Italian Government: Others question Italian Politicians on Open Source Funds

Few days ago I reported that funds allocated by the Italian budget law to foster innovation by Italian local public administrations through open source software are vanished.

A couple of day later my blog peer and friend Stefano Maffulli launched a campaign (see the logo below), asking other bloggers to join us. Up to now Debianizzati, Geekplace, PlanetGnome Italia, Stefano Canepa, Dario and OS Revolution.

campaign logoWhat about the 10 millions euro? by Stefano Maffulli

I invite Italian bloggers – and among them Antonella Beccaria, Paolo Didone, Nicola Mattina, Dario Salvelli, Luca Sartoni and Italo Vignoli – to join the campaign and ask Italian politicians to tell us all the (open source) truth!

I really wish you all a great year!

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