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  • Roberto Galoppini 2:40 pm on February 12, 2009 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , MarkWatson, open source marketing, ,   

    Open Source Mobile: Volantis Mobility Server 5.1 released, an interview with Mark Watson 

    Volantis Systems few days ago announced the availability of Volantis Mobility Server Community Edition version 5.1. The new release aims at bringing the power of Web 2.0 to the mobile world, including optimizations for the iPhone.

    Volantis Mobility Server was released under the GPLv3 almost one year ago, so I asked Mark Watson, Volantis Systems CEO, about how things are going, and how going open source helped.

    (More …)

    • Ali 12:32 pm on August 13, 2011 Permalink

      Hi Roberto Galoppini,
      I would like to know the requirement for Volantis Mobility Server for creating Desktop Applications….
      I would be happy if you could help me out with this situation!!!!!!!!

    • Roberto Galoppini 8:35 am on August 15, 2011 Permalink

      Apparently now Volantis Mobility Server is called AMP Web Server, check it out at Antenna website.

    • Ali 7:23 am on August 17, 2011 Permalink

      Ya I checked that site,there is no link for downloading AMP web server….can you send me the link for download..

    • Roberto Galoppini 9:30 am on August 18, 2011 Permalink

      Check again, it is on that page (you need to register, though).

    • Ali 10:35 am on August 18, 2011 Permalink

      but I am facing problem in the third step, i.e
      “3.2. Put ‘build’ script on your PATH environment variable”
      I am unable to do this step..please help me out..

    • Roberto Galoppini 6:28 pm on August 20, 2011 Permalink

      Did you go through the documentation? In case of problems send them feedback.

  • Carlo Daffara 5:45 pm on March 10, 2008 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: CeBIT, open source marketing   

    Back from CeBIT, marketing and placement 

    If there is a message received in visiting CeBIT, is the fact that open source is everywhere and nowhere. Everywhere because inside most products on show it can be seen an underlying OSS component (be it linux, asterisk, Eclipse…) and nowhere because this was written nowhere (with some notable exceptions). The fact that a product has inside some open source parts is so common that nowadays is not differentiating anymore; and this brings the second thing that I observed: the Linux part of CeBIT was sad and gave little value to the companies (and OSS communities) exposing there. For example, the OpenBravo stand was nice and filled with knowledgeable people, but would probably gained much more attention in the ERP pavillion; the same applies to Zimbra and the other (few) companies that were using the “free software” card ahead of that of what their product was for.
    I believe that this self-segregation is counterproductive, as the main objective of a company looking for a solution to an IT problem is (not surprisingly) to find a solution, and then later prioritizing requirements and features (including ethical and economic ones) to decide if the adoption process can continue. In fact, I had the opportunity to see two companies presenting more or less the same service (based on OSS), one in the IT infrastructure pavilion and one in the Linux stand, and the difference in terms of people stopping by was quite noticeable, with the Linux one getting 2/3 times less people than the other. It may make sense to have a separate “community” part of CeBIT for those project that still have no significant commercial backings, or that prefer to show themselves in a “pure” way (in this sense, I appreciated the enthusiasm of the people at KDE, Scribus, Gnome, and Amarok), but not for companies: OSS is a differentiator in the long term, but cannot be the only thing you promote at your stand.

    • Dirk Riehle 5:54 pm on March 16, 2008 Permalink

      In the valley, an open-source strategy will not get you particular attention/funding any longer. In fact, if going open source is all you have to differentiate yourself, I’m pretty sure you won’t get any funding at all, at least not from a first-tier VC. I find it weird to see hear that Open Bravo would not be in the ERP pavillion. What were they thinking?

    • Roberto Galoppini 10:50 am on March 17, 2008 Permalink

      Hi Dirk,

      I totally agree with you, if going open source is all you have to differentiate is not a big deal. I understand second and third round investments are more likely to happen – as seen also with SAP Venture – in the next future, but I believe that there is plenty of blue ocean opportunities out there. Stay tuned, next week I will post about one of them.. 😉

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