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  • Roberto Galoppini 2:34 pm on September 10, 2024 Permalink | Reply  

    Beyond the black & white: Why Open Source Single Vendor projects matter! 

    Projects that disrupt markets create different community dynamics than non-differentiating software: that’s where the flexibility of Open Source shines. Bruce Perens described the role of Open Source as a commodity in the 2005 article The emerging economic paradigm of Open Source. When an Open Sourced project is a game-changer or a disruptor the situation changes.

    Open Source development is widely regarded as a collaborative model where software is created and distributed under OSI-approved licenses, allowing anyone to access, modify, and share the code freely,

    This approach is often adopted to share the costs of development, maintenance, and enhancement, particularly for software that is not a core differentiator for a company. Linux and thousands of other projects are excellent examples.

    Foundations or similar organizations enable members to save financially and obtain what they need more quickly, while also handling intellectual property (IP) and coordination.

    Unlike classic Club theory, foundations don’t compete for members, as each club specializes in specific technological areas and benefits from positive externalities. They do not suffer from member spillover to other organizations and avoid the free-riding problem, as members who do not participate forfeit any influence over the project (e.g., Nvidia recent change in Linux kernel coding participation).

    That said, co-developing non-differentiating software is not the only reason why individuals and organizations release their code as Open Source software.

    Read the rest of the article on Open Source Initiative blog.

  • Roberto Galoppini 5:41 pm on September 14, 2021 Permalink | Reply  

    FileZilla Server 1.0 is out and you’ll love it! 

    Back in Octobre 2019 we started developing a brand new version of the FileZilla Server, as we wanted to leave the technical debt of the old version behind us. Today I am proud to announce the public availability of the first stable release of the new version! Read below to learn more.

    Originally we were aiming to ship a first version by the end of 2020. Eventually we started shipping a first release candidate by the end of June this year, though. It must be said that the first version comes with all the important features of the old one plus Let’s Encrypt native support and other great features are behind the corner (user impersonation, multi-platform support and more).

    I wish to take the opportunity to publicly thank the Open Technology Fund for sponsoring the Let’s Encrypt feature and some of others to come. OpenCollective backers have been nice too, providing some financial support and a lot of encouragement. 

    FileZilla Server is released under the AGPL 3.0 and it is freely available from the developer’s site download page. 

    Give it a try, it is fast and reliable!

  • Roberto Galoppini 10:00 am on October 29, 2020 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: open source assessment, , , Storj   

    FileZilla – Storj Labs Collaboration’s 4 Years later 

    Four years ago I was head-down looking for a potential partner for FileZilla. We wanted to empower our users and bring more value to all our stakeholders. Given FileZilla’s unmatched ability to deliver file transfer capabilities, it was natural to look into the cloud storage space.

    As FileZilla is distributed under a Free and Open Source license, it was natural to want to partner with a like-minded company or organization.

    Much of my previous experience at the time was helping companies and organizations evaluate Open Source projects’ sustainability. So all I did was to analyse all the Open Source initiatives focusing on the cloud.

    The candidates we discovered were limited to Filecoin, MaidSafe, Sia and Storj Labs. As you know, we decided to bet on the latter, despite the fact they were less funded than others. As explained in a previous post, the reason was simply they were a more mature Open Source project, and as such, it was well positioned to become the first Distributed Cloud Storage platform to leverage blockchain technology and deliver enterprise-grade service level agreements.

    Did we do our homework right?

    Let’s have a deeper look at Storj’s rivals. Filecoin ran an amazing ICO, and from a financial point of view they look like a great partner. On a more technical note, Filecoin went live just a few days ago, though.

    MaidSafe isn’t in a better spot. Alphas got named fleming and baby fleming, yet despite the efforts and the advancements they are still far from realizing their promises.

    Last but not least Sia, later renamed Skynet, is finally making interesting progress, like their recently launched SkyDB, and the company behind it (Nebolous) six years later is getting investors’ attention.

    Years later it’s clear we made the right choice by sticking with the less-funded, technically advanced Storj Labs. By doing so we’ve been able to enable developers beta testing Storj since July 2017, and we never stopped updating the FileZilla-Storj integration. Eventually this summer we moved to a ready-for-prime-time phase releasing Tardigrade.

    The FileZilla/Storj collaboration has been a win-win. Storj has been able to tap into our huge user base, while the FileZilla project has secured the necessary funds to keep investing in developing its client and server.

    The FileZilla project and Storj Labs utilized each other’s audiences for a profit, empowering users with easy access to a secure distributed cloud. All stakeholders got their due share of value added, in a positive-sum game.

    And we are still at the very beginning of all this, stay tuned for upcoming features unveiling the potential of our partnership by making super easy to share files confidentially with your peers!

  • Roberto Galoppini 11:21 am on August 30, 2018 Permalink | Reply  

    About Storj Open Source Partner Program 

    Yesterday Storj has launched the Open Source Partner Program, to help open-source projects to generate revenues.

    I’ve been envisioning the importance of such opportunities from a long time now, and I’m really glad to see this happening now. I started writing about Open Source Sustainability and how partnering with a blockchain-based venture could help over a year ago.

    SFSCon later kindly invited me to talk about how crypto 2.0 initiatives could help Open Source projects to reach financial sustainability and how to identify potential ‘twin projects’ to leverage respective technologies

    As Storj board member I’m involved in helping them find more projects to join, feel free to contact me to know more.


  • Roberto Galoppini 3:59 pm on June 8, 2018 Permalink | Reply  

    Github Exodus is an Alternative Fact 

    Having read few articles speaking of the mass exodus that Github’s acquisition by Microsoft might cause, I’ve had a look at how this is going, and it is safe to say is not happening.

    • Roberto Galoppini 7:10 am on July 12, 2018 Permalink

      Almost a month later it’s now clear to everyone this is NOT happening, check it out.

  • Roberto Galoppini 5:46 pm on June 6, 2018 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: filezilla, filezilla pro, open source b usiness   

    FileZilla Pro Customer Survey 2018 

    We asked FileZilla Pro Customer how they like it, what new features they want and what is missing, you can see a recap of our findings in this video of the FileZilla Pro Video series.

  • Roberto Galoppini 3:42 pm on January 22, 2018 Permalink | Reply  

    Notes from Silicon Slopes 2018 

    Last week I’ve joined the Blockchain track at Silicon Slopes Summit to talk about how Open Source projects and Crypto initiatives could greatly benefit from each other. Before getting into my talk, I wish to acknowledge the great job that Silicon Slopes’ exec Director Clint Bett betts has done in preparing the event. Looking at the list of sponsors, the local unicorns and the amazing number of attendees, you get the impression that there is a concrete alternative to Silicon Valley in Utah. Personally I would definitely choose Utah over the Bay Area for a number of reason, ranging from the culture of belief to the beautiful mountains and surroundings, last but not least the cost of living.

    Among my favorite talks I can name a few, starting from Stewart Butterfield of the Stack fame – who gave an inspiring speech talking about his experiences and takeaways in the context of entrepreneurial life – to Omar Johnson who shared few examples of amazing marketing strategies at Beats, as much as I enjoyed Ryan Smith of Qualtrics explaining the Utah way to entrepreneurship (build to keep). (More …)

  • Roberto Galoppini 2:53 pm on January 11, 2018 Permalink | Reply  

    More on Open Source Sustainability 

    Photo by Kris Atomic on Unsplash

    Photo by Kris Atomic on Unsplash

    Having been helping dozens of Open Source projects to grow, either with marketing tactics or sales strategies, my long time biggest passion has been how Open Source ventures can possibly sell their products without upselling their own community.

    I remember myself talking and commenting about how some Open Source companies approached the problem in the past: think of NGINX,  Funambol, as well as companies who later dropped their Open Source strategy, like SugarCRM. Today I wish to share some insights about how we’re approaching this at FileZilla®, and how that is going.

    (More …)

  • Roberto Galoppini 10:21 pm on July 20, 2017 Permalink | Reply  

    What I Talk About When I Talk About Open Source Sustainability 

    Open Source Sustainability has been Achilles’ heel for a long time now, as Matt Asay, myself and others said a number of times. While initiatives like the Linux Foundation’s Core Infrastructure Initiative are able to sustain some open source security projects, or OSI working group proposal might hopefully help others, we are far from finding an ultimate answer to this very problem.

    Photo by Andrew Branch on Unsplash

    My job recently has been focusing solely on finding ways to help open source ventures to flourish, and I’m glad to share one of the most interesting and potentially impactful work I’ve been on.

    At the FileZilla® Project – the free FTP solution for both client and server - we were looking for ways to reach financial sustainability, and we decided to look for a partner that would have helped us to provide both new features and more value to all stakeholders.

    Given FileZilla scope, the Cloud arena was the natural target, and we were looking for a company offering a cloud service that was going to be exclusively available to our users. Our first rose of candidates included MaidSafe, FileCoin, SIA and Storj. Eventually we opted for the latter, read below to learn more about. (More …)

  • Roberto Galoppini 5:33 pm on June 2, 2016 Permalink | Reply  

    Once more unto the breach: meet Business Follows 

    bflogotypeIt seems yesterday to me when I was writing about moving on, four months later I am happy to announce I have just started a new business venture.

    I have called my new company Business Follows, because users (and customers!) come first. If we play right, the business should be as much as possible a (nice) consequence.

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