Virtualization & Cloud Panel, Rome 30 March 2001
The final agenda of the Virtualization & Cloud panel is out. See you at EXPO COMM Italia 2011 on the 30 March 2011.
The final agenda of the Virtualization & Cloud panel is out. See you at EXPO COMM Italia 2011 on the 30 March 2011.
EXPO COMM Italia 2011 – the Italian edition of the International exhibition event dedicated to the latest in Information & Communication Technology – will take place in Rome from March 30-31, 2011.
I have been invited to join the Virtualization & Cloud panel along with many IT professionals, included Giuseppe Maria Armenia (ICE), Alessandro Musumeci (ferrovie dello stato), Pierfrancesco Gaggi (ABI Lab).
See you there!
“Bringing Cloud Computing down to earth“, an event organized by the Italian Cloud Solution Provider ScubeNewMedia in partnership with Google, will take place in Rome on the 24th of March 2011.
The event is aimed at showing the benefits of cloud computing to the Public Sector.
I will give a speech around cloud computing procurement and I’ll be moderating the Q&A session.
Online registration is now open.
The brand new Master in Procurement Management – a master by the University of Rome tor Vergata, faculty of Economics – and CDTI, the Association of IT Professionals based in Rome, are co-organizing the conference “cloud computing procurement: potentialities and risks“, to be held in Rome on the 10th of March 2011.
I’ll be giving a speech in the afternoon’s roundtable talking about European SMEs perspectives  on cloud computing and terms and contracts’ for clouds terms and conditions.
Bitnami Cloud hosting – a new service aimed at simplifying the deployment of open source stacks in the hosting open source applications in the cloud (faq) – after few months of private beta-testing just went live today.
Erica Brescia, BitRock CEO, answered few questions about open source in the cloud. (More …)
I have been rarely playing the prediction game in the past, but now that Red Hat finally seems to fulfill my old predictions – also in the cloud – it is time to join Bob Sutor and others to play again.
Open Source and the Cloud.
Open source is now the maturity phase, and it is interesting to look at how compares open source and cloud computing (courtesy of Google Insight for search).
But the open source world is not so small, looking at the same graph for different European countries makes a difference. While France looks at the cloud as much as North-Americans do, other countries (like Italy) are lagging behind (see also EC2 statistics).
LibreOffice it will have to play out. It might already have all the backing it needs.
Lot of developers who could not work in work hours on openoffice due to its submission policy now can. Signing rights over are forbin by a lot of companies.
Legautonomie – the Italian league for local autonomies (municipalities, provinces and mountain communities) – is organizing a seminar about the impact of the national digital reform on local governments.
The event will be held in Pisa, on the 25th of October, I’ll give the closing speech talking about cloud computing and open source.