, I had some collaboration with Microsoft, since they need to better understand the free software principles and the business model and to validate their thoughts on how to find ways to cooperate with the free and open source world on interoperability, licensing schemas and possibly joint initiatives.

    Technorati Tags: File Format, OpenXML, JTC1, AndreaValboni, AndyUpdregrove, FredericCouchet, APRIL, PLIO, OpenOffice

    • Simon Phipps 6:02 pm on September 14, 2007 Permalink

      I believe that sooner or later similar charges against opponents will come out.

      I’m not sure that’s the point though, Roberto. In my experience of various standards bodies, paying for experts to be involved is relatively normal. I’m sure we’ll find that various companies engaged various others to represent them or at least to participate from previously known positions.

      The issue with the recent OOXML vote was less that people were recruited to the committees and more the numbers in which they were recruited. The recruitment may have been both within the rules and part of normal practice. But the scale of the recruitment was not.

    • Roberto Galoppini 6:42 pm on September 14, 2007 Permalink


      you are raising a very important issue, I believe. This time, much more than other times were the general public was less interested or aware on the subject, we saw an amazing lobbying activity. Despite I am a fan of ODF, I think it is fair to let people know that JTC1 commissions were under a simultaneous bilateral attack.

      Talking about real problems, I am afraid that ISO is publicly showing its limits. I really hope that all this will help us to get ISO’s participation and decision processes more similar to IETF.

      It is really great time for a change, now.

    • Dave 12:57 pm on September 15, 2007 Permalink

      Even if the “opponent tribe” was found to have used similar lobbying efforts, how does that make Microsoft’s actions any more positive? Also, why haven’t we heard about these lobbying efforts by now? I think that IBM, Sun and others definitely lobbied hard for ODF, but not using the underhanded tactics of stacking votes and buying support. There’s a difference.

    • Roberto Galoppini 8:31 am on September 16, 2007 Permalink


      what I am pointing out here is that both sides managed to fool ISO, and it is not a big deal. ODF didn’t require a strong lobby activity as far as I know, and in this respect there is a difference, I agree.

      If you didn’t heard about opponents lobbying efforts I would suggest you to check out how many members get at the very end of the process in Italy, and how did they vote. Enlightening.

  • Roberto Galoppini 3:55 pm on September 4, 2007 Permalink | Reply  

    Open Source VoIP: “Open source Sustainability from the business perspective” conference at VON Europe 

    VON Europe Autumn will be held in Rome on the 26th and 27th of September, industry leaders from all over the world will talk about where IP communications is going in Europe. SIP, IMS, IPTV and Voice are all being covered at this event, along Open Source Telephony issues and perspectives.

    As chairman of the “Open Source Sustainability from the business perspective” conference I will be pleased to introduce Jon Hall ‘Maddog’ who will open the conference talking of “Open Source Telephony: the winning application in the Open Source world?”.

    Jon Hall MaddogJon Hall Maddog by Pizel y Dixel

    Next to him professor Alfonso Fuggetta will give a speech about “New Business Models and Open Source”, a topic he is looking into from a while now.

    Greg VanceDigium Sales Manager – will bring us in the domain of Open Source PBX, talking about “Asterisk: an OS project that has become mainstream. What’s new”.

    Bogdan-Andrei Iancu – CEO of VOICE SYSTEM and co-founder of the OpenSER project – who on Wednesday 26 will held also a course on OpenSER Administration, will talk about “The OpenSer: from Universities to industrial applications”, an Open Source SIP server.Last but not least, Diego Gosmar, Giuseppe Innamorato, Stefano Osler, authors of the book “Asterisk e dintorni” will talk About Asterisk and beyond.

    Technorati Tags: Commercial Open Source, Open Source SIP, Open Source PBX, Asterisk, OpenSer , JonHallMaddog, AlfonsoFuggetta, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu

  • Roberto Galoppini 10:47 pm on August 31, 2007 Permalink | Reply  

    Internet Governance Forum: “Dialogue Forum on Internet Rights”, Rome 27-09-2007 

    The Italian Government in the framework of the Internet Governance Forum process, and in cooperation with the UN and the IGF Secretariat, Italy will organize a “Dialogue Forum on Internet Rights”, to be held in Rome on 27 September 2007.

    The conference will be open to any interested stakeholder. Registration form as draft agenda are available on-line.

    The organizers would like to encourage the submission of short written contributions that will then be summarized and introduced to the audience during the conference. Such contributions should focus on the two issues raised by the IGF Dynamic Coalition on the Internet Bill of Rights as working items for this year, and specifically:

    • Which are the appropriate forms and instruments to implement and better define human rights and duties in the Internet environment?
    • What areas and types of rights and duties, relevant to the Information Society, should be part of this work and of its results?

    Contributions should be submitted by September 20 through the conference web site. The contributions, as well as the results of the conference, will also be used as preparatory material for the workshop that the Dynamic Coalition will hold at the second IGF in Rio de Janeiro.


    The Government of Brazil will host in Rio de Janeiro on 12 – 15 November 2007 the second Internet Governance Forum meeting. The IGF website – run by the IGF Secretariat – supports the United Nations Secretary-General in carrying out the mandate from the World Summit on the Information Society with regard to convening a new forum for multi-stakeholder policy dialogue – namely the Internet Governance Forum.

    Technorati Tags: Internet Governance Forum, Italy, Rome, Open Consultation

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