Open Source Workshops: Building an Effective Commercial Open Source Strategy
Olliance Group and InitMarketing, the Open Source Marketing company, will co-lead a workshop on Building an Effective Commercial Open Source Strategy at OSIM, on the 19th of September in Berlin.
Building Balance by mr.Mark
Today open source is being leveraged by hundreds of vendors to varying degrees of success with more entering the arena every day.This workshop will address the core elements of building and implementing an effective open source strategy.Attendees will learn how to identify open source opportunities and challenges, understand resource issues and come away with an idea of how to determine if their existing or planned open source strategies will help them meet their business objectives.Among the open source topics to be addressed are: mapping open source into your business model, licensing, marketing, building a sustainable community and partnering.The workshop will be conducted through a series of presentations and business case examples with a focus on industry best practices.
Basically I will cover topic ranging from open source governance, included open source licensing, to managing open source communities, analyzing pros and cons of choices like building your own or tapping into an existing one.
I will also speak about open source business models, giving also details about open source franchising and open source network marketing.
Talking about open source marketing I will tell you about what’s special about it, how to position an open source product and company, and how to develop a strong open source brand.
Andrew Aitken Stephen Walli and Sandro Groganz will help me to prepare materials for the different sessions.
See you there!
Post Scrittum:Â I got some spare discounted pass to attend this event, feel free to contact me directly by email if you are interested.
Carlo Piana 9:32 am on July 29, 2008 Permalink
Hi, Roberto. I have noted your presence in the presentation material I have received. If I can make it to Berlin next September I will surely be at your Workshop.
Osim is a very important event. I have been at the first one in Amsterdam (2006), and the workshop I paneled was very high-profile, both in terms of the discussion generated and of importance of the industry represented there.
All those who want to attend should register ASAP. The early bird discount is going to expire soon, if I recollect correctly.
Roberto Galoppini 7:19 pm on July 29, 2008 Permalink
I really appreciate your kind words, Carlo.
About terms and conditions there are a number of cost options, and only members of the WiFi Alliance/OMTP/.MobiAG qualify for a 15% discount.