Open Source Conference: IBM Open Standards event, 8 of May

Bob Sutor, IBM Vice President Open Source and Standards, invited the IBM Italian subsidiary to organize an event aimed at public officers or those who have an interest in the public sector.

IBM Italia recognizing the importance of open standards, and knowing that open standards in IT are critical to allow new entrants to participate, invites stakeholders to meet up with IBM open source and open standards pioneers.

The event will be held on the 8 of May at the IBM office in Rome. Giovanni Aliverti, IBM Italy Institutional relationships, will open the session. Then Bob Sutor will give his keynote speech talking of open source trends for the next 12 months. Vittorio Pagani, CNIPA Open Source Observatory, and Flavia Marzano will cover respectively open standards’ issues by central and local public administrations. I will eventually give my presentation on standards conformance, hilighting the importance to prove that software products are meeting open standards‘ specifications.

Last but not least Gianfranco Cesareo will introduce the audience to IBM software products compliant to open standards.

If you wish to join the event send me an email, the event is invitation-only.

Technorati Tags: open standards, open source conference, IBM Italy, GiovanniAliverti, FlaviaMarzano, VittorioPagani, GianfrancoCesareo, file format