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  • Roberto Galoppini 10:21 pm on July 20, 2017 Permalink | Reply  

    What I Talk About When I Talk About Open Source Sustainability 

    Open Source Sustainability has been Achilles’ heel for a long time now, as Matt Asay, myself and others said a number of times. While initiatives like the Linux Foundation’s Core Infrastructure Initiative are able to sustain some open source security projects, or OSI working group proposal might hopefully help others, we are far from finding an ultimate answer to this very problem.

    Photo by Andrew Branch on Unsplash

    My job recently has been focusing solely on finding ways to help open source ventures to flourish, and I’m glad to share one of the most interesting and potentially impactful work I’ve been on.

    At the FileZilla® Project – the free FTP solution for both client and server - we were looking for ways to reach financial sustainability, and we decided to look for a partner that would have helped us to provide both new features and more value to all stakeholders.

    Given FileZilla scope, the Cloud arena was the natural target, and we were looking for a company offering a cloud service that was going to be exclusively available to our users. Our first rose of candidates included MaidSafe, FileCoin, SIA and Storj. Eventually we opted for the latter, read below to learn more about. (More …)

  • Roberto Galoppini 11:55 am on October 22, 2014 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: airbnb, bitcoin, blockchain, share economy, , uber   

    The Share Economy is Dead, Long Live to the Share Economy! 

    Airbnb, Uber and many other centralized sharing approaches are collecting big money from investors and opening every day new markets. The problem with ‘Sharing Central‘ is that there are business reasons to hide negative feedback, put strong ID system in place, push people to write comments using quid pro quo strategies and more.

    Sharing Central is not evil per sé, but its main focus isn’t to provide end-users with full access to knowledge and reduce asymmetry of information. Goal is to maximize returns. And this happens also in other social media, as seen with Twitter’s recent “mistakes” for example.

    Ad-free social media like Ello are hitting the news, but how long they’ll stay ad-free?

    The so-called “shared economy” is just replacing the existing and often inefficient and/or ineffective intermediaries, with a new set of powerful intermediaries. While the companies backing all the share-central initiatives are somehow failing to see their true social potential, they introduced many people to the collaborative economy.

    Will these new intermediaries harder to disrupt? Maybe, or maybe not.

    The Bitcoin revolution and its role in the Share Economy.

    The Blockchain‘s biggest promise is still yet to be fulfilled, but it will soon allow us to share knowledge in a trust-less network removing or replacing the middle-man and his desire for control.

    Let’s discuss briefly some possibilities:

    1) P2P Purchasing Groups. People interested in a product or service category might collectively buy something. There are actually few ways to get this done:

    2) P2P Direct Selling. The blockchain would make easier for potential buyers to check out sellers’ honesty and products’ pros and cons. Sales’ traceability would make possible to implement either single or multi-level marketing approaches in a error-prone fashion.

    3) P2P Word of Mouth. Manufacturers and Service providers could engage with their customers and get them to talk about their products by incentivizing advocacy with gift cards, discounts and prize. Basically doing that Puma has been doing with its employee.

    I’ll be covering this topic more and more consistently, bringing examples of how Bitcoin (the protocol) can change the digital world in unexpected and unpredictable ways.

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