Google reader: trends, tricks but search!
I recently starting using Google reader, and I found interesting Brady Forrest post on O’Reilly Radar about Google reader’s trends, a page filled with graphs and widgets that keeps you up-to-date on your own usage.
Reading the Official Google Reader Blog you can find many hints and adds-on, but what I’m really missing is a search facility within my feeds. Anne Curie, from Qlockwork, commenting Brady Forrest post agreed with me:
I agreee that a search facility is very useful in this kind of tool. I use a tool called Qlockwork ( that tracks where I spend my on-line time (as well as everything else I do). One of the most useful features is the ability to search. (Full disclosure: I’m a developer on Qlockwork, so I’m biased, I also forget to tag or bookmark stuff all the time so totally rely on search).
Roberto Galoppini 6:24 pm on January 25, 2007 Permalink
Creating Structure with Folders and Tags
As with many RSS aggregators, Google Reader allows you to create folders. These are similar to labels in Gmail although I didn’t see an easy way to rename them or set them up in advance. I could create a folder at the time I was assigning a feed or through the import process. I couldn’t first create my folders and then add my feeds.
One way to get around this issue is to subscribe to any feed and create the folders you think you’ll need using Change folders… and the Create a new folder option. Then unsubscribe from that feed and your folder names will remain. This issue may only bother people who want to first set up their structure.