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  • Roberto Galoppini 2:47 pm on February 5, 2008 Permalink | Reply  

    Microsoft Italy launches Mclips 

    Yesterday Microsoft announced Mclips, an open blog to discuss with Microsoft Italy employees about technology & lifestyle, job opportunities and Microsoft’s initiatives.

    Jan van den BeldJan van den Beld by Digital PR

    About 30-40 Microsoft’s employees will be involved in this communication project, as explained Carlo Rossanigo introducing the new blogging platform.

    Unfortunately we couldn’t play with Mclips during the event, but I happened to speak with Mario Derba, Microsoft Italy CEO, about the future of Microsoft’s distribution channel, as reported by my friend Andrea Genovese (7th floor Director).

    I told Pierpaolo Boccadamo, head of Microsoft’s Platform Strategy by the Italian subsidiary, that we are looking forward to see Microsoft opening the Italian Open Source Software Lab (a sort of Port25 Lab).

    Last but not least I am glad Microsoft invited Jan van den Beld, the Secretary General of Ecma International. I had a chance to speak with about standardization bodies, OpenXML and many other issues. More on this soon.

    Technorati Tags: Microsoft, Italian blogosphere, Italian bloggers, Mclips, CarloRossanigo, PierpaoloBoccadamo, MarioDerba, JanVanDenBeld

  • Roberto Galoppini 10:38 pm on February 3, 2008 Permalink | Reply  

    Microsoft Italy meets the Italian blogosphere 

    Microsoft Italy invited some Italian bloggers to talk about the present and the future of the IT market, (permanent) interoperability and open standards, technological and business trends, web 2.0 and software+services.

    It will be also a chance to talk about Microsoft’s products and strategies with Mario Derba, recently appointed Microsoft Italy CEO. I am looking forward to know if Paula Rooney is right being doubtful about Zimbra’s future.

    Follow me on twitter tomorrow, from 6 PM (GMT+1)!

    Technorati Tags: Microsoft, Open Source Strategy, Open Standards, MarioDerba, Italian blogosphere, Italian bloggers, PaulaRooney, Zimbra

  • Roberto Galoppini 6:52 am on February 2, 2008 Permalink | Reply  

    Linux on Desktop? European Organization represents EU OS firms, Open Positions: press, facts and figures 2-02-2008 

    Myself interviewed by Marco Trotta for “Il Manifesto” – Is finally the Linux on desktop year? I doubt, likely Linux in 2008 will take over in the mobile phone market though.

    EU: Organization to represent Open Source SMEs – If I am not wrong Rishab Gosh told me something about it.. meme to myself: send an email to Rishab now!

    FR: Government economic commission recommends Open Source – France should increase the use of Open Source software, says an economic commission headed by the French economist and policy adviser Jacques Attali.

    Attention Yahoos! – Ross suggests Yahoos to join Socialtext!

  • Roberto Galoppini 2:38 pm on February 1, 2008 Permalink | Reply  

    European Open Source Projects: Qualipso Conference (part I) 

    The First International QualiPSo conference – “Boosting innovation and growth by fostering Open Source Software trust and quality” – took place in Rome on the 16th and 17th of January, with international speakers from 30 different countries.

    beginningRemember how it all began.. by .bradi.

    IT executives from major players were joining industry round tables, and public officers and agencies presented their views, but there were no free software projects’ representatives, and only one open source vendor (François Bancilhon, take a moment to read his open letter to Steve Ballmer).

    Unfortunately I missed the chance to meet the Minister Luigi Nicolais, who opened the conference emphasizing the role that Open Source can play in the society development. I really would have liked to ask him about the 10 millions euro open source funds.

    Getting back to the conference, the first session I attended was “OSS in the world – implementing open source for innovation and growth: experiences and practices“. Diego Lo Giudice, Principal Consultant at Forrester, talked about future trends, basically telling things in the know: OSS becomes a major ingredient for “commercial software” – apparently he is missing that Commercial and Open Source are still not antonyms – substantially agreeing with Gartner; OSS puts downward pressure on “commercial software” license pricing, etc. The Forrester’s survey on open source usage in Enterprise and SMB in America and Europe was pretty interesting, though (slide 6-8 of his presentation).

    Alfonso Fuggetta gave the same speech he gave at the VON Europe Conference. He concluded that embedded software and pervasive ICT are a huge opportunity, blue oceans are appealing.

    Yuan Cheng, Deputy Director for Information Industry Bureau of Heilongjiang Province of China, talked about China’s long term evolution vision about open source, putting everything in a totally different temporal perspective (100 years!). He also said that he looks at QualiPSo as a good starting point, being a chance to broaden networking opportunity. In this respect I also believe QualiPSo is playing an important role in this respect, but this specific goal could be achieved without EU spending big bucks.

    Roberto Di Cosmo gave a great speech, explaining why the OS industry need engineers and developers able to cope with communities (soon more on his idea of resumes FOSS ready) and briefing the audience about the Groupe Thématique Logiciel Libre, a French pole de competitivite (competence center) funding FOSS projects. He ended his speech saying:

    FOSS is here now, let’s make sure it will scale up.

    Stefano De Panfilis – QualiPSo project coordinator and Research and Development Laboratory Director at Engineering Informatica – closed the first day talking about “Leveraging OSS“. He said that we should move from rebellion to industrialized practices, keeping the freshness and enthusiasm tradition of free software projects. I totally agree with the statement, and I am looking forward to see more contamination at the next meetings, maybe inviting selected speakers from different communities. (to be continued)

    Technorati Tags: Commercial Open Source, open business, oss, qualiPSo, RobertoDiCosmo, DiegoLoGiudice, AlfonsoFuggetta, YuanCheng, François Bancilhon, StefanoDePanfilis, System@tic, Forrester

  • Carlo Daffara 3:19 pm on January 31, 2008 Permalink | Reply  

    OpenTTT days at CeBIT 

    After a quite successful meeting in Rome, (where Roberto was so kind to join and help me) the OpenTTT project will be hosting a matching event within the CeBIT FutureMatch.

    meeting pointMeeting Point by Varf

    From the CeBIT website: “The EU project Open TTT is supporting enterprises in finding, applying and developing the right Open Source Software to fulfill their specific needs. By collaborating with Open TTT the IRC Future Match 2008 has expanded its breadth to include the Open Source Software sector and thus offers a mediation platform for innovative Open Source Software offers and requests.”

    In the past event, FutureMatch organized more than 1200 one-to-one meetings between companies, and it is my hope that a significant number of those in the next edition will be for open source services between OSS providers and end-users. I would like to invite any interested company willing to be there to register at the FutureMatch site; please choose “Open TTT” as “Assisting Organisation” during your registration to receive free entrance tickets for the CeBIT 2008.

    The OpenTTT project is evaluating a novel approach to help in the OSS adoption process, by “industrializing” the matching process between the demand for software with the necessary functionalities and the offer (the whole set of suitable OSS packages). The mediation process is designed to find the best selection of tools and projects that can best match the expressed needs, and then we try to create one-to-one (or many-to-one, when more than one company is interested in paying for modifications or updates) business exchanges between the potential customers and the OSS-based companies that provide support or services on the selected packages. This approach has been tested in several workshops, held in France, Germany, Italy and Bulgaria and will be refined with the results of the FutureMatch event; we plan to leverage our experience to create a standardized approach to OSS mediation, eventually creating a “blueprint” for competency centers based on the OpenTTT model. Maybe this may be the basis for improving existing marketplaces?

    • Roberto Galoppini 5:49 pm on February 3, 2008 Permalink

      I enjoyed joining the Italian OpenTTT workshop held in Rome on the 14 th of January, as I found appropriate and interesting Carlo’s speech on open source solutions for horizontal and vertical needs needs.

      Talking about the audience I was disappointed by the small number of attendees joining the conference, and I spoke about that with Martina Desole (APRE agency).

      Martina, who opened the conference talking about APRE’s role and presenting the participation of OpenTTT to Cebit FutureMatch, on the contrary was happy because with 17 attendees they reached the established target (namely at least 4 members for every vertical “club” among Energy&Environment, Industry Production, Transport and Public Administration).

      I don’t know how these targets are defined, but I believe that four participants for each vertical segment are not enough to drive conclusions out of mere assumptions. OpenTTT definitely needs a broader audience to verify and test its OSS mediation approach, let’s see if Cebit FutureMatch could help in this respect.

    • Carlo Daffara 8:46 am on February 4, 2008 Permalink

      The reason for Martina to be happy can be traced probably to the fact that for traditional matching processes 17 attendees can be considered a good participation 🙂
      The project has reached an overall of around 100 companies that were audited, submitted requests, and for which a match was found. In this sense, the number is sufficient to obtain some results, like the fact that there is limited difference in the horizontal requests (across company size and across different countries) and that we were able to match 95% of the requests directly with a single project.
      The biggest problem found is that in Italy (less so in Germany and France) the number of interested OSS companies was quite low, and most were not interested in participating in the matching process. I suspect that here we have a confirmation of Roberto (and mine) hypothesis that Italy has a strongly underdeveloped commercialization channel, and for this reason the market itself is still immature. I estimate that we are 2-3 years behind France in this respect, and probably 5 years away from a “well formed” market for OSS companies.

    • Roberto Galoppini 12:27 pm on February 4, 2008 Permalink

      Carlo I believe that the underdeveloped commercialization channel it is a partial answer, since covers only IT firms. In my opinion vertical needs are potentially interesting for a broader audience, resulting in the ideal match for projects like OpenTTT.

      In my understanding projects like OpenTTT would need an appropriate budget to promote its events, otherwise technical findings could end to be a tool for (few) geeks.

  • Roberto Galoppini 11:34 pm on January 30, 2008 Permalink | Reply  

    Italian Conferences: “What’s ahead in Security”, Whitfield Diffie 

    Tomorrow at the University of Rome, located in Via Salaria 113, Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman – famous for their invention of public key cryptography in cooperation with Ralph Merkle – will give a speech entitled “What’s ahead in Security”.

    The conference is organized by Sun Microsystems, Diffie is Chief Security Officer at Sun.

    Technorati Tags: Diffie Whitfield, Martin Hellman, public key cryptography, Sun

  • Egor Grebnev 1:12 pm on January 29, 2008 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: cognitive, cuneiform, ocr   

    Open Source OCR: Russian OCR engine to be published as FOSS 

    OCR is one of the few markets that are not fully internationalized yet. An OCR that can decently process Cyrillic texts for now can only come from Russia. And there are no more than two at the moment: ABBYY FineReader and Cognitive Cuneiform.

    Both trace their origins to the late Soviet-era government research projects that were commercialized in the nineties. However, Cuneiform started to lose its position in the consumer market by the end of the decade, then the application saw very little progress since 2000, and now it is generally unknown among end-users. Cognitive, who has by now shifted to systems integration market, has finally decided to open up Cuneiform, make it available as freeware immediately on a dedicated website and publish under an open source license in March, 2008.

    What makes it interesting is that Cuneiform will be the second OCR system to be published as Open Source after years of development inactivity along with Tessaract published by HP in 2005. Thus, the market of Open Source OCR will quite unexpectedly become competitive.

    The most probable idea behind the decisions of both Cognitive and HP is to put to work the unemployed resources so that they start producing at least minimal benefit. It looks like a simple ‘let’s see’ action, and no clear business model seems to be lying behind it.

    But with the recent increase of interest of the Russian authorities in Free Software usage at middle schools, the demand for the liberated Cuneiform could become considerable. However, until the government’s plan to shift all schools to Free Software by 2009 is fulfilled at least partially, it is very difficult to say what this state-supported middle-school FOSS market will look like and what its rules will be. But if it comes to reality, Cognitive has all chances to be a player there by simply having used the available resources in a smart way at the right moment.

    Technorati Tags: oss, ocr, Cognitive, ABBYY, Tessaract, Cuneiform, Russia, schools

    • Roberto Galoppini 10:14 pm on January 29, 2008 Permalink

      Ciao Egor,

      I just search for OCR on ohloh, an open source network – that just went open source – aimed at providing visibility into FOSS development. I think you might sign up and become a contributor, promoting Cognitive as soon as it will be released as open source.

    • Emily 5:05 pm on January 31, 2008 Permalink

      This is excellent news – I have no expertise in the Russian language and have been trying to do research on old propaganda posters in our library. Now I can try some digital translation tools on a few of the pamphelets I have around. Thanks so much for posting this!

    • Egor Grebnev 6:02 pm on January 31, 2008 Permalink


      Glad to know it was helpful for you!

    • Max 11:58 am on July 1, 2008 Permalink

      Very useful information for me. Thank you.

    • kfke 7:00 pm on July 30, 2008 Permalink

      please send me OCR

    • alex 8:39 pm on August 21, 2008 Permalink

      I’m translating a book from Russian to English I want build a tools to do this for me. After having scanned all pages I will run this tool and watch it work it’s magic. This is great info. Thank you.

  • Roberto Galoppini 8:54 am on January 29, 2008 Permalink | Reply  

    Open Source Government: Open Source and the Department of Defense, David Wheeler webinar 

    Open Source Software (OSS) and the DoD, a Webinar sponsored by DACS will be held by David Wheeler on the 2 of November at 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM EST.

    David WheelerDavid Wheeler by swhisher

    Open source software (OSS) has become widespread, but there are many misconceptions about it – resulting in numerous missed opportunities.
    This presentation will clarify what OSS is (and isn’t), rebut common misunderstandings about OSS, discuss the relationship of OSS and security, discuss how to find and evaluate OSS, and explain OSS licensing (including how to combine products and select a license).
    It will show why nearly all extant OSS is COTS software, and thus why it’s illegal (as well as foolish) to ignore OSS options.

    Title:Open Source Software (OSS) and the DoD
    Date: Monday, February 11, 2008
    Time: 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM EST

    System Requirements
    PC-based attendees
    Required: Windows® 2000, XP Home, XP Pro, 2003 Server, Vista

    Macintosh®-based attendees
    Required: Mac OS® X 10.3.9 (Panther®) or newer

    .. and what about Linux-based attendees? 😉

    Space is limited, Reserve your Webinar seat now!

    Technorati Tags: Open Source Government, DavidWheeler, dacs, webinar, open source procurement, open source governance

    (More …)

  • Roberto Galoppini 6:59 pm on January 28, 2008 Permalink | Reply  

    Open Source Tools: more on HP’s FOSSology anf FOSSBazar 

    The HP’s announcement of the availability of FOSSology, an open source tool to track and monitor the use of FOSS within an organization, and FOSSBazaar, a community platform to discuss best practices related to the governance of FOSS, is getting public attention.

    Martin Michlmayr, recently hired by HP to play the FOSSBazaar Community Manager, introduced me to Phil Robb – Engineering Section Manager in the Open Source and Linux Organization at HP – and I asked him more about the idea behind HP’s initiative.

    HP see’s a lot of fear uncertainty and doubt about FOSS from too many of the customers we work with – said him during a gorgeous dinner here in Rome – the FUD is not in the developers, it’s in the other folks in these companies who are responsible for the governance of the corporate software assets.

    The managers, legal team, procurement folks ,etc in HP have been working with FOSS a long time, and we are confident and comfortable with our use of FOSS and our support and participation in the community. We know there are other organizations like ours out there as well.

    It is obvious to us that if we help to build a “general consensus” across the corporate world as to how to manage FOSS, then many more organizations will also be confident and comfortable with their use of FOSS and therefore it’s adoption and usage will grow (along with the FOSS community in general). We think this is a good thing for both FOSS and the corporate community.

    If HP is recognized as a driving force behind this improved understanding of FOSS, then both the community and these corporate customers will look more favorably on HP, and our capabilities regarding FOSS than they have in the past. HP’s current reputation isn’t bad or negative, but it’s also not that well known. We want to improve that.

    Is HP going to kill Black Duck and or Palamida businesses? Both Black Duck and Palamida are welcoming the initiative, and I believe that HP is in the position to add momentum to the use of open source software without affecting their business.

    HP Open Source Health Check is a set of services HP is offering to its customers. Some of them are using the fixed-time fixed price formula, moving from the classical artisanship approach to an industrial way to deliver open source value. Others, like the Open Source Governance Assessment Service and the TCO Analysis Service, require a deep understanding of both closed and open source platforms in a variety of sectors, and sound pretty difficult to sell worldwide as a “productized service“.

    Matt Asay stressed the fact that HP is not creating a proprietary product, but going open source is probably the only way to get people’s attention in short time, and partnering with many important firms – like Google, Novell and SourceForge just to name a few -for co-authoring FLOSSBazar’s content it is definitely a smart move.

    Talking about FLOSSology, I am looking forward to see if now that Ohloh went open source it will eventually be included at same point. In the meantime I warmly suggest to insert either FLOSSology and FLOSSBazar on Savannah, considering that searching for Open Source Selection on google returns the Savannah’s entry for QSOS project as the very first result.

    Last but not least helping medium to large customers to understand if, within commercial Linux distributions in use by their systems, there are components and modules not supported by the vendor could be a plus.

    Am I right Phil?

    Technorati Tags: HP, FOSSology, FOSSBazar, Ohloh, open source selection, QSOS, Savannah, PhilRobb

    About Phil Robb.
    Phil Robb is Chairman, and General Manager of; a website and community dedicated to improving the governance and adoption of free and open source software within enterprises, institutions, and governments. Phil is also a section manager at Hewlett Packard leading their Open Source Programs Office. In that role Phil manages several product development teams focused on open source solutions and governance including the FOSSology project. Phil is also responsible for HP’s Open Source Review Board which is the governing body within HP for all open source software usage and deployment. Prior to joining HP in 2001, Phil held senior management and technical positions at Critical Path, Fisher Scientific, Motorola, and Honeywell-Bull. Phil received a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Management Information Systems from Bowling Green State University, and attended Colorado State University toward a Masters degree in Computer Science.

    • Ross Turk 8:31 pm on January 29, 2008 Permalink

      Hey Roberto! Thanks for writing about this story. Over here at, we’ve been talking with the FOSSology team for a while now, and we’re committed to helping them in any way we can. I’m actually looking forward to meeting them face-to-face during the upcoming season of trade shows to talk about our path forward.

      I think that the location of open source code in a large, heterogeneous codebase is of high importance to everyone involved. From my perspective, this isn’t necessarily proof that companies should fear open source technology, as Dana Blankenhorn suggests ( This doesn’t have to be seen as an intrusion detection system for wicked alien code.

      Instead, I think this should be seen as a tool that companies can use to be well-educated on the license requirements of any code they utilize, so they can respect them and act accordingly.

      I also think it’s more than a little bit cool that open source code is of such tremendous usefulness that engineers are consistently taking advantage of it to “get the job done”…so much so that it compels business owners to consider the various legal implications. I believe, as Phil does, that providing tools to help business owners better understand just how valuable open source code is to their business will be a good community investment.


    • Roberto Galoppini 11:32 pm on January 29, 2008 Permalink

      Hi Ross,

      it is always a pleasure to receive your feedback!

      Dana is right saying that (medium to large) enterprises need their own internal network of engineers and programmers, but this can hardly be the first step. I see HP now offering services previously offered only by small open source firms, and that is good. The FOSS market need more momentum, and HP can greatly help the process, changing open source perception by large customers.

      As I wrote I see also some space to offer value added services, license compliance it is just one of them.

  • Roberto Galoppini 2:08 pm on January 25, 2008 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , DougLevin, FLOSSBazaar, FLOSSology, , , , StevenGrandchamp,   

    Open Source Tools: HP launches FOSSology and FOSSBazaar 

    HP just announced the availability of FOSSology, an open source tool that can be used to track and monitor the use of Open Source software within an organization. The main functionality made available at the moment is license detection, more features will be added in the next future.

    At the Linux Meets Business conference held yesterday in Germany Christine Martino – Vice President Open Source and Linux Organization at HP – introduced also FOSSBazaar, a community platform to discuss best practices related to the governance of FOSS.

    I had the chance to learn more about HP open source plans just last week, when Martin Mychlmayr invited me to talk with him, Phil Robb – Engineering Section Manager in the Open Source and Linux Organization at HP - and Bernard Marclay, FOSS Marketing Manager at HP.

    HP wants to demonstrate its experience with FOSS Governance obtained in over 7 years for internal purposes, and it will be offering services related to FOSS Governance at large (e.g. defining open source policies, supporting the adoption process with its consulting division, etc).

    As a matter of fact they are partnering with many actors. Doug Levin – Black Duck software CEO – made some public statements welcoming FOSSology’s introduction. Steven Grandchamp - OpenLogic CEO – asked to comment the announcement told me:

    As a Strategic Sponsor of FOSSBazaar, OpenLogic is working with others to provide information and tools that help enterprises understand the issues around open source governance.  Sharing our open source expertise, along with tools like OpenLogic’s OSS Discovery (which produces an inventory of open source being used) and HP’s FOSSology (which uncovers licenses in open source), will help enterprises leverage the significant financial benefits of open source software.

    Also Stormy Peters is blogging on the matter, and others will come. While having dinner with HP people honestly I couldn’t come out with a firm’s name that they didn’t contact yet. We also spoke about the business side of the initiative, I will soon write on the matter.

    The man behind the FOSSBazar community. 

    Martin, a known Debian developer and fellow researcher, is the man behind the FOSSBazar community. He is the FOSSBazaar Community Manager, and he will be working with partners to define content, help members to conduct valuable and interesting discussions and debates, and he will be joining conferences all over the world to promote the FOSSBazaar community.

    I wish him all the best of luck!

    About Martin Michlmayr. 
    Martin Michlmayr has been involved in various free and open source software projects for well over 10 years. He acted as the leader of the Debian project for two years. In this role, he performed important organizational and coordination tasks within Debian. Martin works for HP as an Open Source Community Expert and acts as the community manager of FOSSBazaar. Martin holds Master degrees in Philosophy, Psychology and Software Engineering, and earned a PhD from the University of Cambridge.

    • Egor Grebnev 1:46 pm on January 28, 2008 Permalink

      You are doing a great job telling about the people who stand behind the projects, and not just the project themselves. Such information makes a very valuable supplement to the official websites and news articles as it makes everything much more ‘realistic’ and understandable.

      Having received your kind permission to translate some of your postings into Russian for, we will be republishing this one in the international expert opinion section that we’re about to set up.

      I have a more general request, though. As you know, I am currently a member of two teams: ALT Linux, which is the largest Free Software development company in Russia and, which is an information project on Free Software and Open Standards targeted primarily at government public.

      Both organisations are in need of cooperation with the international research community. As a member of ALT Linux, I would be happy to collaborate and share our experience on Free Software acquisition management in government contracts that we have gained in a series of research projects for the Ministry of Economy. As a member of, I am interested in making the project part of the international research community and consequently move from borrowing information mostly from European publications to being involved in its production. There has been a number of FOSS-related developments in Russia recently, and I believe that such cooperation could become mutually beneficial.

      I will highly appreciate any help from you side as even partial implementation of these wishes will be a major step forward!

    • Roberto Galoppini 11:19 pm on January 28, 2008 Permalink


      I am glad and honored to be published on, please link to the original for comments and suggestions.

      You might share your ALT Linux experiences with open source acquisition by public administrations with an international audience. If you wish so my blog is always open to your contributions, and you might get the attention of potential EC partners and eventually get involved with FP7 and beyond.

    • Carlo Daffara 12:24 pm on January 29, 2008 Permalink

      Dear Egor,
      I share with Roberto the wish to help in strengthening the ties between Russia and Europe on FOSS technologies and approaches. I would be happy to help in bridging the work done in the past (in the COSPA, SPIRIT, OpenTTT and FLOSSMETRICS projects) if it may be helpful, and learning from you and your experiences.
      I am working on the new revision of our EU guide to OSS, and any addition and resource will be welcome.

    • Egor Grebnev 2:16 pm on January 29, 2008 Permalink

      Dear Carlo,

      Thanks for your message! Yes, sharing your experience on these projects will be very helpful. There is not a little information gathered already, and I often feel myself in need of someone to guide me through.

      I believe that it is the appropriate moment to make a summary of our achievements in an English presentation. Meanwhile, I will try to contact you via email.

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