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  • Egor Grebnev 8:59 am on April 24, 2008 Permalink | Reply  

    Open Source Government: Several notes on the Russian Free Software Development Concept 

    Russian Ministry on Information Technology and Communications published recently a document entitled Concept of development and usage of Free Software in the Russian Federation (Russian). It is a 29-page text, which is by far the most detailed roadmap of government involvement in Free Software. The legal status of this document is not very strong: in the recent Russian governmental tradition a ‘concept’ is a kind of a detailed policy declaration, which may not be fully observed or may even be rejected or forgotten after a short period of time. However, it may serve as groundwork for future projects and more specific policy measures. Thus, even though a concept document does not create anything by itself, its availability is necessary for creation of good things.

    Russian DevelopmentRussian Development by mosdave

    The concept contains a detailed list of the proposed projects divided into three groups: legal, infrastructure and R&D and is scheduled up until 2010.

    The first positive thing about the document is that operates the term Free Software (Russian is one of the languages where you cannot confuse ‘free beer’ with ‘free speech’).

    The concept aims to strengthen the local software development industry and increase involvement of Russian programmers in development of software for government and municipal needs. The latter aim may be viewed as an acknowledgement of the fact that there are not enough Russian developers building software for the local needs and that the government demand is higher than supply.

    The primary directions of government involvement are: improvement of the legal framework, help in creation of the market infrastructure, R&D projects and wide-scale training.

    The legal block

    Russia is one of the countries where the American FLOSS licenses do not always look applicable. The particular problems targeted by the concept are:

    • the ‘written form’ of the copyright agreement required by the Russian Civil Code (there is a special exception for software, but the status of Free Software documentation remains unclear)
    • applicability of foreign law and court jurisdiction in international lawsuits
    • individual applicability of FOSS licenses
    • copyright management in government software-related contracts (both the state as a customer and the executor of a state contract must have sufficient rights)

    Development infrastructure

    This might be the most surprising and contradictory part of the document. The government plans to build a reference package building environment, a unified software repository for different platforms (including operating systems, basic development tools, middleware etc.), tracking of all the software titles used in government and tools for automatic certification of software that corresponds to particular standards.

    This ‘infrastructure’ is viewed as the platform for community participation in development of FOSS for Russian government and a multi-featured tracking and management tool for various kinds of software used throughout the government. The specific infrastructure actions include conduction of government-sponsored development competitions, definition of priority projects, maintaining of an up-to-date list of recommended standards and specifications etc.

    R&D priorities

    The following projects are the top priorities for software development projects:

    1. full-featured office solutions for public sector users
    2. common software packages for educational supplements
    3. software packages for collective Internet access points
    4. software for government services websites
    5. integration platform for e-government
    6. secure solutions for critical deployments
    7. development of service-oriented model of software distribution

    There is much to criticize about the concept. In particular, the whole legal block seems not very important to me, and it is difficult to tell who will do the necessary development for the R&D projects taking the lack of established FOSS vendors in the country into account.

    Nevertheless, FOSS has got very official acknowledgment, the government has set very ambitious targets, and the whole document, its structure and language show that it is built upon the Russian experience and is not a product of bare creativity or a borrowing of other countries’ policies. Hopefully, this progress in policy development will help to grow the local FOSS production, which is by far not as large as the government (and all of us) would wish.

    Technorati Tags: open source government, Russia, Russian Federation, free software, FOSS vendors

  • Roberto Galoppini 1:00 pm on April 21, 2008 Permalink | Reply  

    Commercial Open Source: The Future is Hybrid, by Fabrizio Capobianco 

    As I mentioned a few weeks ago, the debate about the best open source business model is still open. We are done with licenses, finally. However, the question on how we make (more) money, while keeping our open source soul clean, is still there. And it might not go away soon…

    Latest debate: MySQL alleged idea of having non-open source components in its Enterprise Edition. Whooo, scary…

    Marten and Zack might have made a marketing mistake: leaking the news out at the end of their conference, where they did not talk about it, was probably not done on purpose… In particular, just after the Sun acquisition, with all eyes focused on how opensourcey they still are.

    Nevertheless, this move is clearly into the right direction.

    Read the full post, I will comment later Fabrizio‘s post.

  • Roberto Galoppini 7:26 pm on April 20, 2008 Permalink | Reply  

    Italian Startups: Mind the Bridge Workshop, some impressions 

    Few days ago I joined the first “Mind the Bridgeworkshop, a program aimed at helping tomorrow’s Italian entrepreneurs.

    I really enjoyed joining the event, organized by 1GN, Partnership4Growth and BAIA Italia. Luigi Orsi Carbone speech on how to write a business model was a good start, while what Italian VCs had to say was pretty depressing.

    On the other hand it was a great pleasure to listen to Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, his talk was the exact combination of inspiration and festivity that every entrepreneur must first seek in herself.

    It was also interesting to listen to participants’ speeches, but I had little chance to pose deeper questions to PassPack‘s proponents Francesco Sullo and Tara Kelly, while I spent the whole evening with Stefano Grini, JabberOut‘s proponent.

    Italian VCs look too hard to court, offer very little money compared to their US counterpart, and last but not least ask really too much in terms of shares and obligations.

    Do you have a brilliant idea? Get in touch with Richard Boly here in Rome, or take a plane and ask Fabrizio Capobianco to show you the way.

    Technorati Tags: Italian startups, Mind the bridge, 1Gn, Partnership4growth, baia italia, RichardBoly, FabrizioCapobianco, StefanoGrini, FrancescoSullo, TaraKelly, Passpack, Jabberout

    • Tara Kelly 12:30 pm on April 21, 2008 Permalink

      Indeed, we didn’t manage to chat at all (neither over lunch, nor after the presentation). Would have liked to though. What’s the next event in Rome you’ll be at?

    • Roberto Galoppini 12:50 pm on April 21, 2008 Permalink

      Hi Tara,

      let’s give it a try soon. I am going to chair an event on the 14th of May at ForumPA, but I guess we can manage to meet up earlier for a coffee or so. Skype me.

  • Roberto Galoppini 3:16 pm on April 18, 2008 Permalink | Reply  

    Open Source at Microsoft: my stance on Microsoft Open Source Strategy 

    I want to take the opportunity here to clarify my stance and how I managed to form my analysis of Microsoft Open Source Strategy.

    A Change of Perception

    A Change of Perception by jpaul

    What has ignited this desire of mine to clarify these issues was the publication on my blog of the post Microsoft and OSS: another battle brewing”, unfortunately published without my editorial approval, and without my ability to review the contents before publication. After reading the article and having personally talked with the contributing editor, Carlo Daffara,I realized he was expressing some concerns about the clarity of my position relative to Microsoft and open source. Let me try to make it clearer.

    A little background.

    I have been consulting with Microsoft on different subjects over the last two years.

    The first time I happened to work with Microsoft was back in June 2006. I took part to the Microsoft’s Linux&Open Source Briefing partner program as open source expert. Techstream, a training firm engaged by Microsoft to deliver worldwide such program, found me over the internet, and eventually hired me after a couple of job interviews.

    When I visited Microsoft’s offices in Milan the first time, I barely knew there was an open source group at Microsoft. During the briefing we spoke at large about open source business and production models, and I was surprised by their interest in the subject.

    At the same time it was interesting for myself to see how Microsoft was differentiating itself from open source, as was enlightening to meet Microsoft’s VARs and ISVs partners joining the event.

    As a matter of fact some of them were already using open source technologies, and were posing precise and accurate questions about Microsoft’s strategy in this respect.

    Since then I got used to openly and publicly discuss with Microsoft people about our different views, and I eventually ended to consult with them in 2007.

    At that point I was contracted to help them find ways to cooperate with theFOSS world on interoperability, licensing schemas and possibly joint initiatives.

    Understanding how delicate it is to be an open source advocate and to consult to Microsoft, I also took a decision to avoid potential conflicts of interest within the OpenOffice.org Italian Association (PLIO). As I had been asked from Microsoft to create open source OpenXML tools for developers, I refrained from taking any position about the OpenXML vote within PLIO, which was directly involved within the JTC1 committee working on DIS29500. Not only. When I concluded my collaboration with Microsoft I thought wiser to keep myself out of the OpenXML vote discussion.

    Getting back to Microsoft’s open source strategy, I invited Pierpaolo Boccadamo, head of Microsoft’s Platform Strategy in Italy, at the Commercial Open Source Conference I organized in June last year. I was happy to invite him because for the very first time Microsoft was going to really speak about open source here in Italy, while also announcing the opening of its second open source lab in Italy.

    I was also part of Microsoft’s Italy work towards an open source compatible strategy. I have had the chance to talk to Sam Ramji and to many others like Robert Duffner and Bryan Kirschner, with whom I eventually developed my own idea on the Microsoft open-source strategy.

    Five (false) factual facts.

    1.The FOSS vs proprietary software dichotomy. The historical dichotomy is (slowly) disappearing, just because customers are demanding it. CIOs at Open Source Think Tank, essays from the Open Source Alliances and other sources are telling us about the importance to learn to live in a hybrid world. Microsoft is giving up with the anachronistic idea to keep customers using only proprietary software, at the same extent the idea to fully migrate to open source is of little meaning too. Researches on the transformation of open sourceare confirming that also the distinction between open source and proprietary vendors is reducing now.

    OSS 2.0 blurs the distinction between open source and proprietary software. Key open source players such as Red Hat and Novell’s SUSE Linux business unit position their Linux distributions to be more similar to a proprietary model. Traditional proprietary companies, such as HP, IBM and Microsoft, move more towards open source. Nevertheless, in the OSS 2.0 model, these companies must still satisfy certain criteria in relation to acceptable community values (a significant challenge for OSS 2.0). Large commercial organizations are not always well perceived within the open source community. Companies such as IBM, Sun, and HP support open source initiatives, but their support for patents is clearly at odds with the open source philosophy. Also, the quintessential patron of open source, Red Hat, could struggle in future as its policies increasingly conflict with community spirit and values. Use of subscription agreements and effective customer lock-ins through confidential service bulletins are close to the boundary of acceptable community values.

    2. Open Source Governance? We do not need it. Open source analystsdescribe the goal to define a trusted library of open source software and components a daunting task. Horizontal vendors offering open source support on certified repositories of open source technology are not yet enabling enterprises to manage open source like a portfolio. Besides that, companies acquiring open source software – often without any procurement process involved (downloading it) – are not happy to spend money on open source governance, as reported by Michael Goulde, senior analyst at Forrester:

    The paradox is a lot of companies are getting into open source to reduce their costs. They’re not excited to spend money to manage it.

    3. For Microsoft (and its partners) everything is a PC. Actually Microsoft was the PC company, and that’s why Microsoft developed effective programs to enable its partners to scale their growth. Microsoft progressively became a platform provider, a crucial hub in the IT ecosystem. Marco Iansiti in his Information Technology Ecosystem Health and Performance explains clearly the role of platform providers.

    Platform providers perform a critical role in an ecosystem – they deliver consistent and reliable components that make application providers more productive. The tools and building blocks they provide to ecosystem members make it easier to create powerful applications that in turn benefit end-users. In doing so, platform providers can act as “Keystones” to their ecosystems.

    Linux enthusiasts might not like Microsoft’s server market share, but they can hardly ignore it. Both Windows and Linux are complemented by extensive tool sets used by millions of developers, and Microsoft with the Most Valuable Professional program is keeping to foster its communities. Tools, indeed, are just part of the general picture, a picture in which Microsoft creates a lot of value for its ecosystem.

    4. Microsoft won’t raise any interest among OSS developers.This argument is not supported by any research. On the contrary both Lakhani and Wolf and Bonaccorsi findings on motivations to contribute returned a different feedback. The former research indicates that only a tiny fractions of respondents would never participate in a closed source project, while the latter shows that firms emphasize economic and technological reasons for contributing to Open Source and do not subscribe to many social motivations.

    5. Microsoft IP “broken bridges” will keep Microsoft (and its partners) out of open source business. There are still some obstacles to be addressed before Microsoft can work at with open source in all of its forms, but many open source vendors could already take advantage of the business opportunity. At the end of the day open source firms need, just like any other software firm, to sell preferably products, otherwise subscriptions or services (the very last option). As a matter of fact companies like Zimbra sell proprietary Enterprise editions using Microsoft APIs, and this don’t make them look less open source than others. It is definitely true that Microsoft’s IP policy affects “downstream” developers, as rightly Matt Asay points out. Microsoft, in this respect, has still to work hard to balance communities’ and company’s interests, and I am looking forward to comment Microsoft’s future steps in this direction.

    Here my thoughts.

    Microsoft, just like any other major IT vendors, understands that open source is a very important part of the IT environment today, but differently from any other, it has a huge partner channel, lots of developers skilled on its platforms, and a strong economic incentive in being a platform player.

    Notwithstanding Microsoft choice not to give away its core platforms, Microsoft could play a very important role bringing under its umbrella open source firms. Co-marketing partnerships appear to be appealing from both sides. Microsoft can greatly help to reduce uncertainty, delivering WAMP stacks and similar supported off-the-shelf open source solutions based on Microsoft’s platforms. Microsoft’s customers could eventually reduce the cost of open source software selection, a price many are not happy to pay.

    Fostering its own communities, even with specific programs, today Microsoft is providing causes for effects, answering another frequent question about the availability of open source developers and architects.

    Where other see just a monopoly, I see our (open source) potential. The other day talking with Stacey Schneider I asked her a feedback on Hyperic experience with Microsoft, below the full transcript.

    From Hyperic’s perspective, Microsoft has been great at recognizing what a great partner Hyperic can be. Their Open Source Labs have performed tests and run Hyperic – delivering writeups and podcasts on their opinions of the software (positive!) to their communities. Their partner organization has recently awarded Hyperic a free consulting engagement (they paid for it) designed to review Hyperic’s overall business plan and help us navigate the Microsoft organization in the best way to maximize our participation in go to market activities. They have even gone so far as to become a customer – using Hyperic for management for some technology they acquired that is not yet moved over to .NET. They recognize our cross-platform abilities, and our overall scalability and usability.
    As a company, Microsoft is still figuring out many of its approaches and participation in the open source world. Some we may not all agree with in their first stages, however as a partner and a vendor to Microsoft, we have seen constant attention to our space, and have seen recognition that they need to work with mixed environments and mixed vendors nicely. That said, if you are an all windows shop – they are quick to point out you probably want to use their solution which is built just for windows and designed to optimize that experience. We’re fine with that – we think the mixed market is much bigger.

    My open source world is pretty hybrid, what about yours?

    Technorati Tags: commercial open source, open business, Microsoft Open Source, open source strategy, SamRamji, MichaelGould, Open Source Think Tank, Open Solutions Alliance, Techstream

    • Carlo Piana 10:19 pm on April 18, 2008 Permalink

      Roberto, thank you for the insight, very interesting. Actually I have seen a lot of changes in Microsoft attitude in the last year, which conducted to a rather successful negotiation in the implementation of the measures imposed by the Commission and upheld by the Court of Justice.

      As I publicly reckoned during the last meeting in Geneva on Open Standards, directly to Microsoft executives, they sometimes went beyond their obligation (in other fields they are still quite behind, but a long journey starts with a small first step). I am direct witness of potential developments.

      So much that I have written an essay urging Microsoft to take the lead on Free Software, as you can read in my blog: Is Microsoft to Lead the Free Software Crusade?. I think it is a variation on the same tune.

      Roberto, keek up the good work!

    • Roberto Galoppini 7:37 pm on April 20, 2008 Permalink

      Thank you very much for your feedback Carlo!

      I suspect our vision of the future is not welcomed by many free software advocates, and as usual only time could tell.

      For the time being I’ll do my best to keep myself equally critical of proprietary and open source myths, speaking on the merits and pitfalls that Microsoft’s strategy has for open source firms and developers.

  • Roberto Galoppini 7:00 pm on April 17, 2008 Permalink | Reply  

    Open Source Conference: IBM Open Standards event, 8 of May 

    Bob Sutor, IBM Vice President Open Source and Standards, invited the IBM Italian subsidiary to organize an event aimed at public officers or those who have an interest in the public sector.

    IBM Italia recognizing the importance of open standards, and knowing that open standards in IT are critical to allow new entrants to participate, invites stakeholders to meet up with IBM open source and open standards pioneers.

    The event will be held on the 8 of May at the IBM office in Rome. Giovanni Aliverti, IBM Italy Institutional relationships, will open the session. Then Bob Sutor will give his keynote speech talking of open source trends for the next 12 months. Vittorio Pagani, CNIPA Open Source Observatory, and Flavia Marzano will cover respectively open standards’ issues by central and local public administrations. I will eventually give my presentation on standards conformance, hilighting the importance to prove that software products are meeting open standards‘ specifications.

    Last but not least Gianfranco Cesareo will introduce the audience to IBM software products compliant to open standards.

    If you wish to join the event send me an email, the event is invitation-only.

    Technorati Tags: open standards, open source conference, IBM Italy, GiovanniAliverti, FlaviaMarzano, VittorioPagani, GianfrancoCesareo, file format

  • Roberto Galoppini 5:41 pm on April 11, 2008 Permalink | Reply  

    Open Source Systems Management: Hyperic HQU released, an interview with Stacey Schneider 

    Hyperic, the provider of open source web infrastructure management software, recently announced a new version of both the open source and enterprise versions of Hyperic HQ.

    Hyperic released a new UI plugin framework named Hyperic HQU, enabling administrators to develop new modular UI components via web services, and announced also a partnership with OpenNMS, a popular open source network management solution.

    I started asking Stacey Schneider, senior director of marketing at Hyperic, about Hyperic background and history.

    The technology and the founders that would eventually form Hyperic originally came together at Covalent. There, they worked together to build an application monitoring solution for web-based infrastructure, centering on Apache. They spent two years developing this technology and recruiting a handful of customers. Early in 2004, Covalent reassessed its place in the market and decided to not invest further in this technology — however the team was passionate about the area and confident their solution had a big place in the market. So, they spun off and formed Hyperic taking the engineers, software IP and customers with them.

    The founders bootstrapped the company for 2 years, building out their designs and working closely with the first dozen customers. As the product became mature, JBoss discovered Hyperic during a build vs buy assessment for what would become their JBoss Operations Network offering. They decided to OEM Hyperic. Quickly following that, Accel and Benchmark decided to fund Hyperic. This provided the founders with the means to go through the process of opening up the software to the open source community.

    Since then, the company has grown from 5 employees to 40, from 12 customers to over 450, and from one strategic OEM relationship to 6 along with 25 other partners.

    Should we talk of “low-end disruption” or a “new-market disruption”?

    Hyperic is serving a new market – one that is born of new technology, fast rates of change, and tied together using web technologies. These custom built systems are usually not candidates for the older frameworks offered by the Big 4. Because they are so custom, the teams typically supporting them build custom management tools as well – usually using scripts they write or Nagios to do service checks. These systems may exist alongside old iron legacy systems, systems that are more stable and have a functioning monitoring solution from the Big 4 working for them. However, these systems are different – and this is where Hyperic’s opportunity is made in the market. For operations teams powering custom built technology – using a variety of technologies developed in-house or components available either commercially or open source – they need Hyperic to help them keep up with change, establish rules based monitoring and management protocols, and incorporate their custom logic and bleeding edge technologies into one easy to use, scalable solution.

    Why Hyperic is employing three different community managers?

    Almost all of our eventual customers meet Hyperic through our Community. They either trial the open source software first, read about users experience, or find their solution to their problem documented through the community. Our community provides broad resources for any deployment, including forum based support and advice, and a community HyperFORGE where users contribute additional management plugins, scripts or UI plugins. To keep pace with the activity, and to organize events, communication and community outreach – Hyperic has 3 community managers and one community moderator. As a company, we believe it is important to invest heavily in community development to ensure our users have the best experience, and we as a company learn and benefit as much as possible from our community at large. As a result, many of our users-turned-customers still rely heavily on community communications and events to improve their deployment. Additionally, they also lend a great testimonial to other users who are considering becoming customers – all in a public forum that is built on credible trust.

    Hyperic Enterprise  is a proprietary software solution, just like Groundwork Enterprise, based on the open source version of the product. Hyperic vibrant community is clearly an important part of their marketing strategy.

    Definitely yet another interesting open source firm.

    Technorati Tags: commercial open source, StaceySchneider, Hyperic, open source community, hyperforge, hyperic HQU, systems management,   Web monitoring

  • Roberto Galoppini 3:20 pm on April 10, 2008 Permalink | Reply  

    Open Source Startups: Marketcetera, making Business sense of Free Software 

    Marketcetera, an open source startup based in San Francisco developing a platform for automated trading, has just secured $4 million in Series A funding to help others make millions.

    Marketcetera is already making its platform available for download, an official 1.0 release is tentatively scheduled for the last quarter of 2008, but the current version is already certified with Reuters RTEX and available also available as a VMWare and Parallels appliance.

    Making senseMaking sense by Eccleston George Public Artists

    I met Graham Miller and Toli Kuznets few weeks ago in San Francisco, and I spent a couple of hours with them talking of their business experience. I am reporting a detailed essay of our conversation, it could be inspirational for tomorrow’s entrepreneurs.

    How all this started.

    Toli and I were both computer science students at Stanford when we met. I participated in a program called the Mayfield Fellows Program, run by entrepreneurship Professor Tom Byers. That together with a couple of classes that Toli took, make up the sum total of our formal business training. The rest was by osmosis and trial and error in working in Silicon Valley. It was through this early work at Reactivity (me) and CenterRun (Toli), that we met our two advisors, John Lilly (currently CEO of Mozilla), and Aaref Hilaly (currently CEO of Clearwell Systems). These two guys have be extremely helpful. Everything from business advice to introductions to investors that they had worked with in the past. The introduction–while helpful–really only gets you the first meeting tho. The rest is up to you, which is why we are grateful that our advisors were able to help us with our pitch as well.

    It is interesting to know how things go over the pond. IT firms, and open source ones are not an exception, start small to become big, or very big. The whole entrepreneurial ecosystem enables start-ups to achieve sustainable growth, it is not just matter of the availability of financial support instruments for SMEs. Advisors are of capital importance, as are important business training courses, and last but not least the role that customers play.

    What role did customers play in the development of the company?

    I think that there were three key customers in the development of the company. First, we were the target customers. When we were building these trading systems on Wall Street, we were looking for something exactly like the Marketcetera platform, and would happily have paid for market data and other services on top of an open-source platform. Secondly, we found some initial seed investors, (friendly Wall Street types) who also wanted to use the software, and specifically were interested in a platform that would let them build out applications quickly. They invested a modest amount of money with the goal of seeing this dream realized. As part of their participation in the company, they got access to the platform, and the ability to guide product development.

    Finally once we got the product into a usable shape, we managed to get some early customers up and running on the platform. These customers required more flexibility in integration and licensing terms than proprietary products could offer them. We structured our early development projects as consulting engagements, that is only charging for our development and configuration time. That way we were able to give our customers a tailored custom solution at the same time maximizing the feedback we get for future product development.

    The first customers have been playing an important role to let it happen. Graham and Toli progressively moved from the approach of consulting engagements into the process to define and sell a product. Customers expectations in terms of licensing and flexibility were definitely of great importance in their path down the open source road.

    Why did you decide to go open source with your platform?

    The initial motivation for the open source model was the recognition that these systems, traditionally built from scratch in house, required flexibility not possible in proprietary systems. We looked at the strengths of the open source development model, and realized that it often steers development efforts toward a platform, rather than a specific application. This is our end goal, to enable the construction of the next generation of trading tools on top of an open-source infrastructure. One unintended side-effect has been that our customers have complete control over information management. In the intensely competitive world of finance, a hedge fund can more closely guard its secrets through the use of open-source software, because it need not engage third party vendors at all. Should they need help, we are here to provide it, but they’re welcome to “Download. Run. Trade.” all on their own.
    Ultimately we think the open-source software plus services model is a much better fit for an industry that sees much custom software development, and has a voracious appetite for data and connectivity.

    Interestingly enough Marketcetera platform is welcomed by customers because of the “unintended side-effect” Graham talks about. As a matter of fact the freedom to make modifications and use them privately without even mentioning that they exist is a key success factor here. It is probably not by casualty that Marketcetera is distributed under the GPLv2 and I believe they definitely shouldn’t consider to adopt the AGPL.

    Last but not least, who is your customer?

    Organizations of all sizes have deployed the Marketcetera Platform, from multibillion-dollar asset managers to small currency traders. A billion-dollar hedge fund has deployed the platform as a replacement for home-grown trading tools, because of increasing maintenance costs of the custom code. A large asset manager has deployed the platform to manage a suite of connections to 200 broker dealers globally. Because it is available under an open source license, frequently the platform is used as an integration point for several trading systems. For example a small currency trading firm integrates a third party analytics package to a FIX connection with Currenex. We see growing interest from small hedge funds in India up to 10 of the largest financial institutions in the world.

    While Marketcetera have not yet labored enough as open source operations to provide substantiative evidence of the viability of their model, I firmly believe that they are really exploring new potentialities of the free software business. Companies using platforms resulting from commons-based peer production are used to reveal just a fraction of the new code, but hedge funds and currency traders are definitely not industry participants in the field of embedded Linux. Marketcetera’s customers are willing to co-fund the platform’s development, just as Collaborative Software Initiative‘s customers probably do.

    To gain the greatest benefit from open source disruptive challenges to proprietary platforms like FlexTrade, savvy IT departments will pay for open source solutions allowing proprietary and secret trading algorithms.

    Congratulations to the Marketcetera team, and happy hacking!

    Read also Matt Asays post and Dana Blankenhorn‘s post.

    Technorati Tags: marketcetera, trading platform, commercial open source, free software business, flextrade, startup, open business

    • fiidgets 10:27 am on July 31, 2008 Permalink

      I like the idea of using consulting assignments to fund development but not sure whether a start up should build a platform and not an application.

  • Roberto Galoppini 10:14 am on April 10, 2008 Permalink | Reply  

    Open Source Identity Management: eID Cards and Free Software in Europe 

    Smart cards and digital signatures are presented as among the most important components of e-government in Europe, but they are still far from being an effective, Linux-friendly solution to reduce administrative and business costs. But the same tools may become a way to make the general public use or support Free Software.

    Almost 10 years ago, European Community directive 1999/93/Ce stated the principle that, in certain cases and under certain conditions, a digital signature can be just as reliable and legally binding as one on paper. “Qualified electronic signatures,” which are generated with a secure device and validated by an official certificate, belong to this category. For this reason, digital signatures and identification through smart cards are considered one of the main tools to reduce costs and increase efficiency in European e-government and public administrations. The Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera reported in March that Italian economy as a whole saved €260 million since some procedures to create a new company went entirely digital, and that, country-wide, online tax filings cost €90 million less every year than doing them with paper documents.

    Back in 1997, Italy was the first EU country to acknowledge the legal validity of electronic documents. The Code of Digital Administration that followed in 2005 laid down the official rules for using digital signatures and smart cards in the country. As a result, as of June 2007 Italy was also the EU country with the highest number of smart cards — almost three million — released for official purposes. In the coming years this trend will grow, due both to the need to comply with national and EU regulations and, above all, to reduce costs.

    In spite of all this, however, inertia, as well as lack of information and coordination, still limit the benefits of smart cards in Italy, especially for GNU/Linux users. Many procedures and tools are either redundant, obscure, or far from being technically and legally interoperable, even when they are open source.

    Read the full article, by Marco Fioretti.

    On the same topic read also the report on the 12th Porvoo group meeting, by Bud Bruegger.

  • Roberto Galoppini 3:54 pm on April 9, 2008 Permalink | Reply  

    Open Source Voices: Videos from the Linux Foundation Collaboration Summit 

    The Linux Foundation’s Annual Collaboration Summit kiked off  yesterday in Austin, Texas.

    The Linux Foundation, a nonprofit organization historically dedicated to accelerating the growth of Linux, is bringing together many open source protagonists over these days, there are few live video coming out of the summit today at YouTube.

    Check them out by yourself, among others Marten Mickos, Ross Turk and Raven Zachary.

    Technorati Tags: Linux Foundation, MartenMickos, RossTurk, RavenZachary


  • Roberto Galoppini 10:02 pm on March 28, 2008 Permalink | Reply  

    Open Source at Microsoft: Microsoft engages SourceSense to develop a new version of Apache POI, some background 

    Microsoft and Sourcesense recently announced that are partnering to jointly contribute to the development t of a new version of Apache POI, an Apache top level project.

    Apache POI support for Open XML is now in development, to get here took about one year and the first release is expected to be available during the second quarter of 2008.Being personally involved in the process from the very beginning, I want to tell you about how building bridges and find ways to make Microsoft and Open Source firms work together is coming true.

    bridgeA useful bridge by petetaylor

    Last year I have been consulting to Microsoft Italy to help them to better understand the free software principles and the business model and to validate their thoughts on how to find ways to cooperate with the FOSS world on interoperability, licensing schemas and possibly joint initiatives.

    Andrea Valboni, Microsoft Italy CTO, at that stage was involved in the OOXML process, and one of the point of discussion about that format was: how people can use IT, how developers can take advantage from it. The issue of a reference implementation was coming out in the debate of that time. Here the full story, in Andrea’s words:

    I was discussing this over the phone with Roberto Galoppini (we have been not always on the same page,but our interaction have been always very respectful and intellectually honest), he was not very much convinced that a reference implementation could help developers, although a good idea. His point of view was more in favor of a set of libraries that can avoid developers to enter into the format’s details and concentrate on the application functionalities. I then asked whether he knew someone that can be interested in doing this.

    Having been the founder of the Italian open source consortium (CIRS) I do know many Italian open source companies, and I knew I had the perfect match with Sourcesense, an italian-rooted Open Source systems integrator with a strong international outreach and a great track record in participation to Open Source communities: I knew Gianugo Rabellino, Sourcesense’s CEO and a well know member of the Apache Software Foundation, was and is the right man for the job, and I was in touch with Marco Bruni, founder of Pro-netics group, an Italian IT group with solid Open Source roots and the company behind Sourcesense. I added two and two, and I made introductions.

    Getting back to Andrea’s tale, here how it goes on:

    So a beautiful sunny morning some days after that talk, I was sitting in a bar in Rome, having a coffee with Roberto and Marco Bruni, discussing about formats and listening to opinions of an open source company’s manager. Also the dialog I had with Marco was very open and frank, we both explained our reciprocal points of view and ideas, then he talked about Java libraries they are using to access Office binary formats. As I asked for more info, he talked me about the Jakarta/POI project [Java API To Access Microsoft Format Files] of the Apache Foundation.

    Sometime after that meeting, Gianugo was sitting in our office at Segrate, explaining to me and few legals the Apache License and more in general the open source licensing and how the Apache Foundation is working and the communities rules working under this umbrella: he was pretty clear, that’s are the rules, if we would like to create a cooperation.

    And it happened, the agreement took form day after day.

    I am glad I have been helping to make it happen playing the open source hub role, I really wish this partnership to be the first of many other involving open source firms, possibly European and Italian ones!

    Technorati Tags: commercial open source, microsoft, sourcesense, marcobruni, pro-netics, sourcesense, apache, POI, OpenXML

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