Italian Association Thanks Tax Payers!

The Italian revenue agency has just released the list of ONLUS and volunteer organizations that are eligible for tax payers’ donations (5 per mille), and PLIO, the Italian association born in 2007 ,is among them!

PLIO has received 171 preferences, and it is in the first third of the list order by amount desc. The total amount of donations is 5.519,72 euros.

Thank you all for your donations!

About the Italian revenue agency (it.: Agenzia delle Entrate).
It is a non ministerial public body and performs the functions and obligations imposed by law in the field of taxes and fiscal duties.

What is an ONLUS. An Onlus is an organization that is granted a specific fiscal status and can therefore avail of special terms and tax exemptions that apply to both the organization and its members.