Open Source Links: 04-07-2007

Survey: Windows loses ground with developers – developers targeting Windows for their applications declined 12 percent from a year ago, from 74 percent to just 64.8 percent. The targeting of Linux by developers increased by 34 percent to 11.8 percent. It had been 8.8 a year ago, according to the survey. Linux targeting is expected to reach 16 percent over the next year.

Open source investment up 33% in Q2 – Matthew Aslett keeps us updated: The biggest deal of the quarter was done by real-time Linux specialist Concurrent ($14m), open source ESB vendor MuleSource raised $12.5m.
Rocard se recupera de una embolia cerebral en IndiaMichel Rocard has suffered an embolism in the brain during its trip to India, best wishes for fast recovery!

What’s the Matter With Standards in China? – Jeff Kaplan reports that an official from a Chinese standards organization maintained that a standard is not “open” if it has any IPR in its specification. In his opinion China’s influence over the direction and content of the standards debate will surely increase, he might be right.

Microsoft wins Massachusetts file format reprieve – Microsoft’s efforts paid,  Massachusetts included Open XML in a new draft of the state’s technical reference model. I keep thinking that whoever wins the file format war, users are going to loose.

Six questions to national standardisation bodiesGeorg Greeve, FSFE President, is working hard on (office) open standards. I suggest him to explain the six questions.
Guide to Open Data Licensing – Rufus Pollock wrote a Guide to Open Data Licensing, a guide to licensing data aimed particularly at those who want to make their data open.