Commercial Open Source: The Future is Hybrid, by Fabrizio Capobianco

As I mentioned a few weeks ago, the debate about the best open source business model is still open. We are done with licenses, finally. However, the question on how we make (more) money, while keeping our open source soul clean, is still there. And it might not go away soon…

Latest debate: MySQL alleged idea of having non-open source components in its Enterprise Edition. Whooo, scary…

Marten and Zack might have made a marketing mistake: leaking the news out at the end of their conference, where they did not talk about it, was probably not done on purpose… In particular, just after the Sun acquisition, with all eyes focused on how opensourcey they still are.

Nevertheless, this move is clearly into the right direction.

Read the full post, I will comment later Fabrizio‘s post.