Eclipse-IT 2009: Bergamo, 28-29 September
This year conference accepted contributions regarding also the Jazz platform and will feature also an industrial track.
I will be giving a speech on the 28th after Ralph Mueller‘s keynote, see you there!
This year conference accepted contributions regarding also the Jazz platform and will feature also an industrial track.
I will be giving a speech on the 28th after Ralph Mueller‘s keynote, see you there!
The NEXA Center for Internet & Society seeks a researcher for the continuation of the NEUBOT project, a collaborative approach to measuring internet neutrality.
The NEXA Center for Internet & Society seeks two researchers for the following project: Identifying Internet users: technical, legal and economic analysis of the consequences on privacy, fundamental freedoms, innovation and business models.
The NEXA Center for Internet & Society intends to study these issues and their social and economic impact, with the goal of reaching a deeper understanding of the interrelationship between anonymity, privacy and Internet access.
Technology BIZ, is the first event taking place in Naples aimed at responding to the demand for complex ICT solutions of the southern Italian market. The event will be held on the 28-29 of October at Città della Scienza, Campania region’s organizational body that supports innovation and international openness of the regional system.
TechnologyBIZ will allow visitors both for the public and private sector to attend seminars, participate to workshops and set up one-to-one meetings covering areas related to ICT such as Healthcare, Homeland Security & Defense, Mobile Computing, Open Source, Web 2.0 and more.
Today Italian bloggers protest against an Italian government bill introducing rules which will put at risk the internet freedom of speech in Italy.
See the English version of the press release to know more.
The Dutch government is showing the way to go: the Minister for Foreigng Trade Frank Heemskerk opened the now famous ODF Plugfest saying that a joint course of action for developing effective ODF support in each other’s products is needed.
Last week the Italian government announced a joint effort with Sun Microsystems to foster the use of StarOffice by local public administrations, but the press release doesn’t mention either ODF or open standards. Improvements are needed, the lack of a European coherent strategic vision towards standards’ compliance. keeps doing well in Italy, the Italian Association announced that in Italy broke the four millions mark in less than 6 months, a growth of more than 196% compared with the previous year.
Italo Vignoli, PLIO’s president, said:
In Italy downloads exceeded the number of PC sold, steadily growing at an amazing rate.
Funambol and JAJAH, the global IP communications company, today announced the world premiere of the new Go JAJAH service, to be launched exclusively in Italy.
The new service automatically updates a mobile phone address book, creating a local number for each international number, allowing callers to make international calls at local rates.
Assinform – the Italian association of Information & Communication Technology companies – will present on the 26 of June the first Italian Information Technology report 2009.
The report covers Italian IT market’s structure and evolution, summarizing results after surveying 1000 companies. The report compares also the Italian IT market with the most active European IT markets, and analyzes differences among Italian regions (Lombardia, Emilia Romagna, Lazio and others).
The Italian Institute for Policy Innovation launched a petition to ask the Italian senators to prevent the approval of the new obligation provision equating bloggers to journalists.
The bill 1415A, already discussed and approved by the Chamber of Deputies, if approved also by the Italian Senate would require Italian bloggers to rectify eventual mistakes within 48 hours (fines goes up to 12,500 euros).
Sign the petition and spread the word.
Related blog posts (Italian):
Ernesto Belisario (author of the petition)
Guido Scorza (Italian Institute for Policy Innovation)
Punto Informatico (on line Italian magazine)