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  • Roberto Galoppini 4:05 pm on September 27, 2007 Permalink | Reply  

    Open Source VoIP: VON Europe conference 

    VON Europe Autumn – a European event where people from all over the world talked about where IP communications is going in Europe – today guested the “Open Source VoIP” conference.

    The conference “Open Source VoIP, sustainability of OS project in the business sector” was aimed at discovering how open source VoIP applications are doing in the ICT market.
    Jon ‘Maddog’ Hall, President of the Linux International association, opened the conference talking about “Telephone, Free Software and Emerging Economies“, introducing the audience to the Free Software and raising some important questions about emerging economies.

    Jon Hall MaddogJon Hall Maddog by Pizel y Dixel

    Alfonso Fuggetta spoke about Open Source business models. He raised interesting issues related to false myths, like the software commoditization. He eventually ended saying that proprietary and open source firms are offering basically the same services, despite Jon and I were giving him evidence of the opposite.

    Greg VanceDigium Sales Manager – brought the discussion on a practical ground talking about “Asterisk: an OS project that has become mainstream. What’s new“, telling us about the product and the company, included the new CEO and other open positions. I asked him about Digium’s revenue and I learned that 85% of their incomes gets from hardware, than training, services and double-licensing do the rest.

    The co-founder of the OpenSer project Bogdan-Andrei Iancu, who magicly appeared from nowhere when was his turn, talked about “The OpenSer: from Universities to industrial applications”. It amazed me to know how spread is the usage of the OpenSer, especially by universities but not limited to them.

    Diego Gosmar gave a speech entitled “Beyond the Asterisk World..what’s around“, giving a good picture of the Asterisk ecosystem, made by many local small firms delivering basic services (installation, configuration, etc). We agreed that there is a need for a better organized ecosystem, going beyond the Asterisk partnership program, may be through marketplaces or productizing services.

    A Questions&Answers session was held at the very end of the conference, resulting in questions about GPL licensing. As a matter of fact, the public is getting more and more conscious about open source applications and pose practical questions.

    Technorati Tags: Commercial Open Source, Open Source SIP, Open Source PBX, Asterisk, OpenSer , JonHallMaddog, AlfonsoFuggetta, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu, RobertoGaloppini

    • Randy Claines 6:07 pm on July 19, 2008 Permalink

      I use VMukti for my vopi open source needs and has been nominated for the CCA 2008.

      Haven’t used VMukti yet? Well I bet you have a need for it already. VMukti is a Free, innovative, multi-point total communications, collaboration and conferencing engine with built-in support for access to platform features through Personal Customizable Web Interface, Widgets for 3rd party websites, Desktops, and PSTN/ Mobile/ IP Phones. VMukti has been nominated for CCA 2008.

      Help VMukti get the support they need from the user community to continue developing such a great project. You can show your support by recognizing this software in the SourceForge.net 2008 Community Choice Awards. This recognition will help ensure that their software gets the attention it needs to continue to provide a great set of features to the software community.

      You can vote for the software on SourceForge.net by going here:


      Winning this award would mean big things for all the users at VMukti.

  • Roberto Galoppini 3:17 pm on September 13, 2007 Permalink | Reply  

    Open Source Hires: Xwiki looking for a VP Marketing Manager 

    XWiki, a French company aimed to bring open source wiki to the enterprise who recently won a prize for its XWiki Watch, is looking for a VP Marketing Manager.

    now hiring now hiring, by Zach Klein

    XWiki has an open position for a VP Marketing Manager based in Paris, France. Company’s objective is to complete their team with a experienced Software/Web marketing specialist, with an understanding of the Open Source industry.

    XWiki looks for you, a person able to:

    • challenge them from the user standpoint,
    • leverage your usage experience of collaborative and web 2.0 tools,
    • bring your experience with international markets,
    • grow with the company, with entrepreneurial spirit.

    Ludovic Dubost, XWiki CEO, said:

    We aim to extend our reach beyond of France where we have build our customer base towards Europe and the USA where we have already clients (Curriki in the US) and many open source users. Our objective is to build parternships and offer our services in these markets.

    Want to apply?

    About XWiki.

    XWiki is an open source Company building XWiki, the open source second generation Wiki providing a collaborative web application developement platform on top of the Wiki concept. XWiki sells support services, trainings, consulting as well as packaged products built on top of the platform (XE, XEM, XWiki Watch, Chronopolys, Nearbee, etc). XWiki innovates with research projects like XWiki Concerto and Nepomuk.

    Technorati Tags: XWiki, Xwiki Watch, Open Source Hires, Business models

    • Ludovic Dubost (XWiki) 5:32 pm on September 13, 2007 Permalink

      Hi !

      Thanks for the note.. BTW, we are not closed to candidates not based in Paris. We aim to be a global company and would be happy to consider people in other locations.

      We are building tools for global organizations ! So we should be able to handle that.

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