Open Source Links: 03-06-2007

Free Downloads vs. Sales: A Publishing Case Study – Tim O’Reilly tells an interesting story about Asterisks book, comparing free downloads vs sales.

IDC values open source software market at $1.8bn – IDC has also predicted that the market will grow by a compound annual growth rate of 26% from 2006 to reach $5.8bn in 2011, by Matthew Aslett.

Who pays for Open Source? Freemium conversion rates – Don Dodge correlates “Freemium” conversion rates to the ratio of OSS users paying for support contract. IS that a general rule? I doubt.
How to select a CMS -  Seth Gotlieb wrote an insightful post about CMS selection, James McGovern commented and Seth eventually noticed that only some OS products have vendors behind them. The process, in this case, might be different.

Alfresco and Liferay User GroupAlfresco and Liferay are hosting a CMS/Portal user group meeting in Ontario, Carlifornia on Wednesday July 18th.

Microsoft and IronRuby – John Lam on IronRuby.

Office 2.0 Conference Redux – The Office 2.0 Conference will be held in S.Francisco next September, if interested fill the registration form at discount price until July 14.

Novell Open PR: ‘Last call’ draft of GPLv3 – GPLv3’s stakeholders and loopholes are still driving the draft review process.