A New Benefit For Slashdot Logged-In Readers

We appreciate all the support we’ve gotten over the years from Slashdot’s logged-in users. They take part actively in discussions, and in exchange for their active interest in the site, we like to give a few perks over and above what our beloved anonymous readers get. But we never want to deprive anonymous readers of the actual features of the site — whether you’re a logged-in account holder, anonymous, a subscriber, or have a username but are browsing anonymously at any given moment, Slashdot has always been freely available to read for anyone with a browser and an uncensored Internet connection. It’s a balance we try to maintain, too, Sure, we’d like you to login, and we think it has some worthwhile benefits (like tracking comment responses, building karma, and using the Zoo system to keep track of your friends and foes), but we’ll never force you to. Today, we’re building on this approach, by introducing a feature that benefits every logged-in user, but still leaves the page free to read for all. We’ll be phasing in over the next few days a button that logged-in users and subscribers can click to decrypt the text of each Slashdot posting with the trivial transform known as Rot13.

Read more at Slashdot.