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  • Roberto Galoppini 6:38 pm on January 10, 2007 Permalink | Reply  

    Open Source, Openness and Second life 

    Everybody is talking about Linden going Open Source with the Second Life client.

    While they claimed to “welcome the inevitable with open arms” I believe they decided to go open in order to cut software production costs. Their choice has a very low degree of resemblance to the Netscape’s lately loss leader move to me, on the contrary it’s likely to result in many beneficial developments, as greatly described by Susan Wu on her blog:

    • Reducing the engineering/QA costs at Linden Lab. As one of the better implementations of a Snow Crash like Metaverse, Second Life has attracted more creator personality types than traditional online games or communities. libsecondlife, a library/SDK that implements a subset of the Second Life network protocol, is a pretty good indication of how motivated these hacker/coder types will be to extend the utility of the Second Life client beyond what it can currently do. A fully open sourced client extends the possibilities both by being a more powerful framework into which new functionality can be added and simply because it is a fully official project, supported directly by Linden Lab.
    • Mashup style applications, widgets for MySpace. libsecondlife was somewhat limited, in that it was built on a partial reverse engineering of the SL protocol, whereas the full viewer release reveals the complete details of the protocol. I expect to see things like web page to Second Life widgets allowing Second Life users to check their in-world messages or chat with people who are in-world without actually loading the full viewer application locally. I also expect to see scaled down Second Life clients that can run on cell phones or other small devices, giving the user a simplified 2D experience of the Second Life world as an alternative for when they can’t run the full desktop client. I don’t expect these clients to support the full immersive Second Life environment like the official desktop client, but lightweight in-browser access would be a net positive for a lot of Second Life members.
    • Improved graphics. For all the network engineering marvels Second Life possesses, its graphical engine is decidedly old school by today’s standards. There are a lot of ways in which it could be improved while still displaying the same content. I expect some bored graphics developers to take the core client and move it over to a more shader-friendly rendering model, perhaps adding in some clever automatic up-ressing of texture and 3D model content in the process, a la Tenebrae Quake.
    • Better support for third-party building tools. With the full client open sourced, I’d be surprised if the 3D model builders who live, eat and breath Maya or 3D Studio Max or Blender don’t build tools to allow them to more directly interface their 3D modelling tool of choice into the Second Life world viewer.
    • Accessibility by new audiences. For what I assume are the purposes of ease of cross-platform development, Second Life uses a custom UI widget system. Between this and the inherent blind-accessibility problem of untagged 3D data, Second Life just hasn’t been very accessible to the disabled. While there is no guarantee that this an itch some third-party developers will want to scratch, it would be a really nice benefit if it did come to pass. A virtual world like Second Life is exactly the sort of thing that could be liberating for a lot of disabled folks, yet the current system doesn’t cater to them at all. Hopefully motivated open source developers will fill the gap here.

    Talking about Open Source and Openness Susan Wu stated:

    [..] open sourcing the client doesn’t necessarily result in an open platform or openness of user experience [..].Openness is a design philosophy, whereas open source is a licensing choice.

    I do totally agree, openness and licensing aren’t exactly the same thing.

  • Roberto Galoppini 12:32 pm on January 9, 2007 Permalink | Reply  

    Free Software is just Free Software 

    Lars Wirzenius known to the large public either for being Torvalds’s friend, or to had been responsible for architectural design and project management of a great piece of software named Kannel, recently wrote about what does it mean to be free software developer.

    Answering someone having expectations about Free Software world being in the forefront protecting civil liberties and civil rights, wisely wrote:

    The thing that unites the free software developers, and the only thing that unites us, is that we make free software.

    I have never read before a well-known free software developer stating it so clearly, and I liked very much his conclusion:

    I’m a free software developer and the only thing about me you can deduce from that is that I develop free software.

  • Roberto Galoppini 12:03 pm on January 8, 2007 Permalink | Reply  

    US Copyright law unleashed 

    Thanks to the wonderful MIT OpenCourseWare, the free and open educational resource for educators, students, and self-learners around the world, now you can learn everything about:

    • structure of federal law;
    • basics of legal research;
    • legal citations;
    • how to use LexisNexis®;
    • the 1976 Copyright Act;
    • copyright as applied to music, computers, broadcasting, and education;
    • fair use;
    • Napster®, Grokster®, and Peer-to-Peer file-sharing;
    • Library Access to Music Project;
    • The 1998 Digital Millennium Copyright Act;
    • DVDs and encryption;
    • software licensing;
    • the GNU® General Public License and free software.

    The course is offered during the Independent Activities Period, a 4-week term at MIT that runs from the first week of January until the end of the month. Enjoy it!

  • Roberto Galoppini 10:04 am on January 8, 2007 Permalink | Reply  

    Women in Open Source 

    Google alerts let me know about the mini-conference “Women in Open Source” , will be guested by the upcoming Southern California Linux Expo on the 9th of February.

    The press release don’t have much of a fully formed agenda for the event yet, says shessuchageek . and since there are still speaker slots available send your talk proposals asap.

    • Savio Rodrigues 3:34 am on January 10, 2007 Permalink

      Thanks Roberto!

      I’ve forwarded the info to Alice Chou, who came over to the IBM WebSphere team as part of the Gluecode acquisition. Alice played a big part in the marketing strategy at Gluecode and is currently doing the same with IBM WAS CE. She knows her open source stuff!

    • Roberto Galoppini 3:22 pm on January 10, 2007 Permalink

      It sounds great, I hope they’ll manage to fill up nicely the agenda!

  • Roberto Galoppini 1:08 pm on January 6, 2007 Permalink | Reply  

    Google reader: trends, tricks but search! 

    I recently starting using Google reader, and I found interesting Brady Forrest post on O’Reilly Radar about Google reader’s trends, a page filled with graphs and widgets that keeps you up-to-date on your own usage.

    Reading the Official Google Reader Blog you can find many hints and adds-on, but what I’m really missing is a search facility within my feeds. Anne Curie, from Qlockwork, commenting Brady Forrest post agreed with me:

    I agreee that a search facility is very useful in this kind of tool. I use a tool called Qlockwork (http://www.workingprogram.com) that tracks where I spend my on-line time (as well as everything else I do). One of the most useful features is the ability to search. (Full disclosure: I’m a developer on Qlockwork, so I’m biased, I also forget to tag or bookmark stuff all the time so totally rely on search).

    • Roberto Galoppini 6:24 pm on January 25, 2007 Permalink

      Creating Structure with Folders and Tags

      As with many RSS aggregators, Google Reader allows you to create folders. These are similar to labels in Gmail although I didn’t see an easy way to rename them or set them up in advance. I could create a folder at the time I was assigning a feed or through the import process. I couldn’t first create my folders and then add my feeds.

      One way to get around this issue is to subscribe to any feed and create the folders you think you’ll need using Change folders… and the Create a new folder option. Then unsubscribe from that feed and your folder names will remain. This issue may only bother people who want to first set up their structure.

  • Roberto Galoppini 12:32 pm on January 6, 2007 Permalink | Reply  

    Open Source Science: Karim Lakhani 

    Professor Karim Lakhani, co-founder of the MIT-based Open Source research community and web portal. He has studied extensively the emergence of OSS communities and their innovation and product development strategies, and investigated how knowledge from outside of the organization can be put to use inside for innovation.

    Reading an interview with Lakhani,I enjoyed the following quotation,

    People often think about open source as a special case, as if such openness can only happen in software.

    Martha Lagace asked him how did he start to become interested in scientific problem solving

    In open source communities we see a vast degree of openness in which everybody can participate, but also the practice of broadcasting your work to everybody else. People continually broadcast their problems, others broadcast solutions, and the person with the problem is not always the one with the solution. Oftentimes, somebody else can make sense of both what the problem has been and what people are proposing as solutions, and can come up with a better answer.

    I also read a book by Dava Sobel about the longitude prize [Longitude: The True Story of a Lone Genius Who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of his Time]. Finding longitude at sea was one of the toughest economic, scientific, and technological problems up until the eighteenth century. Isaac Newton said the only way to solve the problem was through astronomical methods, but he was proven wrong because someone from rural Yorkshire, England, came up with a clock that could keep time at sea. Nobody had anticipated that that kind of invention was practical.

    About the difference between problem solving within OS communities and scientific circles

    Open source software developers are very pragmatic and focused on solving problems. Scientists are focused on problems too, but their priority is often publication and that can sometimes come in the way of openness and sharing. The ideals of science are, of course, openness, sharing, and no restrictions on the free flow of knowledge, but in practice that doesn’t happen much at all. Some scientists, however, are pushing back and many say they need to rethink how they conduct science.

    About risks related to opening problems to people outside the organization

    For firms, the first order risk is the loss of intellectual property, especially if you think about the fact that most firms and scientists believe that the problems they work on are actually their most important things. If you provide hints to competitors, it will reveal a lot of your strategy.

    I think it’s a legitimate concern, although practice doesn’t prove that out in the sense that even if other people know about the problems you’re working on or have seen your solutions, it’s very hard to implement those solutions in other settings. Knowledge is actually very sticky. Even if you reveal everything about what’s going on, there’s tacit knowledge behind a lot of scientific and technological activities.

    And the benefit of opening up your problems to outsiders is that in fact you can get novel solutions—quicker solutions than what the firm or R&D lab might develop. It also opens up new domains for the pursuit of knowledge and activities.

    But it’s still a very counterintuitive way of working.

    If you want to know more about outsiders, reputation and his research read the full story.

  • Roberto Galoppini 10:40 am on January 6, 2007 Permalink | Reply  

    Open-Source Community tool: OpenServing, to boldly keep 100% of your revenues! 

    While reading MasterNewmedia I happened to know about OpenServing:

    Openserving extends the essence of the open source model — free software and content — to all aspects of web-based computing.

    Their service will offer soon free hosting, bandwidth and software for communities, promising to turn over 100% of advertisement profits.

    Read the full story and learn the key features of OpenServing.

    • Gregory Kohs 7:27 am on November 12, 2008 Permalink

      Of course, Openserving (run my Jimbo Wales) quickly failed, and fully and miserably.

      However, his nemesis, Gregory Kohs has been running a wiki successfully on the same model — contributors keep 100% of their own ad revenues — at MyWikiBiz.com. Over 37,000 pages and growing.

  • Roberto Galoppini 7:37 pm on January 5, 2007 Permalink | Reply  

    The Open Source analysis wiki just launched 

    James MCGovern speaking with Raven Zachary , from The 451 Group, got the idea to ask other analyst firms to join him to collaboratively work on the notion of an open source industry analysis guide.

    In his post he reported some issues to be addressed, Barbara French from Tekrati also joined the informal community to develop a guide to working with industry analyst firms using open source licensing / analysis as part of their business model. So did James McGovern who said that the open source analysis wiki aims to answer some questions like:

    • what is open source analysis?
    • Why is it different from traditional industry analyst models?
    • How do we best engage with open source analysts?

    I believe is a very good start, the inter-firms collaboration works fine!

  • Roberto Galoppini 6:03 pm on January 4, 2007 Permalink | Reply  

    Wikipedia fundraising: advertising is cool 

    While many are still arguing about Microsoft’s move to send free PC to bloggers, as I learn from my webmaster these days is running an important discussion about advertising on wikipedia.

    As in every democracy there are at least two parties, wikipedians pro advertisment and against it.

    I’m with Evan Prodromou, one of the wikitravel founders, saying:

    I’m not sympathetic with these folks; in fact, I’m in solid opposition. I think that Wikipedia’s huge amount of Web traffic is a resource that the Foundation is squandering. Traffic like Wikipedia’s is worth tens of millions if not hundreds of millions of dollars in ad revenue per year. That’s money that could go to disseminate free (libre and gratis) paperback pocket encyclopedias to millions of schools and millions of children, in their own language, around the world.

    It’s irresponsible to abuse that opportunity.

    An advertising-fueled Wikimedia Foundation might do lots of good things and Slashdot readers objections to ads doesn’t sound good to me also.

    I support advertising on Wikipedia.

  • Roberto Galoppini 7:36 pm on January 2, 2007 Permalink | Reply  

    New year Free Software resolutions 

    I just read Jon Peck suggesting some resolutions to assist you in your pursuit of free software, from supporting  a Free Software project to  simply spread the word about a  product, or strategically donate  to a no-profit organization like the Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure.

    Read his full article and remember not to be too pushy when you give advice!

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