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  • Roberto Galoppini 4:07 pm on January 22, 2010 Permalink | Reply
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    EU Oracle Sun Investigation: Florian Mueller’s Comments the Day After the EU Deal’s Clearance 

    Now that the European Commission has approved the Oracle/Sun merger, while waiting Larry Ellison’s webcast about Oracle + Sun strategy update, I asked again Florian Mueller to share his opinion on Commission’s clearance of the deal.
    (More …)

    • Frank 10:24 am on January 25, 2010 Permalink

      Why should PostgreSQL be a threat to Oracle? MySQL has never been a threat to Oracle anyway. 99% of the MySQL users are just looking for a database to store data, they don’t buy support, they don’t need any company in control of the software.

      And if they don’t like PostgreSQL, they might take a look at Firebird, CouchDB or another tool. There is so much more out there, MySQL is just one of many.

  • Roberto Galoppini 4:46 pm on January 21, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Blackboard, BuddyPress, Elgg, Google Wave, , , MediaWiki, , , , TikiWiki,   

    About Kaltura’s Plans for Open Source World Domination 

    Kaltura, the open source video platform for online video management, today officially released an open source video extension for Moodle, while only few days ago announced the release of an open source video extension for Joomla!. The growing number of plug-ins and extensions available caught my attention, and triggered in my mind the idea to ask Zohar Babin, Community Manager at Kaltura, how they prioritize among Drupal, Mediawiki, WordPress and others.

    (More …)

  • Roberto Galoppini 8:38 pm on January 17, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: KDE Plugin, , Renaissance 3.2 RC 2, Thumbnail Plugin, Impress reloaded 

    3.2.0 Release Candidate 2 (build OOO320_m9) – Release Notes – Have a look at 3.2.0, it is the second RC of the future feature release. Thumbnail plugin 1.0 released
    – The new Thumbnail plugin – a plugin for KDE file managers to preview OpenDocument Format files as thumbnails -  has been released.

    UX meeting in Hamburg, Day Two – Discover what the Renaissance team is currently working on to tclean up Impress user interface.

  • Roberto Galoppini 3:15 pm on January 15, 2010 Permalink | Reply  

    JavaDay Program is on line! 

    The program of the JavaDay is now on line. A number of Italian and international gurus and developers will share their vision about Java and Java-related technologies from 9 to 14 on Saturday 30th of January, here in Rome.
    Registration is free , and if you look for a job don’t forget that 15 IT companies will collect resumes!
  • Roberto Galoppini 3:38 pm on January 13, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , Cloud Development, , Visual Ajax,   

    Open Source Cloud: WaveMaker Makes Surfable Waves 

    Few days ago WaveMaker announced profitability, showing an increase on sales by over 53% in the latest quarter, eventually showing the world that the cloud is a given, and not a prediction.
    Chris Keene, WaveMaker CEO, gave me some background information on how the WaveMaker open source framework later became an open cloud development platform.
    (More …)

    • Teresita Tiller 3:48 pm on March 19, 2010 Permalink

      Good Site on Cloud Computing and SaaS – We are periodically looking for good blog articles
      related to Rackspace Cloud. Also we are looking for contributors to add value to our blog.

      Keep up the good work!


  • Roberto Galoppini 7:34 pm on January 12, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Open Mobility USA, , ,   

    Open Mobility USA 2010: Open Source Workshop, by Stephen Walli 

    Stephen Walli will held the “Commercial Open Source at Work” workshop at the next Open Mobility, in March in San Francisco. The workshop is part of a joint collaboration between Stephen and myself, of which I am proud and glad.

    Below the workshop summary, if you plan to go you better know early bid discount expires in 14 days.

    (More …)

  • Roberto Galoppini 7:21 pm on January 10, 2010 Permalink | Reply
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    Java Italian Events: JavaDay, 4th Edition, Rome 30-01-2010 

    The fourth Javaday - the Italian technical event for Java developers organized on a volunteer basis directly by members of the Java community in Rome – will take place in Rome on Saturday 30th of January. This year the event will host also a competition for Java programming thesis, organized in collaboration with the university of Roma TRE Information Technology Engineering.
  • Roberto Galoppini 5:52 pm on January 5, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Android 1.6, HTC Hero, HTC Sense, HTC Tattoo   

    Android Strong Growth and HTC Tattoo, Android for the Masses 

    IDC’s recent prediction that Android apps would quintuple is well in line with a former AdMob statement expecting a huge holidays season for the Android platform (a prediction done much before the Google’s AdMob acquisition news was out).

    HTC has positioned itself as the Android market’s leader, as results clearly from the Google’s decision to go with HTC to enter into the phone-sales game (see the early review of the Nexus One). But having had a closer look at the HTC Tattoo, one of the latest HTC Android handset, based on the most popular Android platform today (Android 1.6).

    (More …)

  • Roberto Galoppini 12:07 pm on December 27, 2009 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: OSError, Ubuntu installation,   

    Wubi Ubuntu Installer for Windows: OSError [Errno 13] Permission denied 

    Wubi is the easiest tool to step into the Linux world, allowing Windows users to install Ubuntu with a single click. Oddly yesterday an installation failed with the following message:

    OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: u’C:\\ubuntu\\install\\ubuntu-9.10-desktop-amd64.iso

    To fix the error you just need to directly download the Ubuntu iso and put the file in the directory where your Wubi is located. Now relaunch Wubi and everything will work fine.

    • Glenn 10:03 pm on December 29, 2009 Permalink

      I’m getting the error “Exception Processing Message c0000013 Parameter 75b6bf7c 4” and Window title says “Windows-No Disk.” This is with the iso file in the same directory as Wubi, and again running Wubi from the disk image file I opened with VirtualCloneDrive. What am I doing wrong? The OS is Windows XP SP3.

    • Roberto Galoppini 9:39 am on January 4, 2010 Permalink

      Glenn that error has little to do with the Ubuntu installation, apparently.

    • Ubuntu User 3:39 pm on January 18, 2010 Permalink

      Same error on mine. I’m running Windows 7 Pro. I’m installing Ubuntu because Windows keeps freezing. I got a path to “C:\Users\****\AppData\Local\Temp\wubi-9.10ubuntu1-rev160.log” and I opened it. I got the Errno 13 and found this site. Please help! I don’t get your post instructions.

    • John 10:26 pm on January 19, 2010 Permalink

      It´s very rapid to download, but the installation it´s awful…very slow. I prefer Windows it´s expensive but it´s better and easier…Linux/Ubuntu, etc. has to change….

    • Roberto Galoppini 8:37 am on January 20, 2010 Permalink

      @Ubuntu User, Does Windows 7 freeze often? To install it just download the ISO and put it in the download directory where WUBI is located, than launch it.

      @John Actually my installation took few minutes, it’s definitely faster than most OS installation. No question if you like Windows more, but considering that you run the installation once I can hardly see this as a problem.

    • Eric 3:50 am on February 11, 2010 Permalink

      how do you put ubuntu iso in the same directory as the wubi?

    • Roberto Galoppini 4:34 pm on February 19, 2010 Permalink

      Just copying them in the same directory. By the way if you download these files using the same browser it will happen by default.

    • Ole Kristensen 7:19 pm on February 24, 2010 Permalink

      I have the same problem, and tried having the iso and wubi.exe in the same place, but wubi just ignores the iso and downloads it again. Suggestions?

    • Roberto Galoppini 4:35 pm on February 25, 2010 Permalink

      Ole does it happen also if your computer has no internet connection? Actually the Wubi Guide reports just the same instructions.

    • Thomas A.W 4:54 pm on March 11, 2010 Permalink

      How is this helpinjg at all?
      Using the Ubuntu ISO file is exactly what I have done, the wubi installer is already in the same folder as the ubuntu installation files, that’s what it was in the first place. This annoying software of wubi doesn’t do me any good. I get those “Permission denied” errors when I try to install Ubuntu on my Win7 laptop. Either if I select to install within windows or select a boot-up full install (or demonstrate Ubuntu by restart).

    • Roberto Galoppini 9:04 pm on March 11, 2010 Permalink

      Thomas check out if your laptop is listed among the netbooks tested with Ubuntu.

    • O'neill 2:30 pm on March 22, 2010 Permalink

      will this solution work with my problem also?

      I am using the wubi installer for my windows machine and about halfway to three quarters of the way of my download I get a message saying:

      An error occurred: Permission denied

      For more information, please see the log file: c:\users\owner\appdata\local\temp\wubi-9.10ubuntu1-rev160.log

    • niko müller 5:51 pm on March 22, 2010 Permalink

      I have the same problem like Ubuntu User. I’m running Windows XP. I think there is a problem because I already downloaded Linux Ubuntu and then I get the CD. How can I arc the file of the download of ubuntu9.10???

    • kendrick 11:38 am on March 28, 2010 Permalink

      Wow man thank you so much This solved my issue i guess i had a faulty Disk when i was trying with my cd again hank you

    • Dan F 6:46 pm on May 6, 2010 Permalink


      Had the same issues with WUBI 10.04, it would go to get the torrent no matter that the .iso was in the same directory or not, and then fail with the permission denied.

      I did two things: I disabled my AV and Firewall (norton) and I moved both WUBI.exe and the netbook ubuntu .iso into a directory on C:, opened a DOS box, changed to that directory and ran the command.

      My guess is that the AV/Firewall was the issue. It still insisted on downloading a new torrent. Whatever. Time to reboot!

    • Bill Hurlock 1:49 pm on May 11, 2010 Permalink

      Having a problem where wubi completes the install ok but when the system reboots and I select unbutu it says it is completing the install an after a bit of time it complains there is no root file system defined and wants me to fix this issue in the partitioning menu. I have tried twice with the same results. I’m running windows XP Pro SP3.

    • harpinder 10:22 am on July 17, 2010 Permalink

      hi,i am getting the same error while installing from the cdrom.also can’t copy the image from cd to the hard disk in win 7.
      please help

    • jag 5:08 pm on August 20, 2010 Permalink

      I had the same issue, and having the iso file in the same directory as Wubi resolved the issue.


    • oliver ubuntu 4:55 pm on October 2, 2010 Permalink

      hello 😀
      i got at problem with wubi. i have seen that others got that problem but it was another file.

      the error says:
      An error occurred:
      Permission denied
      For more information, please see the log file:

      what shall i do to fix the problem ???
      i have tried with cd too, but there i got another eroor.
      iam running windows 7.

    • gudmundur albert hardarson 3:08 pm on November 9, 2010 Permalink

      push f12 and boot from cd, the one at bottom in my cpt, then you can install ubuntu. I have a win7 and a ubuntu cd

    • De Cham 3:21 pm on January 13, 2011 Permalink

      I have the same problem even if my AV/Firewall is disabled.
      For Ubuntu/Linux people, how do you expect this OS go mainstream if it’s always so complicated for non-technical people to solve one simple issue? This is why Ubuntu is going nowhere fast.

    • Jo0sh Stalker 7:03 am on February 7, 2011 Permalink

      An error occurred:
      Permission denied
      For more information, please see the log file:

      i have 3 hard drives 3 OS’s xp on drive c, vista on drive d and win 7 on drive f. i have tried installing on all drives and get the same error after around half way through the installation. i used the same installer on my win 7 laptop, everything worked smoothly all runs fine, it also installed to another computer running xp, again worked fine.

      so i don’t think the installer is the problem, there must be something conflicting with the installer, i have disabled all security software running, same error, tried running as administrator and not and still got the same error. I have tried with the iso, but it didn’t help anything. im not going to give up so i will post if i get it working and tell you what i did, but for now if anyone has any idea’s that may help thank you 🙂

    • Jo0sh Stalker 11:42 am on February 8, 2011 Permalink

      okay i installed it with the wubi installer inside the iso to the hard-drive that boots up first and it worked this time…installed fine, but now i got more problems it is slow as hell takes ages to load things up, and it crashes, it wasnt like this on anything else i have ubuntu on. its normally faster than windows…any idea’s whats wrong?

      but to the people who still have the permission denied error, try useing the wubi thats on the iso and installing to your first boot hard drive. [find this in the bios] 🙂

    • alex 11:06 pm on May 1, 2011 Permalink

      I had to change security settings on the destination hard drive to get it to install after making a new partition.

    • Peter 11:37 pm on June 3, 2011 Permalink

      Same problem! the old permission denied see log file user/owner/appdata whatever am sick of seeing it. All the forums I’ve searched nobody has been able to give a straightforward resolution. I’ve seen things like, save the ISO in the same location as the WUBI. That doesn’t work, just same message. Some have said it’s your CD, try the stick. doesn’t work. some say unhide the folder, doesn’t work.

      People are getting frustrated with this and it’s understandable. There MUST be a simple solution as so many people have it and it happens right at the start stage of installation, 3 or 4 minutes in.

      I will have to give up soon and spend a ridiculous amount of money on a mac.

    • jeep 2:21 pm on July 24, 2011 Permalink

      Well it’s July 24, and if the problem is in wubi, it still hasn’t been fixed.

      Been trying to install Ubuntu 11.04 using wubi on a Win 7 Pro 64 bit desktop, and have had pretty much every problem that’s been presented.

      I’ve read that you can install Mint inside Windows using mint4win, and that it works with the latest version.

      I’ll post back in a day or so and let you know how that goes.

    • fangs 8:47 am on September 6, 2011 Permalink

      extract the image file then put the wubi installer within the extracted files…

    • Mikey 7:33 pm on September 26, 2011 Permalink

      I ran into the same problem. After trying several times with all of the suggestions, usb and cd, what worked for me was making a install DVD. When the system booted from the DVD, I hit enter when the Ubuntu splash screen came up. Prior to it asking which option I wanted to choose. When I hit enter it took me to a screen that gave me options to check the sectors and check the disk for errors. After running both of those, which took about 30 minutes, Ubuntu installed properly. I don’t know why it did but it did. I hope this helps.

    • Durai pandian 3:31 pm on October 8, 2011 Permalink

      I Got same problem.***permission denied*** so i tried to install from the cd… Its only showing my windows derive and remaining space as single drive… What can i do 🙁

    • Pedro Lucas 10:47 am on October 11, 2011 Permalink

      Same problem. In my case, I first installed “Ubuntu” with Wubi and it worked ok !!! (no permission denied) Problem is, I looked at the 11.04 “new” GUI and hated it, so I uninstalled it (via Wubi) and went for a “Kubuntu” (KDE) install in Wubi. It started to install fine but somewhere around 30% it started to go slow (peak time@internet) so I decided to cancel it and install the next day.
      Guess what, now I’m getting the “permission denied” bug. Tried uninstalling, tried copying the ISO next to the Wubi.exe, tried moving Wubi.exe to different drives, tried formatting the target drive to reset any “weird” setting Wubi may have set. And no, my ISO (the one I copy next to wubi.exe) is not corrupted, I can launch it from vmware and it works fine.

      What a piece of crap and a waste of time.

    • Shaneeda Quit 12:17 am on October 22, 2011 Permalink

      I have the same problem Pedro Lucas is having. Regular Ubuntu installs fine but none of the others will! Vista doesn’t prompt me to unblock the download for regular Ubuntu, but does prompt me to unblock the download for the other variants. I viewed the log file and saw numerous “permission denied” entries. I then found this forum and tried the suggestions provided but they didn’t work either. I then tried to reinstall the variants one final time (which ended in failure), but I did notice they were all .torrent files. The default Ubuntu is a .tar.gz download so maybe that is why it worked and the others didn’t. Regardless, the latest version of the Ubuntu desktop is atrocious. Since I had to uninstall my earlier version, I can’t install back to an earlier wubi version because I receive the “permission denied” message, which is a .torrent file too. So long Ubuntu.

    • Shaneeda Quit 10:15 pm on October 22, 2011 Permalink

      I did find a workaround (finally!) for my particular situation. This is for Windows Vista Ultimate users. After running wubi, if a security prompt appears asking you to block or unblock, DON”T DO ANYTHING! Leave it there! The download will begin shortly and the installation will proceed. Once you see the reboot now or later screen message in the background, you can then click block or unblock to close the screen. If you don’t see the permission denied screen immediately afterward, you’re good to go. If you do see the error message, the install somehow failed (even though the screen says otherwise), and the PC will probably crash during the first reboot.

      If this occurs:

      -Uninstall Ubuntu.
      -Delete ALL downloaded files and perform a disk cleanup.
      -Use a registry cleaner to remove all the invalid Ubuntu entries.
      -Download wubi again and run it.

      After performing these steps, wubi worked for EVERY Ubuntu variant and distros from the wubi wuiki site.

    • Taidg 3:17 pm on October 27, 2011 Permalink


      I was able to get the installation to work with this tip. Thanks so much for your help!

    • Joe 1:52 am on November 12, 2011 Permalink

      “Wubi is the easiest tool to step into the Linux world, allowing Windows users to install Ubuntu with a single click.”

      Unfortunately, that is not the case lol. Download the installer and the first thing you get is an error about the hard disc not being accessible. This error popups up about 100 times unless you CTRL+ALT+DEL and end the goofy python process that is trying to install ubuntu. You Google that error and find the way around it and then you can get to the next error which is a “Permission Denied” error message. If you are very lucky you will find a way around that and then you can make it to the next error….

      There is still no easy way to install Linux and Ubuntu’s install just got a LOT worse.

    • sachin 7:56 am on December 8, 2011 Permalink

      @Ubuntu User were u able to resolve the error. i am getting the same issue.

      i am doing it on windows vista.

    • greg 2:17 pm on December 9, 2011 Permalink

      Thanks, I’ve read all the instructions and now all is working.

    • davor 7:20 pm on January 10, 2012 Permalink

      Just had the same problem today after uninstalling Ubuntu 10.04 and then installing 11.10. However, I manage to install 11.10 with wubi on this way. I mounted ISO image of Ubuntu with PowerISO and run wubi from that mounted disk. Didn’t have error this time.

    • Brian 8:02 am on January 24, 2012 Permalink

      New to Linux but not to Unix. I’m amazed at how BAD this product (WUBI) appears to be. I thought Windows wasn’t that great but this just made Windows look wonderful — a feat indeed. I’ve tried ALL variants of install for Ubuntu (on XP SP3) with the same nagative results as the rest of the guys in the forum and am frankly very disappointed with it all. It has just wasted my time, sapped my energy and put me off Linus in general. The whole process needs to be worked on, as it stands now (for me anyway) all it is doing is giving Linux a bad reputation, this, I assume was not the intention.

    • justintime 7:09 pm on February 26, 2012 Permalink

      Eccchhh. Failure after failure when trying to get it. Stick with windows people…. Unless you are an MIT grad and have 6 weeks to figure out how to get it on your box.

    • Confused 3:34 am on March 10, 2012 Permalink

      I keep getting this “exception processing message c0000013 parameters 759851d8 82f996dc 759851d8 759851d8”. Does anyone know what the problem is?

    • Michael 12:37 am on September 29, 2012 Permalink

      I have the answer to your problems(windows 7 users). First put the cd in. Then put on your pc, press f12 so its goes into boot menu, then click cd-rom. Then go onto linux then click install linux. Simple

  • Roberto Galoppini 5:30 pm on December 21, 2009 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: gadgets, , PaulFremantle,   

    Open Source SOA Middleware: WSO2 moves full spead ahead 

    WSO2 – the open source SOA company with offices located in USA, UK and Sri Lanka  –  earlier this week made three announcements introducing  its new middleware platform for heterogeneous SOAs, now including the Business Activity Monitor and the Gadget Server, all based on the WSO2 Carbon platform. While the Gadget Server simplifies developers’ lives allowing them to write gadgets instead of portlets, the Monitor provides near real-time visibility to performance metrics.

    Now that WSO2 offers probably the first complete middleware platform fully open source, I asked  Paul Fremantle, WSO2 CTO and founder,  few questions about how the business is going at WSO2.

    (More …)

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