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  • Carlo Daffara 7:19 pm on March 25, 2008 Permalink | Reply  

    Microsoft and OSS: another battle brewing 

    Is the sun dawning into a new day of brotherhood, as Roberto thinks? Should we think that this time it is different, that no harsh words were spoken? That critics are wrong to suspect that something is brewing? I believe that the initiatives described by Roberto are just a new front of an ongoing market (and mindshare) battle, that Microsoft is playing to guarantee its position in the IT landscape of the future.

    A Mad WorldA Mad World, My Masters by Matt West

    If there is one thing that should be visible to every analyst in the IT market, is that monopolies does not disappear in the night. As I already wrote in the past, the fact that every year is believed to be the “linux year” remains wishful thinking; and I still believe that even with the many new low-cost devices designed to run linux, the linux desktop market share in my simulations does not exceed 5% for the end of 2009 (of course, I hope to be wrong, and that in a bold sweep some new company is capable of selling 20M pcs in one year). On the other hand, open source is clearly capable of entering in both new markets or to be the underlying basis for more traditional products, like Apple OSX or the iPhone. I believe that the new activities from Microsoft are the first mature attacks against the OSS ecosystem, designed to de-emphasize both the ethical aspects behind OSS and the differences in licensing that provide the real differentiators from the technical point of view.

    Let me share with you some initial musings:
    Microsoft is a development tool company, and primarily sells to other developers. This may sound strange- after all, Microsoft sells operating systems and office suites that are not developer oriented. The reality is that Microsoft has created mostly platforms for other to build upon, and by providing nice and centrally-managed software libraries for every conceivable task it simplified the work for those building on Windows, Office, SQLserver and now SharePoint (among many other things). This simplification allowed ISVs to write software that run conceivably well, on a large number of machines, without having to juggle with updates from many different vendors of a separate DB, a separate web server, a separate presentation layer and so on. I believe that it is this ease of integration of components (because they were mostly from a single vendor, with rather similar and laissez-faire licensing conditions) and the fact that most of spending could be reused for different applications by buying licenses centrally from Microsoft once, and reusing them for additional value. In fact, I suspect that part of the lackluster performance of Vista was probably caused by the fact that, similarly to Windows ME, Vista had very little of value to offer to developers when confronted with the additional hardware requirements and the additional licensing cost.

    For Microsoft (and its partners) everything is a PC. Remember when Microsoft designed its first game console? It was a PC, with just some changes in the bios and startup circuitry. Media centers? PCs. Servers? PCs. Mobile devices? PCs with a small screen, and a small “start” menu. The only “outsider” is the Zune, that is clearly designed as a clone of a product designed by others, and that as such is somehow neglected even by Microsoft itself.

    And now, what happened? Many different things. First of all, the web (and virtualization) finally managed to deliver on the promises made years ago; even with some immaturities, a modern web engine can deliver end-user applications with security, speed and central management that provides significant cost reductions and much less hassles for both users and administrations. This combination allows for near-unlimited scaling (horizontally and vertically) and when used with open source software require no licensing steps that may increase the time to market, that is fast becoming the deciding element for IT deployments. Call it Prism, Air, Silverlight, JavaFX, there are enough choices that by leveraging existing and new platforms can give to software vendors new choices. And now there are enough options for developers to be free from the Microsoft endless supply of libraries, and they can now search for their own liking.

    On the other hand, low-cost devices, handheld systems designed for the web and embedded systems on one side, and very large scale systems are so different from a PC that trying to shoehorn a PC model there simply fails, and in this way Microsoft has left opened several breaches that were ineffectively guarded (like stopping a flood with barbed wire). Now, mobile internet devices like the iPhone/iPod touch, nokia’s own N770/N800/N810 tablet (and the other WebKit-based N-series phones) and the up-and-coming intel MID are all examples of a new kind of platform that Microsoft is not prepared to fight for.

    So, after trying to ignore OSS, badmouth it, or scaring companies into cross-platforms agreements, now Microsoft is taking a more mature approach, that uses its innate developer-oriented strength to swoon developers to develop and deploy on Windows and with windows-oriented tools, by dangling in front of software vendors the promise of a much larger market and the support of an extraordinary marketing force. By doing this, of course, it creates an incentive to leverage Microsoft technologies whenever possible, to “adapt” licenses (avoiding copyleft-based ones, that prevent deep linking with proprietary software) and thus facilitating a progressive embrace into additional Microsoft (or partner) technologies that can be centrally controlled. I suspect that there will also be a licensing change in future version of Enterprise/Grid versions of Windows, to counteract the economic and licensing advantage of OSS-based virtualization; this may however be difficult to manage well, as it may significantly lower extractable prices for large-scale installations. Pushing effort to reengineer their software offering in a modular way may help the company to move into smaller scale computing, as well as large scale system, and at the same time maintain the comfortable development and deployment environment that has made Microsoft such a large scale success.

    What will happen? If Microsoft is consistent in its “good spirit”, they may be able to reduce significantly the platform threat and create strong bonds with at least half of the commercial OSS vendors within 2010. On the other hand, this can increase the penetration and perception of OSS in general, and if a suitable service provider appears on the market it can capitalize on that “visibility asset” and weaken Microsoft position from the inside.

    If Microsoft (and at this point I mainly think about Steve “chairs” Ballmer) shows its “bad face” it may polarize the market further, creating a cadre of “white knights” that show no compromise and gain visibility and interest from the part of the OSS community that believe in ethical and openness values, thus reducing the value of accepting the Microsoft compromise.

  • Roberto Galoppini 7:53 am on March 25, 2008 Permalink | Reply  

    Interoperability Conference: Adobe, Microsoft and the Italian community meet up at OMAT 

    Milan (Italy) on the 1-2 of April will host OMAT, a landmark in Italy in electronic document, content and corporate process management. On the second day will be held a session about “Tomorrow’s data availability depends upon today’s data format“.For the first time Adobe, Microsoft and members of the community will be sitting at the same round table to constructively talk about how to better satisfy users’ needs. The aim of the conference is to explain in plain language why data formats definition and evolution are important for the market.Flavia Marzano (UnaRete association) will be introducing and moderating the round table. As PLIO Institutional Relationship Manager I’ll be opening the session talking of file format certification, then Italo Vignoli ( Italian Marketing Manager) will give a speech on the importance of interoperability. Andrea Valle (Adobe) will talk about file format standards as a mean to long term conservation of data, while Andrea Valboni (Microsoft) will cover OpenXML openness, compatibility and interoperability issues. Davide Dozza will give a speech on Open Document Format universal interoperability, preserving today accessibility for tomorrow’s generations. Last but not least Maria Pia Giovannini, Head of the Central Public Administration Organizational Efficiency Dept. at CNIPA, will report about data formats’ selection criteria for Public Administrations’ document management.

    Technorati Tags: OpenOffice,, ODF, OpenXML, ItaloVignoli, DavideDozza, AndreaValboni, MariaPiaGiovannini, AndreaValle, interoperability, data accessibility, public administration policies

  • Roberto Galoppini 1:16 pm on March 24, 2008 Permalink | Reply  

    Open Source Mobile: Volantis eventually released Mobility Server under the GPLv3 

    Few months ago Volantis announced that was about to release its Mobility Server Community Edition to the open source community under the GNU General Public License version 3, starting making it available immediately as a free download under a proprietary license.

    On the 19th of March Volantis released the Mobility Server, opening 1.2 million lines of code, the result of seven years’ of development as reported by the press release.

    What is Volantis Mobility Server Community Edition?

    The Community edition includes the Volantis Multi-Channel Server (MCS), Volantis Message Preparation Server (MPS) and Volantis Media Access Proxy (MAP), as well as a significant proportion of the Volantis Device Database and Eclipse-based developer tools.

    Reading the Volantis Mobility Server Overview I understand that to get full access to the Volantis Device Database you need to buy the Professional Edition. Moreover if you want to use the Device Database directly with other commercial applications that are not using Mobility Server for rendering, the Device Database edition is required.

    Volantis making available Device database updates from time to time has little chance to get voluntary contributions among individual developers (as seen with WURFL or Funambol), and it is probably targeting a different audience:

    Telefonica has a strong desire to work with open source projects which is why we created the OpenMovilForum project. It’s also why we fully support the idea that Volantis develops its own open source initiative.
    (Luis Almansa, Senior Project Manager at Telefonica)

    Andrea Trasatti, Director of Device Initiatives at dotMobi and WURFL cofounder, kept me in the loop about the news he appears to be interested in. After reading the table comparing the Community edition and the Professional one I am convinced that dotMobi can’t take advantage of the open source one. I see consultants like Nick Lane being happy with the Community edition, as probably are happy SMEs that couldn’t afford the proprietary version to fulfill their own private needs.

    Also Small IT firms can now step into this market, and I suggest Mark to consider to get the Mobility Server listed in the Ohloh open source directory.

    Volantis primary aim seems to be setting industry standards, though. The company has results also from the press release has  contributed to a community standards process to create within , driven by the W3C the DIAL specification. As a matter of fact XDIME, a Web development markup language, has been created by Volantis to comply with the DIAL specification and is designed to create content viewable on any mobile device.

    Am I looking forward to speak again with Mark Watson, Volantis Systems CEO and sort out more first hand information.

    Technorati Tags: open source mobile, funambol, wurfl, andreatrasatti, markwatson, volantis, DIAL, telefonica, openmovilforum

    • Andrea Trasatti 5:04 pm on March 26, 2008 Permalink

      dotMobi has an agreement with Volantis that lets us incorporate data from their device database. The agreement is not linked to the open-source initiative that they took and this means that DeviceAtlas, the device database by dotMobi, is entitled to use their data and will not breach the GPL.

    • Aensen 10:18 am on May 30, 2008 Permalink

      Of course Volantis is also a partner of DeviceAtlas and we are working closely with.Registration Open for All dotMobi Road Show Dates – May 20,

  • Roberto Galoppini 4:21 pm on March 20, 2008 Permalink | Reply  

    Open Source at Microsoft: an analysis of Microsoft Open Source Strategy 

    I have been invited to the Open Source in Mobile Conference to give a speech about “Microsoft Open Source Strategy”, and the implications of the strategy for developers and ISVs.

    Recently Microsoft made clear its open source intent to go beyond finding ways to thwart Linux and other non-proprietary applications, maybe leaving behind over 10 years of bittersweet memories. As a matter of fact speaking of a “Microsoft Open Source Strategy” could sound an oxymoron, maybe even more of Commercial Open Source. Microsoft attitude towards open source ranged from scaring open source customers talking of (unveiled) software patents to developing and distributing the Microsoft installer on SourceForge, stepping on Samba ‘s shoes and eventually establishing an agreement with them, going even beyond obligations imposed by the EC.

    A Change of Perception
    A Change of Perception by jpaul

    A shift of perception.

    Microsoft’s new open strategy, expressively aimed at expanding interoperability, include a specific component, namely the Open Source Interoperability Initiative, designed to foster more engagement between Microsoft and open source communities.

    Also things like the Open Specification promise – covering, among others, 38 Web Services standards and on a practical ground enabling interoperability between Microsoft technology and Apache’s Axis web services stack – are not not geared just toward open source, as proven by the existence of implementations distributed under proprietary licenses.

    All in all Microsoft’s decision to define and implement an open source strategy did not happen overnight, as all initiatives above mentioned seems to be part of a much bigger picture, bringing Redmond’s giant to increase third parties’ potential. The central management of vertically integrated production stages is increasingly succumbing to the forces of specialization – a recommended reading for all people interested in the subject at large is “The Vanishing Hand: the Changing Dynamics of Industrial Capitalism” – that is especially true for the IT market. The extent of the improvements in the technology of coordination is an extraordinary enabler in this respect, and I believe Microsoft is strongly refocusing on its platform value, making the open source strategy part of such process.

    Microsoft spend few years to elaborate its open source strategy, considering that Microsoft opened its Linux Lab about four years ago and started the Open Source Lab two years ago, but it sounds pretty clear now:

    The Microsoft open source strategy is focused on helping customers and partners be successful in today’s heterogeneous technology world.

    Let’s see now what customers and partners need to successfully adopt open source software today, and how Microsoft could fit into the picture. First let’s dip into few Open Source Market dimensions and open issues.
    Open Source Market dimensions.

    Open Source it is told to be a huge market now:

    Open-source products accounted for a 13 percent share of the $92.7 billion software market in 2006. Predictions set the percent share to 27 in 2011, when revenue is expected to be $169.2 billion.

    Along with such success, Open Source is also seeing a dramatic growth of Internal Development, mostly among medium to big enterprises, as I also heard from CIOs at the Open Source Think Tank. Why that?
    Open Source Software Selection: the cost of free.

    The number of viable Open Source Projects is pretty big (18000), but few dozens of them (maybe less) are consuming about all publicly disclosed vendor investments, and only half of the top packages lack of enterprise support. As result, the leading IT Solutions providers are still missing to deliver the Open Source Promise, but for a tiny fraction of open source platforms and applications.

    Therefore Software Selection is costly with OSS, up to 40% of migrations’ support costs, as emerged within COSPA EC-funded project. All in all metrics and methods like the Open Source Maturity Model, the Business Readiness Rating and now QSOS are useful, but they do not provide any open source good directories. Again, marketplaces like RHN and SourceForge, plus directories like EOS or sources like Oholoh or FOSSBazaar are also effective tools, but you still need time and effort to sort out the selection issue by yourself.

    Customers’ and Vendors’ Perspectives.

    Besides cost savings and flexibility – that allow companies to customize their IT solutions to fit their specific needs – customers want to avoid lock-in by adopting open source software broadly supported, in order to retain the possibility of changing the provider. Again, open source software selection is key to retain such possibility.

    Moreover Medium to large enterprises look for medium to large IT companies, often want to buy indemnification and some form of warranty. How all this match with vendors’ perspectives?

    IT vendors want to share R&D costs, but sequential innovation come with a cost related to sharing standards and it requires a symbiotic approach. Super-communities made of many open source applications are the next step, but they involve even more complex dynamics. As a matter of fact few open source products are part of a large number of different stacks, and the reason might well be that partnering and integrating with third-parties products is costly. Doing it with little hope to exclusively appropriate returns from the Commons is a risky bet. Last but not the least a strong brand is really important to open source firms, alliances and M&A are likely the most affordable and yet effective way to brand OS products sharing costs and benefits. It is probably not by casualty that we are seeing open source acquisitions happening, few consortia are forming and some technological clubs targeting vertical markets.
    Could Microsoft Open Source Strategy help the open source market?

    Microsoft business model is a “platform ecosystem” business model: the more developers writing applications for Microsoft platforms, the better. In my understanding by expanding choice for consumers, also on open source applications, Microsoft is giving to more developers and partners a chance to make business together.

    This business cycle is somehow reflected by the IDC’s impact model, reporting a ratio of revenue—between 6 and 18 to 1— for local software, hardware, and services firms for every dollar of Microsoft revenue in many countries. While I have no clue how such estimations are accurate, I understand that 5 millions of developers and 750,000 partners around the world are a unique ecosystem. No other IT multinational actor has a similar ecosystem, plus Microsoft differently from IBM or Sun do forego potential direct revenues for hardware sales and consulting services, leaving other space for others’ business.

    In the IT ecosystem Microsoft is in the position to enable also open source application and solution providers to deliver value through their tools and components, and it is proactively working on it.

    Open Souce Heroes: Microsoft’s Open Source Developers.

    Microsoft’s Hero Hack Pack, is the way Microsoft is addressing developers to provide them with a range of choices for developing and deploying Open Source software on Windows Server 2008 using Visual Studio 2008. CodePlex is where Microsoft hosts open source projects based on Microsoft’s platforms, containing about 1900 applications (150 of them have been developed by Microsoft), counting more than 30,000 users. SourceForge itself counts more than 70,000 open source projects running on Windows. The open source lab at Microsoft Port25, the Shared Source Initiative or the Ajax Control Toolkit worth all a mention as viable resources for tomorrow “open source heroes”.

    NXT, what’s next for Open Source ISVs.

    Microsoft’s in 2007 launched the NXT initiative, focused on open source. The goal is to help ISVs to explore how to deliver their open source solutions to customers in the Microsoft world. The Microsoft program provide ISVs with marketing, technical and financial aid to exploit how to get the best results from an heterogeneous world. There are a lot of commercial open source software deployed on Windows as one of its platforms:

    · JBoss: Claimed 50% deployment on Windows when they signed a partnership deal with Microsoft that included technical collaboration in September 2005.

    · SugarCRM: Claimed 35% deployment on Windows when they signed their technical collaboration deal with Microsoft in February 2006.

    · Eclipse: Several studies have been done over the past few years show Windows adoption for development and deployment (Dev/Dep):
    (80%/60%) [Evans Data Corp., September 2006]
    (62%/37%) [Evans Data Corp., September 2007]
    (74%/47%) [IDC, Summer 2007]

    ISVs could consider joining the NXT ISV partner program in order to provide their customers with applications that might need to use Active Directory or other Microsoft platforms, getting access to technical information and marketing support. Macadamian, a firm with a deep knowledge on how open source change the way teams work, joined the program, If you want to know more about NXT Program read all Stephen Walli‘s posts on the subject.

    Microsoft’s Open Source Strategy brought already companies like Zend, MySQL and SugarCRM to effectively deliver open source value on top of Microsoft platforms. Few days ago speaking with Dominic Sartorio, Director of Product Management at SpikeSource, I learned that SpikeSource just announced the availability of five additional PHP-based applications on the Windows Server 2008 platform as turnkey “SpikeIgnited” applications, and more are to come. Sam Ramji at the Open Source Think Tank told me that Microsoft is going to connect to many other open source firms in the next future, as to cooperate with open source communities.

    Microsoft seems to be willing to play a very important role in the open source ecosystem, bringing on the table a strong brand, an impressive number of developers and partners, a specific program for coders and an initiative aimed at ISVs.

    Does Open Source at Microsoft make any sense to you now?

    Technorati Tags: Open Source Microsoft, SamRamji, Open Source ISV, Open Source Developers, Zend, SugarCRM, MySQL, SpikeSource, DominicSartorio, StephenWalli, Eclipse, Port25

    • Alex - Microsmeta 2:10 pm on March 21, 2008 Permalink

      Very interesting post, and the included links are usefull resources, too. Thank you!

    • Alex Fletcher 3:22 pm on March 26, 2008 Permalink


      Kudos on a detailed and insightful piece…and you’re spot on about Microsoft realizing it’s value as a platform. Interestingly enough, I never bought the claims that Microsoft should have been more “open source friendly” in the past. Multi-national behemoths aren’t “friendly” to anything except what’s profitable and until recently it was profitable to attack open source with FUD and mudslinging. Now that things have changed, we’re seeing Microsoft’s strategy do the same. With that being said, I think Microsoft has more to gain than it does to lose from embracing open source. In light of the fact that its Windows cash cow is facing the prospect of stiff competition on the desktop and server fronts, certified open source stacks will stem the rising tide of migration from Windows to alternatives.

    • Fear 4:38 am on December 3, 2008 Permalink

      Yes, whatever you say. But never, ever, give full trust to this particular company. It is in their blood, it was their very foundation: dirty agreements, patents & convenants, embrace / extend / extinguish, and other tactics that reveal its effects way after the damage is inevitable.

      These “good” news are only scary, just wait and you will surely see that Microsoft is still the same of these 30 years.

      Besides FOSS has (and will) never have any need of them to survive and evolve.

      Give up on the patents claims, and i will eat my words, until then, you can talk all what you want and open as much “oss” sites as you want. They’re all based on lies.

      Oh wait! An open source repository?? but the idea has been implemented previously by someone else…hope that sourceforge will “not sue” them!

  • Roberto Galoppini 9:06 pm on March 19, 2008 Permalink | Reply  

    Open Source Webinar: Getting comfortable with Copyleft, by OpenLogic 

    Although there are dozens of open source licenses, the terms in copyleft licenses such as GPLv2 and GPLv3 seem to cause the most angst for enterprises using open source. Companies are concerned that they are putting their own IP at risk when using these licenses. In this webinar, you?ll gain a better understanding of copyleft licenses and how to manage the risks for your organization.

    Topics covered in this webinar will include:

    • An overview of copyleft — what it is and isn’t
    • Managing potential risks to the organization
    • Overview of potential lawsuits and recent cases
    • Answers to common questions on copyleft licenses

    Presenters in this webinar include:

    Stormy Peters – Director of Community and Partner Programs for OpenLogic
    Attorney Robert J Scott – Managing Partner of Scott & Scott

    Register now.

  • Roberto Galoppini 10:28 am on March 18, 2008 Permalink | Reply  

    Open Source Licenses: AGPL is OSI approved now, thank you Fabrizio! 

    Last November the Free Software Foundation published the GNU Affero GPL v3 (AGPL), a modified version of the GPL v3 aimed at ensuring cooperation with the community in the case of network server software addressing the SaaS issue. At the end of January Fabrizio Capobianco of the Funambol fame decided to submit the AGPL to OSI for approval.

    On the 13th of March OSI approved the AGPL, sweet victory for Fabrizio, I am sorry for Chris Di Bona, who previously successfully submitted the GPLv3 for approval, but from now on developers can happily close the “GPL Loophole” blessed by the Open Source Initiative.

    I hope at least Benjamin Mako Hill, who is sitting in the FSF board, might help to spread the word among developers, following his own words:

    I’m going to push the FSF to help start several conversation and to begin to follow up on what I think was an important first step with the AGPLv3. While this is not a major organizational priority yet, it’s a major action item that I will beg pursuing through the FSF. If you feel strongly about this issue, whatever your position, become a member, stay involved as these projects develop, and have your voice be heard. We don’t know the answers yet and we need your input as much as we need your action.

    If you are a developer and you can’t stand the GPL loophole consider contact Mako and FSF, to turn AGPLv3 into a FSF’s priority.

    In the meanwhile firms like Wavemaker, a company developing an open-source framework for visual AJAX web development, are now using AGPL, and while I keep thinking SugarCRM won’t adopt the AGPL, maybe others will follow.

    Your guess?

    Technorati Tags: OSI, open source licenses, AGPL, Affero GPL, Wavemaker, Funambol, FabrizioCapobianco, SugarCRM

  • Roberto Galoppini 2:19 pm on March 16, 2008 Permalink | Reply  

    Open Source Books: a book in Italian about Asterisk 

    There are quite a few books on Asterisk out there, but if you can manage Italian I wish to recommend you this one: “Asterisk” (Italian).

    I happened to meet in person the author, Diego Gosmar, charing the roundtable on Open Source VoIP at the VON Europe Conference held in Rome in November.

    Being the second book on Asterisk written by Diego and his coauthors, it goes pretty much beyond installation and protocols for VoIP, covering in depth topics like how to implement SS7 applications carrier grade with Asterisk or billing with astbill and WildiXbill, but also some spots on ENUM and wireless VoIP.

    Mark Spencer, original author of Asterisk, wrote a kind preface for the first book edited by Diego, closing as follows:

    It’s especially rewarding to see Asterisk growing in Italy, as I’ve always felt it was long past due time for the America to have something to give back to Italy in exchange for one of Italy’s most important contributions to computer science: the

    I really hope that the “Italian Open Source Pizza connection” will soon be appreciated also for things like this book 😉

    Technorati Tags: Apogeo, DiegoGosmar, Asterisk, Open Source VoIP, astbill, wildixbill, ENUM

  • Roberto Galoppini 9:59 am on March 15, 2008 Permalink | Reply  

    Open Source Q&A: David Wheeler Q&A session held during the “Open Source Software and DoD” webinar 

    To use OSS, does it need to be on the Department of Defense Intelligence Information System (DODIIS) approved list?

    The DoD has different rules for different kinds of systems and different uses, but in practically every case the rules have nothing to do with whether or not the program is OSS. So the question is really, “to use some program, does it need to be on approved list X?” The answer is “it depends on the circumstance”. So find out the rule for installing a proprietary COTS program for your circumstance, and follow the same rules when you wish to install an OSS COTS product. In some cases there’s secure installation guidance; see DISA’s Security Technical Implementation Guides (STIGs) and NSA’s Security Configuration Guides. Many OSS programs are already on these lists. In some cases you may need to add the program to the approved list for your circumstance, so you’ll need to follow the process for getting the program on that list. In some cases it’s there but not obvious (e.g., the Linux kernel and many other OSS components are covered by the Unix STIG).

    Remember that OSS always (by definition) permits use for any purpose, as well as redistribution of the program without additional payment. That means that, by definition, the DoD always has an enterprise-wide license for the use of any OSS program. (Support is a different tale – if you want 24×7 phone support, you’ll need to pay for it. But I covered that in the talk.)

    Read the full Q&A session.

    [tags] DavidWheeler, DoD, open source, webinar[tags]

  • Roberto Galoppini 9:14 pm on March 14, 2008 Permalink | Reply  

    BarCamp: OpenCamp, the second edition 

    Tomorrow in Rome will take place the OpenCamp, a barcamp on free software, open source and open minds.

    The second edition of the openCamp will cover also digital freedoms, trusted computing, net neutrality and creative commons, thanks to the participation of several associations, like Wikimedia Italia, International Webmaster Association, Free Software Foundation Europe, Linux Club and Free Hardware Foundation Italia.

    My best wishes to organizers of the event, to participants and to all guests of the OpenCamp, see you there!

    Technorati Tags: OpenCamp, barcamp

  • Egor Grebnev 9:41 pm on March 12, 2008 Permalink | Reply  

    Open Source Market: FOSS getting hot in Russia 

    Recent interest towards FOSS from the Russian government has boosted commercial activity in this field. No longer than a year ago there was no single large company that would say it is capable of doing FOSS system integration projects. Now there are three, and the number will probably grow.

    Nobody is particularly sure about how to do business with FOSS, but it is already evident that it can be done somehow. That is why the larger ones are jumping on the bandwagon simply not to be late.

    First to come was Armada (Russian), a holding which is better known for its sibling company named RBС (Russian). It succeeded to unite in Fall 2007 the majority of the local Linux vendors, namely ALT Linux, Linux-Online (Russian), Linux Ink (Russian) and VNIINS (the latter specializes on producing operating systems for the military needs) in its bid on the project of the Ministry of Education that, if successful, could become the largest migration to FOSS in world’s secondary education.

    Another participant in the same tender was a company named Korus Consulting. Although large, it has never done FOSS projects before, so its move looks to be grounded on a pure business decision. Korus’ bid was remarkable as the company was willing to do the project for 5 mln roubles only (while the official budget limit of the project and the sum concluded with RBC was 60 mln). This striking difference does not mean that Korus has found a way to cut the costs down tenfold — they announced that they viewed this project as an investment and were willing to do it with their own costs. Nevertheless, they lost to RBC. A week ago Korus announced (Russian) that it will be shipping a localized version of Asus EeePC. However, there is little original software there: the OS is a modified version of Xandros.

    Finally, a recent visit of RedHat’s Jim Whitehurst last week was concluded with an OEM partnership agreement (Russian) between RedHat, IBM, Austrian VDEL and a large Russian IT company AiTi to supply Linux-based computers to Russian government. As far as I understand the layout, RedHat is going to supply software, IBM will provide its Lotus Symphony, VDEL will make hardware, and AiTi will be concluding deals and doing the system integration part.

    The first company is clearly trying to build its strategy on the locally available resources. As the company has not done FOSS business before, it looks like it is going to submerge the smaller Linux developers. The strategy of the second remains somewhat unclear: a modified Xandros may be a nice start, but if they are going to attract government’s attention, they need to become or partner with a more solid and reliable software supplier. Finally, AiTi is playing as a mediator of the Western companies with most of the hardware and software built outside of Russia.

    It’s getting interesting to follow the development of the events. Which strategy will be the most effective? Will there be new players, and if so, how will they differentiate their offer? Will the Russian FOSS developers be able to produce commercially-driven world-class FOSS software or will it be imported from other countries instead?

    Even though it is now unclear what the Russian FOSS will be, I think that some two years will be sufficient for it to take a definite shape. We’ll see.

    Technorati Tags: Russia, FOSS, market, AiTi, IBM, RedHat, VDEL, Korus Consulting, Armada, ALT Linux, Linux Ink, Linux Online, VNIINS, schools, government

    • Andrey 7:56 am on March 15, 2008 Permalink

      “Recent interest towards FOSS from the Russian government has boosted commercial activity in this field. No longer than a year ago there was no single large company that would say it is capable of doing FOSS system integration projects.”

      This is not exactly true. At least 2 companies, the ALTlinux and ASPLinux (,, both authoring their own Linux distributions, are routinely doing “FOSS system integration projects” nation wide.

      I cannot call the effect of the government interest to FOSS a “boost”, it is more like what normally happens in Russia when “government” meets “money”.

      “Nobody is particularly sure about how to do business with FOSS, but it is already evident that it can be done somehow” is also not exactly true. Both the above mentioned companies are in business for long time and, evidently, are profitable. And they are not alone. LinuxCenter ( is more like an online Linux store. It is in business happily for many years and now collects preorders for EeePC with Mandriva Linux 2008 Powerpack, also nation wide.

    • Kiran 10:26 am on March 15, 2008 Permalink

      Nice to hear about FOSS. It would be nice if they represent my Open Source Project too. Traffic Squeezer – An Open Source WAN Network Traffic Acceleration Solution.

    • Egor Grebnev 5:57 pm on March 18, 2008 Permalink


      I am a proud member of ALT Linux (for 5+ years), and I think that I understand what you mean. Both ALT Linux and ASP have proven to be sustainable, but they have not solved one problem yet — it is that of the size and reliability. Both companies remain small businesses, and large companies and government agencies (which bring most of the money on the market) seldom trust the small ones.

      If the FOSS wants to flourish in Russia — it will have to grow in size. There might be several different ways to handle this growth, and I really wish that the Russian FOSS developers find the right one. I know the ALT Linux Team well enough, and taking their optimism and dedication into account, I have all the reasons to count on them to surpass this transition period.

      However, the situation is very rough now, and we can hardly tell what ALT Linux or ASP Linux will be in three years.

    • Egor Grebnev 6:28 pm on March 18, 2008 Permalink


      Would you please clarify whom you would like to inform about your project? I am currently unable to understand how I can help…

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