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  • Roberto Galoppini 1:28 pm on July 23, 2013 Permalink | Reply  

    Apache OpenOffice Extensions New Site Goes Live! 

    In parallel with the launch of the new Apache OpenOffice 4.0 release SourceForge has released the new Apache OpenOffice Extensions website.

    Apache OpenOffice Extensions is a web 2.0ish style, with an updated look&feel reflecting the AOO 4 new look and amazing new features, like the autocomplete functionality, see below.


    Read more at SourceForge blog.

  • Roberto Galoppini 1:40 pm on June 26, 2013 Permalink | Reply  

    Open World Forum 2013: Call for Participation 

    owf 2013The Open World Forum EXPERIMENT organization comitee is calling Makers and Doers, students and schools, artists and designers, associations and companies,and hackers to participate in the project (read the CFP).

    To take part to EXPERIMENT : complete and send the form before the 30th of june to

  • Roberto Galoppini 2:50 pm on May 30, 2013 Permalink | Reply  

    Printing with Ubuntu and Why Microsoft Will Never Be Obsoleted 

    Windows Ubuntu

    Recently my Olivetti Olibook S1300 – a gift of Salvo Mizzi, of the Working Capital fame – died. I decided it was great time to face the experience of making my Acer Aspire one printing. While below you’ll find a detailed report about my journey to make possible to print via Linux with a Canon LBP 810, first I wish to share my thoughts about what all this means. (More …)

    • Arup 1:59 am on June 2, 2013 Permalink

      I only use HP printers which I deploy at various institutions. At my own univ, I made sure it was HP all the way. On occasions I have to use other brands, I make sure that there are working reliable drivers and go over Linux Printing to find out in detail. Never ever have I faced any issues so far with this method. In fact Ubuntu and Linux serves ancient HP printers Windows stopped making drivers for. Canon is notorious for ignoring open source community in general so I avoid them. Epson has fared better. Btw, Ubuntu and every other distro depends on drivers from the community so if a printer doesn’t work in one distro, chances are it won’t work in others as well but it also depends on the driver package updates.

    • Roberto Galoppini 12:48 pm on June 4, 2013 Permalink

      Think you’re right, different OEMs pay a different level of attention to Linux, but this is not the point, though. In fact also the Mac receives little attention from a number of OEMs. In other words, this is not a Linux-specific problem, nor a market failure. This is just the network effect at play.

    • Stefano Maffulli 2:09 pm on July 2, 2013 Permalink

      My experience with printing with Mac OS X and Windows is always worse than with Linux. I only buy HP printers and in offices I go to I have used various network printers by Xerox, Canon, HP, Kyocera, Canon, Brother and they all work *out*of*the*box* with Ubuntu, nothing to install. Just plug and print. Even network discovery works in my experience 100% of the time. With OS X it always needs something to install (not always available) and with Windows it’s the usual plug-install-and-prey-it-doesn-t-break. You had bad luck 🙂

  • Roberto Galoppini 3:51 pm on April 3, 2013 Permalink | Reply  

    Play it Again SOS Open Source! 

    sosWhen I’ve joined SourceForge my only concern was to abandon the SOS Open Source ship. While at a technical level I was still able to keep enhancing SOS Open Source tools, I had to give up all related business activities.

    I’m happy and honoured to say that I have finally found a person who will take care of SOS Open Source business development.

    Read more at SOS Open Source.

  • Roberto Galoppini 5:09 pm on April 1, 2013 Permalink | Reply  

    A New Benefit For Slashdot Logged-In Readers 

    We appreciate all the support we’ve gotten over the years from Slashdot’s logged-in users. They take part actively in discussions, and in exchange for their active interest in the site, we like to give a few perks over and above what our beloved anonymous readers get. But we never want to deprive anonymous readers of the actual features of the site — whether you’re a logged-in account holder, anonymous, a subscriber, or have a username but are browsing anonymously at any given moment, Slashdot has always been freely available to read for anyone with a browser and an uncensored Internet connection. It’s a balance we try to maintain, too, Sure, we’d like you to login, and we think it has some worthwhile benefits (like tracking comment responses, building karma, and using the Zoo system to keep track of your friends and foes), but we’ll never force you to. Today, we’re building on this approach, by introducing a feature that benefits every logged-in user, but still leaves the page free to read for all. We’ll be phasing in over the next few days a button that logged-in users and subscribers can click to decrypt the text of each Slashdot posting with the trivial transform known as Rot13.

    Read more at Slashdot.

  • Roberto Galoppini 4:24 pm on March 18, 2013 Permalink | Reply  

    Only our name is changed 

    logo_slashdot_hdI’m not sure I’ve mentioned before that SourceForge has been acquired by Dice Holdings back in Septmeber 2012. As a result the name of our parent company has been changed in Slashdot Media. As you could easily guess the name comes from the heritage of Slashdot, one of the three Geeknet media properties bought by Dice (namely FreeCode, Slashdot and SourceForge).

    So said, SourceForge is still dedicated to being the most trusted source for Open Source, and will continue to provide free hosting for your Open Source project, and you’re welcome either if you need the full set of tools or just a way to distribute your program.

    If you didn’t check it out yet, take a moment to look at our brand new Enterprise directory (beta).

    If you want to know more about our new corporate entity, you can read all about it at slashdotmedia new website.

  • Roberto Galoppini 5:16 pm on March 8, 2013 Permalink | Reply  

    SourceForge Enterprise Directory Makes ITDMs’ Lives Easier 

    Liferay Resource CenterSourceForge just launched a new Enterprise Directory, a sub-section focused specifically on Enterprise projects. These are the projects that are geared specifically for use within a company, ranging from office suites to ECM, backup software and more.

    Either enterprise-grade projects developed at SourceForge or at other forges would benefit from being enlisted in the new directory, now enriched with a resource center containing useful information about partners, add-ons, books and upcoming events.

    Over 40 million unique visitors per month come to SourceForge looking for open source software, and enterprise-grade products is a big part of it. The Enterprise directory is just aimed at making IT Decision Makers’ lives easier, by gathering projects’ relevant information in one single page.

    Hope you’ll enjoy, stay tuned!

  • Roberto Galoppini 4:10 pm on March 6, 2013 Permalink | Reply  

    Setting Italian Priority to Open Source for Public Administration: The Working Group Has Been Established 

    i-failed-to-make-the-chess-team-because-of-my-height-woody-allen-3586I have just received an email from the Agency for Digital Italy answering my self-candidature to join the working group aimed at defining the technical and economical assessment criteria for open source procurement.

    Apparently they received an high number of requests, and my resume wasn’t good enough, says Francesco Grasso, Coordinator of the working group and sci-fi writer.

    • Carlo Piana 4:22 pm on March 6, 2013 Permalink

      Too bad, I would have enjoyed working with you too. I have been admitted on behalf of FSFE and KDE.

    • Roberto Galoppini 8:35 pm on March 6, 2013 Permalink

      Ciao Carlo, it’s all good to know you have been selected. Let our voice heard!

  • Roberto Galoppini 5:01 pm on January 17, 2013 Permalink | Reply  

    Company-led Projects: Liferay 

    liferay logoHaving been writing about commercial open source for years, I finally decided to start a new blog category at SourceForge blog to cover the business side of open source. I’ll be posting on SourceForge blog interviews to people who can tell us stories about how they combine open source and business at SourceForge blog, and I’ll comment on them here. (More …)

  • Roberto Galoppini 8:34 pm on January 7, 2013 Permalink | Reply  

    PROSE Survey Deadline Extended 

    prose logoThe PROSE survey – whose goal is to ascertain the requirements of a hosted source forge for EC ICT projects – has been EXTENDED until 11/01/2013, we’d welcome especially FP7 projects’ members to take the time to answer all our questions.

    For more information visit the PROSE blog.

    Thank you for your collaboration!

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