Upcoming Open Source Webinars: OCEG, OpenXchange, Red Hat
Open-Xchange Webinar – System integrators and resellers make the most of their open-source and groupware know-how with Open-Xchange.
May 24, 4:00 pm CET
Using Open Source Standards for Governance, Risk Management and Compliance – In this session, Scott L. Mitchell and the co-chairs of the recent GRC Glossary project will present OCEG’s new open source standards for discussing governance, performance, risk, internal control and compliance management. This initial effort serves as a platform for open sourcing many OCEG standards and resources.
June 01, 1:00 pm EDT
Applications in the Cloud? Now How Do I Integrate Them Into My Business? – Join this webinar to know more about the progress Red Hat has made in Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), how SOA and business process automation maximize the value of cloud and on-premise deployments, and more.
June 16, 2011, 09:00 am EDT