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The webinar won’t cover the basics of GPL.

  • Roberto Galoppini 3:45 pm on October 12, 2009 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , Kaltura.com, Kaltura.org, , open video alliance,   

    Open Innovation Awards: Kaltura 

    Since last week I started to cover the “Open Innovation Awards” winners, assigned at the  Open World Forum 2009.

    Let’s have now a closer look at Kaltura, the open source video platform for online video management, now powering over 32800 different sites.

    (More …)

  • Roberto Galoppini 4:01 pm on October 9, 2009 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , MarkStone, , Open source foundation, open source microsoft, , SamRamji, , ,   

    How to Make CodePlex Sexy for Business 

    The mission of the CodePlex Foundation - enabling the exchange of code and understanding among software companies and open source communities – could be a roaring success. But in order to  create an open, neutral and business friendly environment first some work has to be done.

    (More …)

  • Roberto Galoppini 4:39 pm on October 6, 2009 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: BonitaSoft, , Open Source BPM, ,   

    Open Innovation Awards: BonitaSoft 

    The following 5 “Open Innovation Awards” were assigned on Friday afternoon at the Open World Forum held in Paris. This year a jury of ten international open source experts considered as the most promising and representative of open innovation the following companies: Bonitasoft, Kaltura, Scaledb, SonarSource and Ulteo.

    Let’s have a closer look at all of them by alphabetical order.

    Bonitasoft, a provider of open source BPM software, recently raised 3 Millions from Ventech and Auriga Partners:

    “The team, the business model, and the BonitaSoft solution completely captivated us. Given the reputation that this BPM solution has in the open source community, we are confident that BonitaSoft will contribute to the ‘democratization’ of BPM in business through its technological innovation” says Claire Houry, Ventech. “BonitaSoft has everything it needs to quickly become the open source BPM leader in the marketplace,” says Philippe Granger, Auriga Partners.

    The idea of ‘democratizing’ BPM sounds fascinating, but justifying a BPM project maybe not trivial. Download numbers - if these were meant to mean anything - are  ‘big’ (140.000) considering that we are talking of a BPM software, but converting users into customers is a different matter.

    While Intalio – probably the most famous open source BPM player around (see 2008 BPM Gartner’s magic quadrant) – goes commercial by layering editions (open core), Bonitasoft today generates revenues only through support subscriptions and services. The business model paragraph of their manifesto reports:

    BonitaSoft will develop additonal versions of Bonita with professional grade technical support and advanced features to facilitate collaborative work and to industrialize Bonita deployments. BonitaSoft reserves the right to give access to these versions on a subscription basis to its customers only.

    My suggestion in this respect is: the sooner the better, upselling is hardly welcomed by the users, and being clear about the business strategy can help potential customers to make their decisions.

    From a community standpoint, Bonitasoft is starting to get traction, at least in terms of bug reports and feature requests, much less in terms of code contributions.

    Sharing R&D costs doesn’t appear to be a major concern at the present stage, along with standards co-creation and alike.

    BonitaSoft business strategy might take inspiration from Talend, but they need to work hard on fostering their ecosystem, provide third-parties with documentation and tools to ease extending the platform and maybe consider to move (also) in the cloud.

    • Roberto Galoppini 6:08 pm on October 4, 2009 Permalink | Reply
      Tags: , ooo con 2009, ,   

      Microsoft Office to OpenOffice.org Migration WhitePaper, OOo Con, Git and OOo: OpenOffice.org links, 04-10-2009 

      Microsoft Office to OpenOffice.org/StarOffice Migration Overview – A white paper edited by Sun Microsystems (requires a registration) providing a simple migration blueprint introducing to a six step process (Implementing a test phase, Creating an inventory of tools and Microsoft Office dependent solutions, Identifying documents and macros that are still in use, Organizing the migration team, Converting work-flow critical documents, templates and macros and eventually Training and post-deployment support). A case study and scenarios are also discussed.

      Nearly there – John Mc Creesh says it is almost time to go to the OpenOffice.org conference. Look at the Conference Programme and if you can make it don’t forget to register online, Orvieto waits for you!

      Git and OpenOffice.org - ideas about how could be possible to auto merge OpenOffice document from Git.

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