Conference: Vote for Italy, now!

The next Annual Conference 2008 (OOoCon) will be held in one of the following locations, and it is up to you to choose which one: Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Beijing, China; Bratislava, Slovakia; Budapest, Hungary; Dundalk, Ireland; and Orvieto, Italy.

OrvietoOrvieto (Duomo) by Mirjam75

The biggest concentration appears to be in Europe, as far as John McCreesh – Marketing Program Lead of – himself reported. Holding the OOoCon in Beijing could bring the China-based developers into the fold, but it sounds pretty expensive for many of us.

Today I asked my Linkedin contacts if they would vote for Orvieto, and I wish you all vote for us.

John McCreesh writing about the different options stated:

[..] I believe one European bid this year stands above the others, which is the bid from Italy. I believe the combination of an experienced organising team, a delightful warm location, and a thriving local community would be hard to beat. I would urge anyone wanting an OOoCon in Europe this year to unite behind Orvieto.

Remember that voting closes on Friday 29th, vote it now!

Technorati Tags: OpenOffice,, OpenOffice conference, OOoCon, Italy, Orvieto, JohnMcCreesh