Users: Michael Dell enjoys 2.2!

Michael Dell, Chief Executive Officer of Dell, at home uses the last release of Ubuntu 7.04 (7.04, aka Feisty Fawn) on a Precision M90 laptop loaded with 2.2 (download), as results from his biography.

dell&dr evilDell and Dr.Evil by edans

While Dell actually didn’t address the demand for Linux pre-installed PCs, the company opened a linux community forum and later a survey to assess users’ linux demand.

Shuttleworth during a conference call with the press said that Michael Dell’s use of Ubuntu it is not an indication that Canonical is or not in discussions with Dell. He also added:

The only time I ever met Michael Dell was at a Microsoft Summit at their headquarters and I didn’t think it appropriate to bring up Linux there.

Technorati Tags: OpenOffice, Dell, Ubuntu, Shuttleworth