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  • Roberto Galoppini 3:41 pm on February 14, 2007 Permalink | Reply  

    Italian Open Source developers: Alessandro Rubini 

    Alessandro Rubini is one of the most famous Italian hackers, he installed is first GNU/Linux distro just after getting his degree as an electronic engineer. He received a Ph.D. in computer science at the University of Pavia, but he left the University because he didn’t want to write papers. He currently works as freelancer, he has several years of experience with writing device drivers for frame grabbers and other industrial devices, he also writes articles and books.
    For years he has been the strongest Free Software Italian advocate, and while he is not anymore involved with FSF Europe activities, he is still the most representative person in the Italian free software arena. I asked Alessandro to answer few questions about his job and about free software development, today I’m reporting his first answers, quite surprising indeed.

    How did you start getting working with GNU/Linux?

    It was 1994. I was enjoying Unix systems and free software at the University, so I started looking for something with pipes, gawk and gcc for my home computer. So I got that strange 0.99.14 thing in a pile of floppies. After that, I went shopping for something supported by that operating system, and upgraded the ZX-Spectrum.

    Having source code handy and being able to talk with the authors was great, both technically and socially. And it was a simple system back then, easily learned and hacked, although not as modularized and clean as it is now. I speak of the kernel, obviously, not about the GUI or similar things.

    How did it happen to you to write a book about Linux Drivers? Was it helpful to get new customers?

    I am an electronic engineer. Computers are tools that simplify moving physical things. I wanted to build my hardware and drive it. And I tend to teach others what I enjoy to do. So I began writing for Linux Journal, and then the editor put me in touch with the publishing house. They were looking for that kind of expertise. So I signed my contract and spent one full-time year on the text. No, it is not the taskI’ve been built for.

    Yes, it is helpful. At first I worked as a consultant for University deparments – I have a pair of acquisition systems running since then – then new clients found me on the Net, partly because of the packages I published, partly because of the book. Unfrotunately, publishing software takes a lot of time, so now I publish less.

    Do you enjoy your daily work? Do you work at home? What would you like to change about it?

    Yes, I find my work quite an interesting one. I work at home and in my own office, out of reach of my babies, where they wouldn’t pull cables and push buttons. Sometimes I also work in a University lab.

    The good point in self-employment is that you can manage your time. So you can take your days off when you need it. And your nights on, when the clients need it.

    The good point in working with free software is that you always with people more than with computers. Not only when teaching or helping people in solving problems, but also when studying new problems or finghting for your own bugs: the authors’ ingenuity, their choices and their preferences are always apparent throughout the code. Technology is created and dominated by people: it’s a matter of ideas and intelligence, and it’s great to feel and discover it every day.

    Alessandro’s attitude respect the main features of hacker ethic as described by Pekka Himanen in his Hacker Ethic: he has an passionate attitude to his job, and he likes to realize himself and his abilities. He also somehow enjoys to share his knowledge, but you need to read what he thinks about “tribes” to understand how much does he fit the Himanen model.

    What are the advantages of the community when it comes to product development?

    Well, I think the community doesn’t exist. There is no community as such, in my opinion, only a bunch of random hackers working on random stuff.

    No, I don’t deny the importance of people, as I said above. But I don’t feel a “community” is there: there is no common view or common goal, not even a common language. There are small groups that feel they are a community, but there isn’t such a thing as “the” community.

    Free software is like knowledge: it evolves and increases over time, slowly but steadily. Being involved in knowledge-production is difficult and it takes time.
    So product development should happen outside of such involvment, while respecting copyright and all the relevant licenses. The technical expertise out there is a great help, but most information found on the net is wrong or subtly incorrect. For some problems you need to ask the authors, on the relevant mailing lists for the specific project, but this is not the community, is individual people.

    So the advantages of distributed development is that knowledge advances over time without being controlled by a person or a company. Not unlikely what happens in other fields. It may look strange, but that’s only because software development used not to work as it should (and as everything else develops).

    Alessandro couldn’t be any clearer about what he thinks about open source communities, in his opinion product development is definitely not related to community participation. In his opinion there is no such thing like the symbiotic approach, I guess because of the trade-off between efficiency and effectiveness. Corporates want to respect milestones, while communities are more interested in doing it right, when feasible.
    On the other hand the states that distributed – and not coordinated – development turns in knowledge advance over time without being controlled by a single entity.

    That’s the Freedom Alessandro talks about.

    (To be continued tomorrow)

    • vincos 2:18 pm on February 15, 2007 Permalink

      Molto interessante ! L’ho rilanciato sul mio blog. A presto

  • Roberto Galoppini 11:18 am on February 2, 2007 Permalink | Reply  

    OpenOffice.org Italian Association is born: Press release 

    The OpenOffice.org Italian Native-Lang Project (PLIO) invites you to its first OpenOffice.org press conference in Italy.

    “OpenOffice.org grows up”

    PLIO today becomes an Association, reveals its programs for 2007 and supplies evaluations of OpenOffice.org’s market penetration.
    With OpenOffice.org 2.0 market acceptance improved just everywhere, as shown by the last six months results, and Italy is doing really well.
    Such growth demands a better allocation and management of existing resources, requiring an organization able to hold system-wide conversations. For this reason, PLIO’s members – till now a group of volunteers – decided to found an Association of volunteers to better address growing market needs.

    The Association will be responsible for fund raising and to allocate resources for commons production. Panel will include:

    • Davide Dozza, Association’s President and Co-Maintainer of of the Italian Native-Lang Project,
    • Andrea Pescetti, Co-Maintainer of the Italian Native-Lang Project and Quality assurance responsible,
    • Italo Vignoli, Councilman and Marketing responsible

    PLIO, the OpenOffice.org Italian Native-Lang Project, is the Italian community of volunteers who develop, support and promote the open-source office productivity suite, OpenOffice.org.
    OpenOffice.org supports the Open Document Format for Office applications (standard ISO/IEC 26300) and is available on major computing platforms in over 90 languages, available to 90% of the world-wide population in their own mother tongue.
    OpenOffice.org is provided under the GNU Lesser General Public Licence (LGPL), can be legally used in any context.

    PLIO, Progetto Linguistico Italiano OpenOffice.org:
    “Vola e fai volare con i gabbiani di OpenOffice.org: usalo, copialo e regalalo, è legale!”

    For further information: Italo Vignoli (+39.348.5653829), stampa@openoffice.org

  • Roberto Galoppini 8:11 am on January 15, 2007 Permalink | Reply  

    Italian Open Source projects: Funambol 

    As I already observed, there are interesting stories to tell about Italians involved with OS projects. Funambol is both the name of the firm, raised up by Italians with funds from US Venture Capitalists, and of its flagship product, the open source project formerly known as sinc4j.

    Funambol application server provides push email, address book and calendar (PIM) data synchronization, but is also a development platform for mobile applications. The product is aimed at developers who need to extend an existing product to the mobile space, or who are looking to create a new mobile application.

    Andrea Trasatti commenting my post suggested me to have a look at Fabrizio Capobianco’s blog, Funambol’s CEO, I did it and then I asked him to tell me more about Funambol story.

    How the project was conceived?

    The project started in 2001 as Sync4j, with the basic idea of providing a mobile application server for developers. To allow the next paradigm shift (from web to mobile) to become a reality. In 2002, a company was created to promote the project. It was called Funambol, the mobile open source company. Funambol is a Latin word that means tight-rope walker: being a commercial open source company means walking a tight-rope, every day. Funambol is based in Silicon Valley, it is backed by Venture Capitalist and in 2006 it was selected among the top 100 companies in America by Red Herring. The project changed its name to Funambol in 2006, it became the largest open project in mobile and it is now close to reach the one million downloads mark.

    Not differently from Wurfl the project started by scratching developers’ itches, but the business idea was quite clear from the very beginning.

    How did it grow?

    Initially, the focus was around building mobile applications and providing data synchronization with SyncML (an open standard now pre-installed on 80% of the devices). Then we created vertical solutions around push-email, contacts/calendar backup and sync. The goal is to take BlackBerry-like capabilities and bring them to everyday phones. Push messaging – integrated with address book synchronization – is the “killer app” in mobile. The focus is building the next SMS: based on standards, supporting attachments (e.g. pictures and videos, created on devices) and integrated with the web email. The community grew extremely fast, in particular in the last year. Apart from the development, the key contribution is on the device testing. When you have a billion phones that change every quarter and behave differently depending on location and mobile operator, device testing and compatibility is the killer factor. In mobile, there is no automated testing but there are a billion devices to be tested… You need people in every country of the world. To create a BlackBerry solution for the masses, the only option is a distributed community effort. Open Source is the only viable alternative to BlackBerry and Microsoft, when it comes to the consumer market.

    Looking at the community projects page I found many external developers contributing to Funambol’s OS projects, realizing connectors and syncronizers. The modular architecture establishes spheres in which developers can work free of interference from external influences, aiding the division of labour. Modularity, as usual, is central.

    Who are the contributors?

    Funambol is released with two edition: Community and Carrier edition. The Community Edition is targeted at enterprises who need to mobilize their users, giving them push-email and PIM synchronization for the rest of the company. Contribution to the project comes from IT people in the enterprise, ISV (bundling our project in their own) and ASP (offering our platform as a service). The Carrier Edition is targeted at mobile operators who need to offer push-email and contacts/calendar backup and sync to their consumers. It has additional features – specific for mobile operators – and it is licensed with a commercial license. We call it “honest dual licensing”, since we are not upselling a commercial product on our open source community (enterprises and ISVs) but we sell to a different target (who does not want to be return code to the community). It is the best of both worlds, since there is no tension with the community and you make paying customers quite happy (they like the source code and the large community around it, for quality and support).

    Looking at the edition page, I sorted out there is a third edition, namely the Network one, aimed at delivering some basic technical support and software update notices, a low level subscription level.
    Funambol is a business model layering users and customers depending on their needs, and here turning consumer users in customers is not an issue.
    OS marketing works very well for pyramidal markets where you need to address only the top.

    What about the coordination of production?

    We have a core development team in Pavia, Italy. The project manager of the Funambol project is Stefano Fornari, Funambol CTO. The team coordinates the development and the contribution from the community in the core. On top of it, we have a very significant amount of contributors around clients (for example, the Mozilla or Evolution client) and data sources (for example, the Exchange or SugarCRM connectors). These are what we call Community Projects, fully maintained by community members. We have also launched a couple of interesting programs: Code Sniper is meant to encourage development by the community of components that have been requested by the community itself. Phone Sniper is meant to encourage device testing and certification. Both programs enjoy cash contribution from Funambol. It is one of our way to return some of the revenues of our Carrier Edition back to the community, walking the tight-rope.

    I did know Funambol was helped by one of the most active attorneys in open source, what I learn from Capobianco is the extra effort they put to organize programs, included the Funambol Open Source Project Social contract, and I believe they do merit their success.

    Long live to Funambol and all its Commercial Open Source projects!

  • Roberto Galoppini 9:15 pm on January 1, 2007 Permalink | Reply  

    Italian Open Source projects: WURFL 

    I heard many times people saying there are many Italian developers but no Italian OS projects.
    There are no Italian Red Hat, but there are no OS firms like Red Hat in the whole world!

    Despite the absence of an Italian OS firm publicly traded, there are few stories to tell.

    Few days ago I passed by a blog of an Italian developer and when I learn about his project I asked him to tell me more. Here it comes the WURFL project, a big repository of information that help to recognize browsers, devices and their capabilities about (almost) all known Wireless devices.

    To know more about the project and its business implications I posed with questions to the mantainer, Andrea Trasatti.

    How the project was conceived?

    WURFL was born in 2001. Since 1999 there was a mailing list collecting people talking about WAP and WML issues.
    As you might know every mobile phone had its own screen, any browser its own characteristics, and behaviors. Among us developers was quite straightforward to share information about mobile phones instead of buying all ones. That’s how WURFL started.

    So the software started, as pointed out by Raymond, by scratching a developer’s personal itch.
    The message from the WAP Forum to wait for implementations to converge didn’t sound good to them, and that’s why they began to develop a database of device capabilities, the WURFL.

    How did it grow?

    Despite many people were sending useful information, mantaining the project was a time consuming activity. At that stage I was employed by BWare Technologies, and I was working in a project for an Italian mobile operator. Since I was developing a multi-channel chat web and wap based, I was in the position to get information about a lot of mobiles. That’s how I became the mantainer of the configuration file.

    Luca Passani was there from the very beginning. He was employed by Openwave, and his company was interested to make WAP aware as many firms as possible.

    Many other developers joined the project as long as they were interested in the problem, then they leaved, while others were coming up to help the project.

    Everyone was using a different framework, but this was not a problem, since the format of choice was XML, and everyone might keep using his or her favourite tools. Many decided to share their libraries to access the data as well, and the project was growing.

    Then Luca Passani designed and implemented the WALL tag-library, enabling the delivery of applications to all devices (WAP 2, old WAP 1.X, XHTML and I-Mode). Using his library firms with almost no knowledge of WAP could wrote their own applications for WAP terminals quite easily. As maintainer and author of WURFL I have been invited as expert to join the W3C Mobile Web Initiative.

    How did the project affect your professional life as developer?

    At the very beginning I was employed by BWare Technologies, and WURFL took me one hour a week, there was no reason to raise the issue. Then increasing the number of new mobile devices I asked to allow me to spend some time mantaining WURFL, and it was easy to convince them, since we were taking advantage of it by some customers’ projects. Then I left Bware Technologies and WURFL became a medium to create business opportunities.
    While working by DADA, a leading European provider of mobile community and entertainment services, I used WURFL as a key tool and they allowed me to spend time to empower it.

    Nowadays I’m working with M:Metrics, their core business is about statistics.They’re really interested into WURFL, because it represents both a source of data and a marketing tool. Empowering content providers with a useful tool is a medium to help the Mobile market to grow.

    Indirect funding then, to call things with their name. It’s worth to notice that M:Metrics sounds like the most interested in aiding WURFL development, where the system integrator and the content provider might look like the best suite candidates.

    Who are the contributors?

    Sometimes single developers, hobbyists, medium to large system integrators or phone mobile producers.

    So the technological club, started from single developers, today encompass every kind of contributor. In terms of adoption today WURFL is likely more popular than pure UAProf solutions.

    The idea of sharing a “standard” was really strong in their mind, they couldn’t wait for implementations to converge “naturally”. And they got big attention, as seen they were invited to join a W3C initiative, and they spoke clear and loud.

    What about the coordination of production?

    Our organization is simple. Luca Passani takes care of Java libraries and WALL, I take care of the PHP library. Then I manage all contributions, while he is busy with our web.
    Both of us spend time reading the mailing-list wmlprogramming, he moderates it also.

    We receive contributions from other developers in other languages, like ruby, perl, or .NET. Data are all free, while libraries are licensed with MPL, GPL or BSD.
    The project is guested by Sourceforge, and source code is accessible via CVS.
    Very few contributors have write privileges for their own modules.

    We’re very happy and proud of our results, and I believe many firms use it not only because it’s gratis, but because of its open nature, and our mission is to keep it so.

    Thank you Andrea, I wish you happy hacking, and please keep WURFL cool!

    • Andrea Trasatti 10:35 am on January 2, 2007 Permalink

      Thank you Roberto for the article, it was a pleasure to have this interview with you and chatting about open-source and business opportunities.

      I think WURFL has a bright future ahead. Luca and I are working daily to channel the energies of the community to give more fire-power to WURFL.

      The idea of open-source in Italy is often to have something for free and not even say “Thank you” to the original developers. I have taken a lot from the open-source world and it feels good to give something back. It is hard to find sponsors in Italy. DADA was an exception and it was good. M:Metrics is a US company and things are different again.
      We should try to import the best from the foreign countries and not just hamburgers. 🙂

    • Roberto Galoppini 1:05 pm on January 2, 2007 Permalink

      Andrea would you explain what do you mean by “M:Metrics is a US company and things are different again”, please?

    • Andrea Trasatti 2:03 pm on January 2, 2007 Permalink

      I have worked for Italian companies for more than 10 years now and most of the times we are talking about small companies that have grown from nothing to whatever they are today. This means that over the years the managers have saved the money they earned and spent it in new projects and development.

      What I think is crazy is that in Italy there is very little investment (if nothing) in the research and development. Companies always invest internally in projects they feel safe will bring some revenue in the very near future. There is very little pure research.
      Investments in new technologies in Italy is very little. Rarely happens that a company spends money on the learning for its employees.
      A demonstration of this is the number of Italian companies participating in research activities such as the W3C. The W3C counts 3-4 entities from Italy, one is the CNR and another is Telecom Italia Lab.
      Where are all the other companies?

      This is what makes me think that open-source can hardly find investments in Italy. Research and open-source today go side-by-side, in my opinion. A lot of research is done in open-source and a lot of innovation came from the open-source, look at PHP or JBoss.
      Companies in countries like England, Ireland and France are spending much more money and time in research and development and this will bring them to even more advantage in the future.

      I think that the post from Fabrizio Capobianco describes some of these ideas too, in the “The Funambol model: US capital and Italian heart ” paragraph from BAIA invited post on the Funambol model. He is Italian, all the development is done in Pavia, but they had to go to the Silicon Valley to find some money to start working.

    • Roberto Galoppini 6:48 pm on January 2, 2007 Permalink

      It’s worth to notice that Italian VCs tend to invest only on sure bets. After all Italian Banks get money because medium to large companies pay 120 days after, so companies have to borrow money from them, an easy game to play.

      Then you’re right, Italian companies do not participate to standardization bodies, and I believe there are a number of reasons, ranging from cultural aspects to linguistic ones.

      About R&D expenditures I know that in other countries there are fiscal deductions for firms who invest in R$D.
      This might help, I guess.

      My personal experience in Italy says that if you have a good project you might help from public institutions, like the Financial Investment Agency of the Regione Lazio (FILAS), who helped me to create a network between a roman university and my company.

      I’m looking forward to interview Fabrizio Capobianco,stay tuned!

    • Andrea Trasatti 6:45 pm on January 4, 2007 Permalink

      I don’t live in Lazio so I don’t know them. According to the site they are focused on the Lazio-region only.

      I have very little experience with public funding, but of course I know that in some cases they deliver high funds if we compare it to the economics of small companies and start-ups.

      From your posts it seems like you have had a positive experience. I don’t have any, actually. What would you advise?

      What did you get funding for?

      What was the outcome?

      How did you report on the results? Were the funds “a fondo perso” or was it a loan with a tiny rate?

    • Roberto Galoppini 7:33 pm on January 4, 2007 Permalink

      I believe almost every Italian region guest public institutions similar to FILAS, you better check it out through your local business innovation center. – there are 160 BICs in 21 countries sharing the goal of supporting SMEs development –

      My experience: it took me six months to get the project – create a commercial open source product starting from a toolkit made by academic researchers – approved and funded.

      I personally interviewed applicants along with FILAS and the professor involved with the project, and and I got three researchers paid for one year.
      Besides that they sponsored a marketing research, and at the end of the day we did a very good deal spending some efforts to work on the business model in order to get it approved.

      If you have a business idea, give it a try!

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